Experimental Highlander One-Night-Cup #6 sponsored by scrap.tf: Updates
February 27, 2015
With only one day remaining until the cupnight, we thought we might keep you guys up-to-date with some news to keep the blood flowing and the hype going!
Signups are closed
Thanks to our main sponsor for this event scrap.tf as well as whitelist.tf and tf2pickup.net (make sure to check our their websites!) we are able to give out 225 € in prizemoney + 80 € in raffles donated by scrap.tf.
Additionally whitelist.tf and tf2pickup.net will contribute 9 keys, 9 specialized killstreak kits, 9 strange weapons and cosmetics, 9 regular killstreak kits as well as several professional killstreak kits for the raffles.
As such, we’re distributing prizes between groups as following:
Top tier
– 135€ + 9 Specialised Killstreak Kits
– 45€ + 9 Keys + 9 Killstreak Kits
High tier
– 45€ + 9 Strange weapons/ cosmetics
Rules clarification
As we did not announce Highlander Season 8 yet, Season 7 rules will apply for the cup. You will be allowed to have one default merc. However, you can use more than 3 mercs, if your opponents agree with it. Please note, that every merc has to be presented and accepted on the respective match page nonetheless.
Abusing a map exploit where the player is able to get behind the BLU spawn on keikoku is not allowed. Any team caught doing so will receive a default loss.
Map update
Since the original announcement post on sunday, cp_keikoku_pro_rc1 has been released and will be used for the cup. Make sure you have that version downloaded and in your mapsfolder as well as on your servers before the cup starts!
Whitelist update
The whitelist has been updated. Please make sure you upload the latest version of the whitelist to your server.
The new whitelist is available here
If your team is using serveme.tf as a server provider, you can select the new whitelist when reservering a server. Go to League Whitelist and select etf2l_9v9_onc6.
If your server is equipped with tftrue, you can load our whitelist by typing
rcon tftrue_whitelist_id 3091
Both teams have the responsibility to check if the correct whitelist is loaded before each round. This can be done by typing ‘status’ in console if TFTrue is loaded to check the whitelist ID
As usual, our highlander streams will be casted by BlackoutGamingTV and will be made available on their youtube.
So tune in and watch all the action, scrap.tf has set up a raffle bot in the chat, which will post raffle links specifically for you viewers to win awesome in-game items!
I thought Cleaver and Beggers were unbanned
still shows waiting but stinson said it will be ok so i guess its ok
It shows waiting for everyone (:
:) can’t wait
Sandman should be banned instead of cleaver, beggers should be banned tho imo
So winners for top tier get Spec kits but runners up get Pro kits…wat.
George did you miss the 90e difference there between 1st and 2nd?
yeah everyone has waiting till wont see groups or something its always like this
No. But still…
It was a typo on our end, the professional kits will be raffled!
Keikoku last point is really really bad. Way too easy to defend.