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Season 23 powered by Tt eSPORTS High playoffs quarter finals: 3/6 vs. Salty Frogs

Date March 17, 2016

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Why hello there, yes it is true. The fellows over at teamfortress.tv will indeed be covering another high playoffs game. Yeah there’s a game tonight, what maps? Well it’ll be snakewater, product and gullywash. Both teams sit tidy with 27 points to their name. But UnitedKingdom 3/6 got there through 3 golden caps while France Salty Frogs had none. Anyhow be sure to tune in at 21.15 CET with UnitedKingdom Maks, England Bren & Ireland Perko.


  1. TimTum: (ETF2L Donator) - myx said:


  2. Crayon said:
