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Highlander Season 8 playoffs

Date May 17, 2015


This is the end of the regular season, and that brings us to the Highlander Season 8 Playoffs!

We’re going to the playoffs for all divisions, baby!

So, how does this thing work?
The top teams of each division will be battling it out with each other in a knockout system.
In the week of 11th to 21st May, the top 8 open, top 8 mid and top 4 high teams will get fixtures assigned to them, and in the end there will be one team standing per tier that can claim they were the best in their tier of Season 8!

Aren’t you forgetting Premiership?
Premiership is going to be different from previous seasons.
We’re going to host a top 3 playoff. Meaning a semi-finals between the 3rd and 2nd placed team.
The winner of that match will meet the no.1 ranked team in the grand finals.

This is the schedule we’ve announced since beginning of the season, and gives teams enough time to prepare for their matches.

Premiership Playoffs Semi Finals: May 17th at 21:00 CEST
European PremTech vs European Tourettes Chessclub
(Casted by  Norway Heavy Is GPSUnitedStates sigafoo on BlackOut TV )

Premiership Playoffs Grand Finals: May 24 at 20:00 CEST
European Tourettes Chessclub vs European Highpander©

Premiership Relegation Match May 23rd 21:15 CEST
Loser of High Finals vs Russia Unpoppable

Ok but what about the schedule for the other divisions?




Finals:  May 22nd at 21:15 European Mad? vs European SUPER MEGA ICE SKATERS FROM HELL KILLERS

  • The winner of this match will get an automatic seed to the Season 9 Premiership division.
  • The loser of this match will face Russia Unpoppable in the relegation match


Quarter Finals



  • May 23rd at 21:15 – Semi Final 1 winner vs Semi Final 2 winner


Quarter Finals



  • May 23rd at 21:15 – Semi Final 1 winner vs Semi Final 2 winner


  1. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    PM me if you find any problems, I’ve been drinking heavily since I’ve found out loveclop really played a match in prem

  2. Collaide said:

    lol hl

    am i cool yet?

  3. potte said:

    pizza 4 win

  4. Sabesaroo: Arti Rush said:

    the e-fame!

  5. Sabesaroo: Arti Rush said:

    also, still no prizes announced?

  6. Gas13: niveous. said:

    If the result of 2 maps is 2 GC wins for one team, should the 3rd map be played?

    It seems it should as the score is 4:2 and if the other team wins 0:3 last map, the overall score is 4:5.

    But I found nothing regarding this situation in the rules. Clarify please.

  7. Hajdzik: SUAVY - ㄕサ said:

    Gas13 no it shouldn’t if you won both maps, you won whole match.

  8. Clark: SDCK! said:

    Gas13, if you won the map – you won the map. Doesn’t matter if it was a golden cap win in playoff matches.

  9. Gas13: niveous. said:

    Thanks for clarification.

  10. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    -Changed the dates to reflect the scheduled dates
    -Added a clarification in case PremTech gets to the grand final
    -Removed HeavyShotgun after getting caught using a div 4 merc after being denied twice on the match page.
    -Added Hate This Game to the open playoffs.

  11. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    thank you kKaltUu, da whole kektek blesses ya now ))

  12. WML said:

    Can’t wait, Go Chessclub! :D

  13. foungi: 0fo - 0FO said:

    we might have to give the default win to mad in the high finals because we’d have to play with 3 subs and 2 mercs.
    even though mad and i agreed on playing on sunday at 21 cest, and upp didn’t have a problem with playing their relegation match a few days later the match got forcefully moved to friday.

  14. stephen said:

    do you mean winner of high finals

    Premiership Relegation Match May 23rd 21:15 CEST
    Loser of High Finals vs Russia Unpoppable

  15. stephen said:

    or does winner get a guaranteed slot?

  16. Hajdzik: SUAVY - ㄕサ said:

    Winner get a guranteed slot, second finalist play in relegation playoffs.