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Announcing Nations Cup #6 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Captain Applications OPEN!

Date July 14, 2016


Nations Cup #6 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Announcement

After having most of Season 24 cleared out of the way, save for the Playoffs and the obligatory awards poll – It is time for the best players of each country to group up together and prove that their country is the best!

The Cup will feature a Group Stage and a single-elimination Tournament, and will take place throughout July and August, with a possible break for i58 if needed. Each country will be represented by one team consisting out of players of the same nationality, led by a Captain chosen through the applications process.

Nations Cup #6 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Schedule

  • Captains Applications: 14.07.-19.07.
  • Announce Captains & Groups: 19.07.
  • Group Stage Round 1: 20.07.-24.07.
  • Group Stage Round 2: 25.07.-27.07.
  • Group Stage Round 3: 28.07.-01.08.
  • Tiebreakers: 02.08.–04.08.
  • Round of 16: 07.08.-10.08.
  • Quarter finals: 11.08.-16.08.
  • Semi finals: 17.08.-22.08.
  • Grand finals: 23.08.-24.08. / 31.08.-01.09.

No games from 25.08.-30.08. due to insomnia 58 LAN taking place in this time frame.

IMPORTANT! Since there are only 3 “game days” (excluding Fridays/Saturdays) for the Group Stage Rounds and Tiebreakers and 4 “game days” for the KO-Rounds we do encourage teams to make use of their roster of up to 13 players. Mercs will not be allowed! (Although we may be more lenient regarding the verification time.)

Nations Cup #6 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Captains Applications

National teams are created and managed by Captains chosen out of submitted applications. Each Captain will pick the best possible roster from among their countrymen and lead their glorious squadron to victory. There are no restrictions on which players you can field in your team, so long as they are of your country’s nationality and are eligible to play in ETF2L.

To apply, send an email to [email protected], explaining why you should be your country’s captain and describe your planned national roster. Applicants who have experience leading successful ETF2L teams and a good reputation in the scene will be given priority. This should be self explanatory  but you should include at least your nickname and your ETF2L profile link in the application letter.
Also please use the pre-fix [ETF2L] in your email’s subject, for example [ETF2L] NC6 Captain’s Application Germany.

Captain Applications will close on Tuesday, July 19th at 20:00 CEST. Only approved Captains and their National Teams will be added to the competition.

Nations Cup #6 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Everything else

The map rotation for group stages will be the following:

  • Group Stage round 1: cp_badlands & cp_gullywash_final1
  • Group Stage round 2: cp_gullywash_final1 & cp_process_final
  • Group Stage round 3: cp_process_final & cp_badlands

For the elimination stages teams will pick and ban their choices from the following maps:

More information regarding unlocks and everything else will follow very soon.


  1. wonder: 哟什 said:


  2. MoreBuckets! said:

    Where’s HL nations cup?

  3. Fuxx said:

    Nations alternate now. Last year was for HL, this year is for 6s.

  4. MoreBuckets! said:


  5. walters: 105 said:

    Who even cares about hl cups?

  6. wonszu: pen15 said:

    Please move it to the beginning of the august ;_____;

  7. Diplomatt: kW - 6>9 said:


  8. Chiefdog: woofwoof said:

    What if there are not enought people from your nation who can play?

  9. Ombrack: Top5rocket said:

    I feel like the schedule is slightly too tight

  10. cribbe: TC said:

    then you don’t play or sign up i imagine

  11. Domaytoe: (Certified Puntomime) - A51 - op_sqd said:

    sexy banner °J°

  12. kuli: (EF2TL Doatnor) - BMS said:

    England to leave everyone behind in early stages (gtfo brexiteers), to get beaten by Iceland in the GF (HU!HU!HU!).

  13. 4hp said:

    I assume season 25 comes after the cup? September-ish?

  14. adysky said:

    my country is gonna pound like every year -.-

  15. shaakeh said:

    Wish I could play for the Austrian national team lol

  16. Popcorp said:

    So I’m guessing
    Full Tilt + Nameless mix (kos and Sil to Nameless to replace Kaptain and Haffi)
    Lego mix
    Top5 Rocket
    Crowns + Dennia + Izon
    Improved Bagser five
    Some Polak mix team feat Wonder, Wonszu and Graba
    Improved Happy Farmers
    And AMS + Hank + Astt + Zoob? and 2-3 random High Finnish players I guess?

    That’s your top 8 teams if they actually happen.

  17. wonszu: pen15 said:

    Polak mix wont happen this year 8(

  18. Graba: TCM - ㄕサ said:


  19. Kiler4fun: SUAVE said:

    Humm I wonder who will be the Eder for the tf2 PT national team…

  20. letto said:

    Viribus unitis