Insomnia55 TF2 LAN tournament
August 28, 2015
If you by some stroke of sheer misfortune somehow didn’t know, today marks the start of the annual TF2 tournament taking place at the i55 LAN in Coventry, England. Here the best and bravest will compete live for your amusement, unhindered by ping, to see which team can lay claim to the title of world’s greatest. Featured among the many teams participating are the 4 top teams from ETF2L’s Season 21 Premiership tier : Se7en,
The Last Resort, &
Danger Dogs. They will face their North American counterparts Froyotech and Ascent. All of this will be covered by our friends over at TEAMFORTRESS.TV and most of the information can be here or in their schedule. So tune in to watch these stars duke it out for LAN supremacy.
No one casting Turn^? smh