ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 

Sunday bans, Staff changes

Date July 10, 2016

Staff changes

We are saddened to announce that UnitedKingdom hrbls will be leaving the AC team. hrbls has been an important part of our team for over two years now, he will be sorely missed. We wish him well in all his future endeavours.


Please note that, due to Valve’s recent changes concerning VAC bans, we will now automatically ban every individual with a recent VAC ban on their steam account. If your VAC ban is not TF2 related, please contact us on #etf2l immediately after you have received it. If you already have an older VAC ban and are not banned on ETF2L yet, taking further action is not necessary.

The following players have been caught cheating by our Anti-Cheat team. They will be banned from ETF2L for one year:

The following players have failed to upload demos twice, and have been banned from the league for two weeks:

The following players  have been caught with VAC bans affecting TF2, and will be banned from the league for one year:

As these players have not been caught cheating by our staff, their match results are not affected.

The following players have been caught evading bans or assisting in ban evasion by our Anti-Cheat team. They will be banned from ETF2L for six months – one year

Anti-Cheat Staff Applications

The AC staff is, once again, looking to recruit new members. We’re looking for two individuals who thinks they’re capable of doing that. Users that have already attempted applying for AC staff can also re-apply.

AC members need to be trustable and have a good sense of morality, as well as being excited by the detective work & the technical aspects of the source engine that comes with demo viewing and cheats and such. It’s also important to have no bias and be respectful of the democratic process on voting.

Please don’t be intimidated to apply, it’s a position that you can really only improve on with real experience.

Check these guidelines for a more in-depth description of the application process. If you don’t fill out the application properly, we will likely deny your application. Promising candidates with an extensive application will be interviewed and welcomed to staff.


  1. Solid: who is? - itsallgood said:

  2. Daul said:


  3. Collaide said:

    i love our ac team

  4. Boulbiatch said:


  5. Phnx: L_? said:

    nice to see 2 week bans when there is literally no games to play.

  6. JakescRzyy.: Team - 8===D said:


  7. dududul POPOPOL said:

    love u <3

  8. Callum: NASA said:

    rip hrbls <3

  9. Diplomatt: kW - 6>9 said:

    rip our playoffs

  10. 30.06: RATS said:

    rip our playoffs

  11. dududul POPOPOL said:

    rip their playoffs

  12. Netsky said:

    rip that quarter final game

  13. Dennia: FAINT said:

    vani ayylmao

  14. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    Thanks Hrbls!

  15. bobmus said:

    Hrbls [*]