ETF2L Highlander Season 8 Powered by Tt eSPORTS Premiership Interviews: Tourettes Chessclub
March 23, 2015
With Highlander Season 8 just around the corner, it’s time to take a look at how our Premiership Division teams are shaping up. What better way to begin than with Season 7 Champions Tourettes Chessclub? Chessclub proved themselves as the best team in Europe with a victory over
PremTech in the Grand Final and they’re back once again to try to defend their title. Big hitters like
BreakfasT_Jr and
inso are returning to top the logs, but elsewhere in the lineup there have been whispers of change. We caught up with leader
Scissors to find out what’s in store for Chessclub in Season 8.
How do you feel about your title-winning performance last season?
Scissors: It was a good season, we played consistently well and had a good time.
How is your roster for the season looking?
Scissors: Well, all our baltic players are gone. Which means
atomic- and
Spreijer. We have found a new scout, moved
quintosh to solly and picked
cherryrendezvous up on engie. We just need a demo and medic now.
Can we push you for the identity of your new Scout?
Scissors: We added him to the roster already.
Lazybear is back baby.
What are your thoughts on the Season 8 map pool? Are you sad to see koth_reservoir dropped?
Scissors: Not really, honestly Reservoir was a trash map, we just happened to be good at it. Personally, I am disappointed in the maplist, Gullywash is gone and Gravelpit is still here, so that sucks. Sunshine and Warmtic are both decent, so it’s not too bad, and people seem to be happy overall.
Which players do you think will be the most important for you this season?
Scissors: Hard to say, since we haven’t finished the roster yet. Since we need a demo and a medic, two of the most important classes, it will depend a lot on who they are going to be. But I still think
BreakfasT_Jr will be our major ace compared to the other teams overall.
Finally, what are your aims for Season 8? Are you looking to retain your title?
Scissors: Of course. I am happy with the developments I am seeing, and I think that if we figure something out with our current trials, our roster will be even stronger than last season. So we are definitely aiming to win it all.
With quintosh managing to get himself banned from ETF2L for the whole Season, it looks like a new Soldier is going to be top of the list for Chessclub. Away from the drama, it will be interesting to see if there’s any rust to be shaken off for
Lazybear after some time away from TF2.
cherryrendezvous completes the flank overhaul having impressed last season with his performances for the sadly departed
Voodooh. If they can complete their combo in time, Chessclub look set to be a force to be reckoned with once again. The recent addition to the roster of
roban (formerly known as Yes) looks promising, with the Finnish medic looking to make the step up to Prem after an impressive Season 7 in Division 1. Meanwhile, 6v6 superstars
huhystah and
blub look set to take on sticky spamming duties.
Tourettes Chessclub
- Scout:
- Soldier: Definitely not
- Pyro:
- Demoman:
huhystah (unconfirmed)
- Heavy:
- Engineer:
- Medic:
- Sniper:
- Spy:
Thanks to Scissors for taking the time to talk to us and good luck to
Tourettes Chessclub in Highlander Season 8!
Lazybear is back? Why am I not playing… :O
great stuff, hope to see more of this
lazybear hüpe
I am glad you updated it at the end, did this interview a while ago, would have been really misleading if not :)
hey PROF how about interviewing the king of highlander, the creme de la prem, gaben’s prophet and chief wizard of the highlander illuminaerty?!
yeah i want to hear from BEEP
tell us how STACKED, the punter’s favourite, is doing!
u w0t roban
Way ahead of you asa, there will be one of these for every prem team. Hildoge is next :)
breakfast_jr is only good because he gets all the heals
also lol definitely not dicktosh :^)
inb4 b33p inerview is going to cause huge drama
inb4 noone gives a shit about highlander
Prof you are my man. knew you had this kind of talent but always thought you should have used it for something ! Looks like you found that something now :)
Also gg foungi, getting headshotted in the trailer even before the season starts.
pretty much the closest you come to headshotting me is seeing this pov B)
big r o b a n :DD
6vs6 superstar huhy
also hl FailFish
lazybear hype
“i dont want to play medic” – roban
much love, prof. gully neckle flex hol’tight