Sunday – Highlander Season 10 Week 4: Fair Enough vs. WASP & Highpander vs. The Bureau
April 17, 2016
Welcome one and all to feast your eyes upon 4 very exclusive teams reigning down from on high in Premiership! Our first game on the main channel features one squadron of salty men taking on another, Fair Enough and
WASP. Bringing these titans to your screen are none other than
sigafoo &
Heavy Is GPS casting with
Jon on camera over on BlackOut TV 1. Currently
Fair Enough are sat at the top of the table, 1 point ahead of
Highpander© in the runnings while
WASP are trying to sit pretty at 7th place. Who will win? Tune in at 21:00 CEST to find out!
But there’s more, always more! Join Maxi &
Honey Badger with
Arjax on camera on BlackOut TV 2. In front of them stands
Highpander© pitted against
The Bureau for their Week 4 game on cp_steel. Currently both teams are held high in the top 4 area of the premiership division. A victory for
The Bureau will earn them 3rd place heading into Week 5 but what will
Highpander© have to say about that? Tune in at 21:00 CEST to find out!