Season 22 powered by Premiership Week 6: Animate vs. #tf2center (Epsilon eSports by Fragnet Networks)
November 5, 2015
In a season where almost all teams have been plagued by roster changes it’s time for rebranded #tf2center aka Epsilon eSports to step up. With KnOxXx quitting TF2 once again the former champions brought in another French medic, namely
Bulle. Last seen fighting alongside longtime teammates
Flippy and
Tek at i55. The change should not be as unpleasant as one could’ve expected.
Animate on the other hand has kept their roster consistent, unlike their performance. Losing narrowly to
Danger Dogs but taking a map off playoff contender
LEGO. Tune in with two caster of the season winners:
Admirable and
Sideshow with
DavidTheWin taking care of production.