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Season 23 powered by Tt eSPORTS Premiership Week 4: dd + 5 abs vs. Team Infused

Date February 21, 2016

Season 23 banner 2.0

In a comparatively undramatic turn European Velocity eSports decided to change their roster by switching out Germany feeling for Norway qnx in the Pocket role. This will be the first official game since said change. Velocity eSports were slung abs first into a baptism by fire, being faced with the two top teams European Se7en and European Full Tilt in Week 1 and 3 respectively. Despite that they have managed to hold their own against Finland Planet Express. Their adversaries for the evening European Unexpected, have managed to fight their way to a healthy 4 point lead by taking maps from Denmark LEGO and Israel Foreskings. Will the new pocket be enough to topple the unchanged Unexpected? Tune in with Ireland Admirable, UnitedKingdom CommanderX and England DavidTheWin to find out.

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