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Season 24 powered by Tt eSPORTS Premiership week 6 Double Bill: nameLess vs. Perilous Gaming & Crowns vs. PC Master Race

Date June 28, 2016


nameLESS vs. Perilous Gaming

Are you ready? They meet again, the big dog showdown returns. European Se7en take on European Full Tilt to determine who could’ve been Dreamhack Summer LAN champs. Se7en are going into this on the back off a medic switcheroo. Keep in mind that Full Tilt will be playing without regular demoman Sweden alle. So be sure to tune in with Ireland Admirable, England WARHURYEAH and England DavidTheWin.

Personal computer master race vs. crowns

Australia shredded autism, fresh off their 3rd placed LAN finish at Dreamhack summer, are standing in the way of Ukraine PC MASTER RACE’s chance to avoid relegation. The electronics enthusiasts need as many points as they can gather to ensure they won’t face relegation. With LAN bonding proving fruitful for European Unexpected, we could see a very strong showing from shredded autism. Who will emerge on top? Tune in with Denmark Beater, England TurboTabs and Scotland Sim to find out.

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