Season 22 powered by Premiership Qualifers: Animate vs top5rocket & Lego vs Danger Dogs
September 23, 2015
Animate vs. top5rocket
Get hyped for some pre season 22 action with 4 Premiership hopefuls. The people’s champions and last season’s High runner ups top5rocket take on another reform from last season’s High pool in
Animate have many players with Prem experience on their roster but
top5rocket has played together for a long time. Will we see a new brand of Frenchies in prem or will they be left behind in the dust? Casters are:
TurboTabs and possibly
Starkie with
DavidTheWin on camera.
Lego vs. Danger Dogs
Long lasting LEGO are looking to lengthen their league legacy, by landing the last spot in Prem. While
Danger Dogs are doing their darndest to deny them. Will the perpetual low prem Building blocks prove themselves once again or will the new dogs show them who that bone really belongs to? Tune in with
Ryushi ,
molesto and
Sim on the camera.