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ETF2L Scout 1v1 Cup #2 Updates!

Date May 7, 2015

Banner made by Yggdrasil

Are you seeing this? The first rounds of ETF2L’s Scout 1v1 Cup powered by Tt eSPORTS start at Friday, 8th of May – 19:00 CEST! Please bear in mind, there are limited servers available on both serveme.tf and ETF2L so book fast!

Signups are now FULL! However, the waiting list is open for those who still want to sign up. There is a chance you will be able to play when players (inevitably) drop out of the competition.


Groups can now be accessed >> here <<

This is your chance to eye-up your competition! Remember – the top two players from each group will proceed into the knockout stage next week.

Map and Config

Don’t forget that the map used in this competition will be dm_whiskas

The official config for the cup is etf2l_scoutdm

Here is the link to the whitelist. It can also be found in Whitelist.tf under #3490

Few things to keep in mind…

  • Make sure you have the right config and whitelist enabled.
  • Make sure there is only ONE player in your 1v1 team.
  • Players can still be added into the cup during the group stage. Check your fixtures every round.
  • Be on time. You are allowed 15 minutes before the opponents can claim a default win.
  • If anything happens during the match, contact an admin with your evidence.
  • Group stage is a best of one. The first person to reach 20 frags or whoever has the highest number of frags when the time ends wins the match.
  • Submit your results on time. We expect you to upload the status + scoreboard screenshots and scores 15 minutes before the next round at max.
  • The top 2 players of a group are going to the knockout phase, in case of ties we will use head to head scores.
  • As usual, record your demos and create screenshots. The Anti-Cheat team might request them.
  • Contact the admins if your team is dropping from the cup.

You can contact the admins by following this link


  1. Falcon0408 said:

    lots of groups with no 1 good player, but then atomic+night, superkopo+mrepic. no one else stands a chance in those.

  2. Kemor said:

    pls take yangpie away from my group thx

  3. Funs said:

    my group tho

  4. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    Love the group names.

  5. prof said:

    “If anything happens during the match, contact an admin with your evidence.”






  6. biskuu: HF! - pizza said:

    lazy cup by the admins matching Open people with High/Prem players

  7. sorsa: mooz said:

    Yeah let’s put all the prem scouts in the same group so the playoffs will have 2 good players.

  8. cmd: (ETF2L Donator) - LEGO said:

    @everyone whining about groups
    In this competition – it’s every man for himself. —–>No skill brackets, no seeding<—–; you have the chance…

  9. cmd: (ETF2L Donator) - LEGO said:

    quoted from http://etf2l.org/2015/04/30/announcing-etf2l-scout-1v1-cup-2-powered-by-tt-esports/

  10. piotrek63: BowDown said:

    Remember – the top two players from each group will proceed into the knockout stage next week.

    Haha, well, my group is obvious then.
    GL to Night and atomic in knockout stage.

  11. Hallow: P.O.P said:

    like if you wanna be top 3, the only respectable placings, you’ll have to be able to beat either night or atomic, realistically. if you lose to them the best you could hope for insignificant anyway.

  12. Hallow: P.O.P said:

    also my first opponent dropped. shall i expect a replacement and therefore be home by 19 just in case, or is that game for sure not happening?

  13. Morphine: (Cat Enthusiast) - 一一═デ︻ said:

    That depends if more people continue to sign up :) We are constantly checking and updating the groups. You never know! Please be home by 19:00 CET anyway.

  14. RTC said:


  15. nukkye said:

    Can you play your games before 19cet? earlier?

  16. Morphine: (Cat Enthusiast) - 一一═デ︻ said:

    Nukkye, if your opponent agrees you can reschedule your matches

  17. Bargal said:

    Good luck everyone and have fun.

    Also, i have a question: will we have medals after this cup? :)

  18. Pom0 said:

    What happens if both players don;t have a server to use?

  19. nijoonen: Gaston - 8-) said:

    Yeah servers seems like it’s gonna be a issue.

  20. san alex said:

    Damm so many good russian scouts with 100 hours in tf2 and 0 officials in etf2l. We shouldn’t waste talent like this

  21. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    map is more like dm_healthpack

    so aids

  22. t0ast said:

    Probably the worst DM map ever.


  23. Ecophagy: BAGC - RUN! said:

    FYI the config refers to “etf2l_whitelist_scoutdm.txt” but the whitelist is called “etf2l_whitelist_1v1_scoutdm.txt” so you need to change one to make them match.

  24. Everton1992 said:

    My group with 3 teams dropped :(.

  25. ondkaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    I like the map but you should make mp_timelimit 10 (like Quake).

  26. ondkaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    Oh and mp_winlimit 0 so whoever has more kills by the end of 10 minutes wins.

  27. repu said:

    map dug out from the depths of gamebanana?

  28. rodentslayer2332: POOTISTAN said:

    I agree with what scissors said, Map is literally dm_healthpack. Get 1 meatshot in, other player jumps in water get +75 health.

  29. Sabesaroo: Arti Rush said:

    still waiting for the heavy 1v1 cup

  30. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    kaja we have to make rounds really short because of time constraints. :X

  31. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    The map is fine, it’s so easy to punish people going for the pack in water.

  32. Zinson: урот said:

    Don’t know if someone already find it out, but if you change your loadout while playing on this map, you’ll re-spawn with full health. And it works anytime.
    So why didn’t you just make it mge?

  33. Bargal said:

    In Knockout stage: there is BO3 and this is 3x dm_whiskas?

  34. Morphine: (Cat Enthusiast) - 一一═デ︻ said:

    Bargal – it’s best of 3. So whoever wins 2 times first :D

  35. ivan: TC said:

    what if 3 people in a group share 2nd place