Season 22 powered by Premiership Week 4: Epsilon eSports by Fragnet Networks vs. The Last Resort
October 20, 2015
It’s time for a big one. Epsilon eSports lost their first point last week in a golden cap vs
LEGO will this lost point plant a seed of doubt in the Epsilon players? Or will the resounding voice of SEB bring them up their morale?
The Last Resort on the other hand suffered a heart wrenching defeat last week vs
Full Tilt despite revolutionising the sniper meta. They also switched out
Herr_P for
NiCO god's hand, will the frenchman’s return invigorate them? Tune in with
molesto and
DavidTheWin as your cameraman to find out.
Isn’t this match tomorrow?
Sorry I was confuzzled by time -raveling.