Gamer’s Assembly 2016
March 26, 2016
I’m going to pose a rhetorical question, since it is a fine way to start one of these. What better way is there to spend your weekend than watching some TF2 LAN action? Well in case you don’t know this weekend starting today Saturday the 26th at 13.00 CET and running through the weekend will be bringing you LAN action courtesy of France’s Gamer’s Assembly. Eleven teams both hailing from France and abroad will be competing for glory, honour and cash money prizes. Live event coverage courtesy of Admirable and
Twiggy with
DavidTheWin handling production, so be sure to tune in. will stream during the all event
Are more vods of matches gonna be uploaded this year as opposed to just the grand final last year?
Instead of all the good french TF2 players going to lan we get dmoule shitposting in twitch chat gg dead game
@Edgeward you are better off asking that question on the thread regarding the casting. They will probably have an answer for you.