Season 24 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Playoffs & Tiebreaker Scores
July 2, 2016
REMINDER: Teams must use cp_snakewater_u10 or any most recent version of the map due to known exploits and bugs in the u8 version used in this season. If teams are found to use u8 version of Snakewater in playoffs they will be punished, along with harsher punishments related to exploiting the bugs in the older version of the map.
Welcome everyone to the conclusion of the 24th season of ETF2L 6v6.
We hope you enjoyed the matches, and for the teams that made it through, congratulations. Here is where the poor and Irish get separated from the Gentle Mannes.
All divisions will have playoffs, all playoff matches will be using the Map Elimination system. Note that all dates are estimates and teams are able to negotiate other days by scheduling with their opponents.
If you find yourself on the list of these teams expect an admin to add you and request your availability, if there is no information or insufficient information given we will have to decide your match dates for you. Keep in mind that we will try and accommodate both teams, but the match date may still vary from your provided days, if for example none of the days match with your opponent, but your opponent offered more days than you did. Deadlines listed for the matches are flexible and may be changed in certain situations if admins are contacted about allowing extensions on these.
Premiership Tier Playoffs
For the Premiership Tier, we are going with what we experimented with in our Preseason cup, we are bringing double elimination to the game.
Match 1: Full Tilt vs
happy end
The losers of these matches will play each other in Lower Bracket Round 1, while the winners of these matches advance to the Higher Bracket finals and play against each other.
There is no specific time period to play these Premiership matches, thus the teams mentioned above may decide on the dates for these matches as they want.
High Tier Playoffs
For the High Tier we have decided to once again go with 6 teams with single elimination.
- 41 Pts.
Planet Express
- 31 Pts. Won Head-to-Head against
Team Infamous
- 31 Pts. Won Head-to-Head against
Team Infamous
- 31 Pts. Lost Head-to-Head against
Planet Express – Tiebreaker Score: 17.69
- 31 Pts. Lost Head-to-Head against
Stevie Wonder's Aim School
- 31 Pts. Tiebreaker Score: 13.22
- 29 Pts. Tiebreaker Score: 17.06
Playing With Matches
- 29 Pts. Tiebreaker Score: 10.96
Quarter Final 1: Stevie Wonder's Aim School vs
Vintage – Deadline is on 7th of July
Quarter Final 2: Team Infamous vs
Playing With Matches – Deadline is on 7th of July
top5rocket and
Planet Express will join the playoffs once these Quarter Finals have finished.
Semi Finals will be played from Sunday 10th to Wednesday 13th.
Grand Finals will be played from Thursday 14th to Monday 18th.
Mid Tier Playoffs
For the Mid Tier we’re going with 8 teams with single elimination.
- 36 Pts.
Gardienii Fortei Mistice
- 34 Pts.
Hard Gaming
- 33 Pts.
- 31 Pts. Tiebreaker Score: 19.19 – Tied against
Planet Expresso
- 31 Pts. Tiebreaker Score: 19.19 – Tied against
Planet Expresso
- 31 Pts. Lost Head-to-Head against
Planet Expresso
- 31 Pts. Lost Head-to-Head against
Deox fan club
- 30 Pts.
- 29 Pts. Tiebreaker Score: 18.19
throw sum mo
29 Pts. Tiebreaker Score: 16.88
Dayn Town
29 Pts. Tiebreaker Score: 16.00
29 Pts. Tiebreaker Score: 13.63
Quarter Final 1: SUAVY BLACK vs
:Blinky: – Deadline is on 7th of July
Quarter Final 2: #Passion vs
Planet Expresso – Deadline is on 7th of July
Quarter Final 3: Gardienii Fortei Mistice vs
Deox fan club – Deadline is on 7th of July
Quarter Final 4: Hard Gaming vs
muskulis – Deadline is on 7th of July
Semi Finals will be played from Sunday 10th to Wednesday 13th.
Grand Finals will be played from Thursday 14th to Monday 18th.
Open Tier Playoffs
For the Open Tier we’re going with 16 teams in the playoffs with single elimination.
- 42 Pts.
Less Than Three
- 36 Pts.
- 35 Pts.
- 34 Pts.
fasting and fragging for ramadan
- 33 Pts. Tiebreaker Score: 19.93
Louis van Gaal's Army
- 33 Pts. Tiebreaker Score: 16.42
- 32 Pts. Tiebreaker Score: 16.54
Goat Division
- 32 Pts. Tiebreaker Score: 15.61
enter the maksa
- 31 Pts. Won Head-to-Head against
Redundant Brackets
- 31 Pts. Won Head-to-Head against
Redundant Brackets
- 31 Pts. Lost Head-to-Head against
enter the maksa
- 31 Pts. Lost Head-to-Head against
Team 4 Friends
- 30 Pts. Tiebreaker Score: 16.8
FaZer Clan
- 30 Pts. Tiebreaker Score: 15.5
- 30 Pts. Tiebreaker Score: 12.5
JEPIC 3: Return of the Jediward
- 30 Pts. Tiebreaker Score: 8.33
help ive fallen and cant get out of open
- 29 Pts. Tiebreaker Score: 16.22
- 29 Pts. Tiebreaker Score: 16.16
29 Pts. Tiebreaker Score: 14.72
Ro16.1: 6kdrv. vs
stampede – Deadline is on 5th of July
Ro16.2: Goat Division vs
enter the maksa – Deadline is on 5th of July
Ro16.3: ramm vs
GECITAX – Deadline is on 5th of July
Ro16.4: fasting and fragging for ramadan vs
FaZer Clan – Deadline is on 5th of July
Ro16.5: Less Than Three vs
help ive fallen and cant get out of open – Deadline is on 5th of July
Ro16.6: Ratatouille vs
Redundant Brackets – Deadline is on 5th of July
Ro16.7: HerbsArmy vs
JEPIC 3: Return of the Jediward – Deadline is on 5th of July
Ro16.8: Louis van Gaal's Army vs
Team 4 Friends – Deadline is on 5th of July
Quarter Finals will be played from Wednesday 6th to Sunday 10th.
Semi Finals will be played from Monday 11th to Wednesday 13th.
Grand Finals will be played from Thursday 14th to Monday 18th.
Manky in High playoffs NotLikeThis
I assume the deadline is for scheduling rather than playing?
That’s correct, the deadline after all is just an estimate time we give for specific playoff rounds so Open playoffs alone, for example, don’t need to drag out the whole league itself too much.
As for the example I used, anyone who has played in Open playoffs up until to semi-finals before could understand why are we wanting to make a slight change like this.
Stevie Wonder’s Aim School being in playoffs despite not needing to win against any of the top teams is ridiculous. I’m not saying they are a bad team or don’t deserve to be here but i’ve never seen such a lucky season.
It’s such a shame autism isn’t a terminal congenital condition, at least then I would have hope that eventually I wouldn’t have to read these moronic ego inflating bait posts.
henghast shut the fuck up
-Said literally every season
shut up lol
u heard me
wanna fight
Ready to choke !
fuxx you cocky shit dont think cayuse ur team came 6th in a division of shit players that you can shit talk ME you muslim
les gooo gl all of us
sheepy dog’s hand more like sheepy dog’s face LUL
Can we all just be friends and play videogames?
Could you please communicate the exact deadlines for the playoffs in the non-premiership tiers a bit better and earlier? We probably have to drop out now because we can not play – and have known the deadlines for the round 2 matches (the next two days) for about an hour… Kinda sucks because that is not what we worked towards.
Not that it would change anything because we wouldn’t have been able to play tomorrow or the day after anyway and knowing that earlier wouldn’t have changed that fact but this is a little disheartening.