Season 21 powered by Tt eSPORTS High Playoffs Semi-final: Hello Kitteh Ninjas! vs. Foreskings
July 21, 2015
Another day, another semi-final this is the penultimate game before we bid adieu to High for this time. The winner here will go on to meet top5rocket in the Grand Final. Who it shall be will decided over these three maps: Gullywash, Process and Snakewater. Will
JackyLegs, whom
Admirable has called the best Israeli soldier in the game right now, lead his countrymen to victory? Or will
Hello Kitteh Ninjas! finish first, much like they did in the regular season? The last time these two teams met was back in Week 4, in that game
Hello Kitteh Ninjas! took both maps, albeit via a Golden Cap on Process. Tune in with
mana and
Jon on camera duty.