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Season 21 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Unlocks

Date May 14, 2015


Season 21 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Unlocks

The new items added for Season 21 include:

  • Righteous Bison
  • Equalizer
  • Manmelter
  • Powerjack
  • Splendid Screen
  • Claidheamh Mòr
  • Eyelander
  • Vaccinator

The whitelist can be found here: Season 21 whitelist

Edit: cp_granary_pro_b9 was just now released!


  1. spammyh: brew said:


  2. b_fisch: Muss Los said:

    V A C C I N A T O R

  3. woolen: BoyBrigade said:


  4. AmirBonk: whjat+ said:


  5. Lily: whjat+ said:


  6. BRASILGORILA99 said:

    ban powerjack pls

  7. JackyLegs: 4SKINGS - SDCK! said:

    Manmelter still banned? are you kidding?

    KGB? Mantreads? Huntsman? Dead ringer? Market Gardner? Eureka Effect?

    This list is really small compared to the amount of items that could’ve been unbanned, no TF2Pickup testing? it worked wonders last time!

  8. fluo: traphouse - ceo said:

    chargin targe please :'(

  9. eepily: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Incoming 40 drops in one game

  10. Angel of Hell said:

    where is my quickfix ?

  11. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    POwerjack might be a bit strong

  12. Pete_: PrettyGay said:

    switch vaccinator with qf pls

  13. Arjax: (Kappa Ambassador) said:


  14. dias: fSc said:

    really vacinator ?

  15. MEGAMIDDIE said:


    I’m going prem

  16. fnzkie said:

    pyro can be second scout

  17. Meeto said:


  18. Pete_: PrettyGay said:


  19. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    Glad to see some more influential unlocks being added in. Another step forward.

  20. Yggdrasil: Fe | said:



  21. Raptor: BTWFC - S-O said:

    i love the whitelist :D

  22. MIndYe: [hePPa] said:

    Holy shit more aids :DD

  23. Pstric said:

    Vaccinator finally

  24. Crαsh: pd! said:

    I was ok for the quick-fix but the vaccinator…
    Who’s the person who add this kind of manufacture of hell?

  25. BraveHeart: GOALstar said:

    just played a game with the new unlocks.

  26. RTC said:

    thank you for listening to the opinions of the community

  27. rockie said:

    how to turn competitive into pub

  28. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    Well you seem to enjoy pubbing a lot then rock :^)

  29. s0rex said:

    it’s like playing mini highlander game, i officially announce a memorial day for 6s

  30. yak: VNC said:

    is this a meme

  31. Mundi: dogs.tf said:

    hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah stupid trader admins
    when will trade plaza be added to map pool and 6vs6 become 9v9??

  32. mya said:

    is dis real life

  33. croix: traphouse - inVincible said:

    what the fuck

  34. frequent: Tory said:

    wait seriously? wtf…

  35. PdH said:

    i hope this is a big joke

  36. Henghast: open - bobs said:

    and here’s a list of weapons that will never see the light of day.

    That said I do enjoy a bit of Bison pew pew.

  37. Steve!: S-O said:

    powerjack unbanned, lft prem

  38. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    EleGiggle vaccinator

    Sonny is this you accepting the challenge of who kills off their respective format first?

  39. Falcon0408 said:

    lft demoknight

  40. JacquesLEB: hi im dog said:

    Whitelist went full retard.

  41. Lux: (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ said:

    tis the season to learn vaccinator :DDD

  42. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    Had random game crashes (“engine error”) tonight on cp_granary_pro_b9 tonight and so did a player of our opponents. Does anybody else experience this?

  43. Klefsas: DTown - WASP said:

    Vaccinator for free drops

  44. Morrow: (´・ω・`) said:


  45. Xigma said:

    P O W E R J A C K
    Waited so long :’)
    Pyro lft 6s’ open lol

  46. potte said:


  47. Maar said:

    Well, it seems like people are getting quite a bit more annoyed than can be rectified, in my opinion.

  48. letto said:

    rethink vacc pls

  49. piotrek63: BowDown said:

    lol 6s

  50. Shrapnel said:

    Splendid Screen is broken.

  51. Shrapnel said:

    Scratch that they fixed it, just the aids factor of almost invincible demo charging around chopping with swords in an fps then.

  52. zhs said:

    Vaccinator is one of the strongest pub items ? isn’t 6’season wrong place to test weapons ?

  53. Selek: Dr. med. said:

    Pro tip: Shoot the barely overhealed pocket with both rockets and bullets.

    …how can anyone claim that the Vaccinator is OP? It’s not even really up to par on pubs.

  54. Atzebumm: (ETF2L Donator) - Dr. med. said:

    Kritz bison incoming :-D

  55. Crizzl: WEED - DANMARK said:

    What is the reasoning? Do you just allow stuff for the sake of allowing it? It seems that way, and I had the same feeling last season.

  56. TheFieryBreeze said:

    I don’t understand the hatered towards new unlocks, sure it will slightly alter your beloved stale meta, but at least now people get more options for a more versitile game: new ways to counter, new ways to engage and most importantly – new ways to win.

  57. b_fisch: Muss Los said:

    changing the meta is the one thing,demoknight is just stupid

  58. Toast: WEED - S-O said:

    now i can play 2x Highlander :D

  59. Useless: TC.Noobas said:


  60. Meeto said:

    @TheFieryBreeze Most of these unlocks are shit anyway and don’t affect the game, what’s really bullshit is allowing a weapon as potentially broken as the Vaccinator with no testing or feedback.

  61. biskuu: HF! - pizza said:

    Every retard from Highlander who barely plays 6s commenting on how these are good changes is ridiculous

  62. jun0: (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - c u nt said:

    Righteous Bison > Everything

  63. san alex said:

    1-If your 2 scouts cant deal with a pyro using powerjack they are just bad.
    2- What pressure can a demo without stickies put? Splendid Screen is useless

  64. kronis: NASA - hi im dog said:

    Explain how vaccinator is good(even op?) ? Never used it.

  65. Lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:

    Powerjack is the only new item people would even consider using in HL, so I don’t know what you are on about. Vaccinator is and have always been the weakest of all the mediguns. It’s been unlocked in ESEA for some time and noone ever uses it for obvious reasons.

  66. Netsky said:

    kronsi: As far as I understand it, it is used for quick pushes after the medic has respawned and to counter kritz.

  67. Frawaires said:

    why won’t you allow market gardener?

  68. fonexi.a said:

    40 drops per game here i come

  69. Bloodis: (Legend) - (๑╹ω╹๑ ) said:

    I honestly don’t think allowing Splendid Screen or Vaccinator would be that bad since both weapons are shit and have barely any use, stickies are a lot more better anyways and you can’t turn around nearly as easily, and 2 second ubers with only 1 resistance is not as good as a proper 8 second uber.

    However, Powerjack is way too much, encourages Pyro play with barely any disadvantage anymore.

    I’d say ban either Powerjack or Degreaser, or better yet, ban all Pyro mains from playing 6v6

  70. PuzZle: Boys - GG said:

    Why ban powerjack? Pyro is a shit class and 10% movement speed wont suddenly make them OP lmao

  71. Nevo: /ff - Jamz said:

    Intrusted in seeing how Lethal Weapon are gonna play wth the Vaccinator, they’re always very creative with unlocks

  72. 4hp said:

    lol 6s

    btw if americans taught me something, is that if someone should offclass to pyro it should be your roamer. Scouts are too good to give up. But then pyro for roaming is shit and if your pyro is on the combo with no roamer you have a weak flank, so either you rely on your scouts to do a ton of work or you’re at a disadvantage anyway.

    prediction – people play around with the unlocks with 2 weeks then everything goes back to normal

    vaccinator is laughably bad btw

  73. Bulow: GG said:

    Lol 6s pyro is the worst class in TF2 XD

  74. Lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:

    @bloody “encourages Pyro play with barely any disadvantage anymore.”

    I’m genuinely confused. Anyone above mid div won’t use pyro outside of specific scenarios like last holds. The powerjack will not change the fact that pyro is an awful class where 8 out of 10 times the scout or solly is a straight upgrade.

    @4hp Who should offclass what depends entirely on the map, the players abilities in your team and respawns etc. For example on viaduct you’d want 2 scouts but obviously if you have someone like flippy or forsaken in your team you simply make it work.

  75. MIGHTY BURGER ツ said:

    So much nerd rage. So much of that sweet, sweet butthurt. So many tears to drink.

  76. AB said:

    anyone who thinks that these unlocks are op or will significantly change the game are incredibly delusional.

    a demo with no stickies or a medic who can’t deal out buffs or a team with a perma pyro… are people really worried?

  77. AB said:

    and just like with the dh, these unlocks have been allowed in esea yet no team use them unless they’re fucking around.

  78. Zesty: (blaster) - open - bobs said:

    Ppl don’t give vacc a chance.
    I feel like its really good if used right.
    Vacc + Pyro in dmixes was pretty aids because nobody could really do damage to each other and the team with vacc can just go aggressive as fuck early on in mid.
    I’d have to see in actual games though.
    Personal opinion, vaccinator isn’t op but has enough bugs to consider banning it, 35 dmg headshots, making kritz useless etc.

  79. harbl: Snack said:

    What are you all going to do when matchmaking comes in, Valve are hardly going to ban as many weapons as etf2l.

  80. doks said:

    vacc is total shit :D

    demoknight was awesome back in the day, but splendid screen …. so yeah not gonna see solidsnake plays.

  81. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:


  82. Chasing: TC: Ox - TC said:


  83. Bob Bami said:

    so is it granary or granary_pro that’s in this seasons pool?

  84. TimTum: (ETF2L Donator) - myx said:


    ‘Keeping it short here. cp_granary is out, cp_granary_pro is in.’

  85. CHICHO: F4oKICK said:

    NO Vaccinator

  86. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    Ballsy choices by ETF2L admins, I can respect that and maybe we’ll see teams embrace the new unlocks and use it as a chance to change how the game is played in some areas.

    Imagine TF2 players actually having to think about a new unlock and how it might effect the meta game. Like Harbleu did all those years ago for Tony Hawks Pro Skaters whilst using the Gunboats?