Season 22 powered by Premiership Qualifer: Lego vs top5rocket & Challengers Cup
September 24, 2015
Season 22 powered by Premiership Qualifer: Lego vs top5rocket & Challengers Cup
Hello there, tonight we have a large pot of mixed goodies cooking on the stove. First off we have the lovely LEGO who will do battle with the fearsome Frenchies in
top5rocket to determine who gets to play in the glorious Premiership tier. Both teams have a history of success in High and Division 1 and
LEGO have been a staple of Prem for the last seasons. But wait there is more for you this fine evening, Challengers Cup hosted by is a chance for up-and-coming teams to face off against top Prem teams such as
Epsilon eSports and
Se7en this will of course be casted live on stream by
Admirable ,
TurboTabs with
DavidTheWin on camera duty.