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Highlander Season 8 Powered by Tt eSPORTS Premiership Interviews: Fair Enough sponsored by TF2Pickup.net

Date April 3, 2015

banner by Yggdrasil

Choo choo, gamers! All aboard the Highlander Hype train for our next interview with the mysterious benefactor behind Slovakia Fair Enough.

Last season was a mixed bag for Fe – losing to the top three of European Tourettes Chessclub, European PremTech and European Highpander© during the regular season but taking all 6 points away from each other fixture and missing out on playoffs by a whisker. With a strong focus on teamwork and friendship, this is the hippy commune of Highlander. With one of the least changed lineups between seasons, that stability and positive atmosphere could lead them to the playoffs and beyond. Currently sitting pretty at the top of the table after 6-0 and 5-1 victories against Russia Unpoppable and Ireland Stacked respectively, the time has come to sit up and take notice.

European jakeowaty may have set aside his medigun for a while, but he’s still pulling the strings. We spoke to Jake before the start of the season to find out what Slovakia Fair Enough will be bringing to Season 8.

How did you guys feel the last season went overall?

European jakeowaty: We achieved all the goals we set for ourselves in the beggining of the season. Prior to the season we had some shaky roster issues, we lost some team members but we acquired some too. We stayed in premiership and that what was most important to as at the moment. Sadly we couldn’t reach playoffs, but by the end of the season we had really promising results which we hope to make our goal this season.

Can you talk us through the roster changes for this season?

European jakeowaty: Basically I stepped down while last season was still rolling due to being burnt out with the game. Decided to take the position of a manager of some sort and let the team rolling it’s own way while Switzerland HartzFartz took up the leader position. Obviously we got Netherlands skeej on Medic, but we also got Finland tonmas to play Scout. Team saw great potential and talent in him, so I am convinced he is going to be leading the flank in terms of damage. Lastly, Norway Zimmer had to step down as well from the main position so we got Sweden it's Mint to fill his shoes which again is a great asset. Rest of the roster stays the same, as there is no reason to change what is already gelling well.

You seem to be one of the most stable teams so far.

European jakeowaty: Yeah, a few times some teams tried to nick our players for themselves, but Fair Enough members said no to them without any hesitation. This really proves that the team we were forming for the past 2 seasons has worked out, with loyal and talented players all around!

How has preseason been? Have you been getting a lot of games in?

European jakeowaty: We are trying to get as many as possible with Hartz pushing the team hard with scrims, but we also try to schedule so we don’t have many problems with attendance. So far we have decent results, but our goal is just to improve. We have synergy already, so working out the details is just a matter of time.

What are the feelings on the map pool? Do you think it could be improved in any way?

European jakeowaty: I think adding both sunshine and warmtic is going to actually warm and freshen things up in a stale gamemode like Highlander. I’m still surprised maps like viaduct and gravelpit made it in the pool though, as gravelpit proved to be the most random out of all maps multiple times where a lucky Medic drop can decide the outcome of the match, and viaduct is way too cramped for Highlander. Lakeside would’ve been a much better bet here.

Who will your most important players be and why?

European jakeowaty: It’s like asking me who my favourite child is! I can’t possibly say that, the whole team is great working together and that’s why we stuck together for so long! Everyone as as important as the other. Finland tonmas, our newest member, has amazing results on all ends, top fragging on the flank and having insane DPS, which we really were looking for. Pair it up with Switzerland HartzFartz, who’s been brushing on his Soldier skills ever since he joined our roster a year ago and his infamous Beggars’ strats and you have a force to be reckoned with. Following up with Ukraine Death the death machine of the team, he’s never had a bad day with us, constantly throwing sticks like apples in an orchard at little kids. I still preach that Poland spawns the best Pyros around, and Poland Lex is doing everything to confirm that. Our permamerc for the season, Sweden it's Mint, already has a reputation he earned in European Kill Switch, so filling Norway Zimmer‘s shoes wasn’t THAT hard for him (love you ZimZam!). And obviously I can’t forget about our core here, Netherlands skeej and Finland Qnai who both have been irreplaceable. Netherlands skeej has plenty of experience from past seasons and has slipped easily into the hard position of a Medic on Fair Enough, and obviously, Finland Qnai, without whom the team wouldn’t probably exist this long! And, top that off, you have Germany Blooddrunk and Sweden Villdjack. Need I say that BD has been pretty much confirmed best Sniper by multiple people in premiership? And Sweden Villdjack – this kid is way too modest. He says he has bad days, but even on his bad day he always finds a Medic drop in the most ridiculous and unimaginable situation.

What are your aims for the season? Where do you expect to be come playoffs?

European jakeowaty: Definitely our aim is to get to playoffs. When that happens, we’ll see, but top 3 is our goal at the very least. Small steps got us where we are now, so we are going to keep the formula. Also, if I can, let me give a huge shoutout to Switzerland HartzFartz and Finland Qnai, both doing a splendid job getting scrims and leading the team just the way I would do it. Without them the team wouldn’t be where it is right now. And thanks to our sponsors TF2Pickup for their continuous support, be sure to check them out!

I can practically hear them singing round the campfire from here – it’s clear that these guys and gals really enjoy playing together. You can’t blame them with some of the performances they’ve been producing – Ukraine Death top fragged and put out a fierce amount of damage over both maps in the game against Ireland Stacked, with new boy Finland tonmas close behind. Switzerland HartzFartz has been doing the expected amount of work with ye olde Beggar’s Bazooka (his koth_warmtic rollout is pretty damn cool no matter what you think of the weapon), but is equally impressive in a more conventional role alongside his Scout on the flank. Latvia Clark stepped in to play Soldier on Process and performed admirably, adding strength in depth to the growing list of reasons to expect Slovakia Fair Enough to be contesting those playoff spots at the end of the season.

The next couple of fixtures are easier on paper. Prem newcomers UnitedKingdom UKIP and Russia WASP should be softer opponents than Ireland Stacked – expect Germany Blooddrunk to have a field day with any team that gives him any space. It’s difficult to see Slovakia Fair Enough dropping any points before meeting European Tourettes Chessclub in week 5 after the performances they’ve put in so far. Their results against the top three were ultimately their downfall last season – if they can take a result against one of the big names this time around, we could be seeing their name in the playoff bracket for the first time.

Thanks to European jakeowaty for taking the time to talk to us! Next up in our series of interviews: Russia Unpoppable.

Slovakia Fair Enough

Season 8 trailer by Russia Jack


  1. Popcorp said:

    “Next up in our series of interviews: Unpoppable ”

    Prepare yourself for a really short Interview powered by Google Translate)))

  2. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    wait … need use traductor …

  3. HartzFartz: (ETF2L Donator) - 0fo - 0FO said:


  4. Condawg: REMOVE said:

    props to whoever is writing this, really good work!