Season 23 powered by Tt eSPORTS Premiership playoffs semi & grand final. Perilous Gaming vs. Publiclir vs. nerdRage
March 20, 2016
Semi final: Perilous Gaming vs. Publiclir
Imagine drumrolls playing and trumpets blaring for it is the final day of games for our dear Premiership teams! First out at 19.00 CET is the semi final between Full Tilt and
shredded autism. shredded autism made it there after dealing with other playoff hopefuls
Velocity eSports in two maps time. But the Brit lead
Full Tilt will likely prove a tougher opponent. As it is the last day of games we have the ability to look back at the records to find that shredded autism lost both maps back in week 6 to their competitors for tonight. That should give Full Tilt the edge in this matchup but when the passion burns strongly there is no telling what the outcome may be. Covering this semi final will be
Maks &
Grand Final: nerdrage vs. winner of Semi final.
Regardless the winner will still be faced with the big daddy of season 23 Se7en who were close to a perfect season had they not given up a point to shredded autism. The Se7en squad has been going strong now since their conception in Season 20 with two gold medals and a bronze to their name in the last three seasons. So they will be favoured against whichever team makes it to the grand final. Be sure not to miss the epic conclusion to season 23. Starting at 21.15 CET and covered by
Maks &
Sideshow to play the game of his life again