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Announcing: Experimental Highlander One-Night-Cup #6

Date February 22, 2015

Approaching ETF2L Highlander Season 8, we decided to host a One-Night-Cup to provide some interesting maps out there with a little more playtime and feedback and give teams a reason to start playing Highlander again! And who knows? Maybe we will see one of the maps again in Season 8…

The cup will be held on Saturday, the 28th of February. Both fun teams and 9v9 teams may enter the tournament, you can sign up your team here.

As usual, the cup will be split into higher and lower brackets, depending on the amount of sign-ups. The top 4 teams from each bracket will recieve a shiny pixel trophy on their team page respective of their place to show it off to their jealous friends.

The schedule and the maplist is as follows:



The first map in the finals has to be koth_warmtic_rc4. The loser of the first map picks the second one out of either sunshine or keikoku. The decider, if needed, will be played on the remaining map. Please note, that cp_keikoku_pro_rc1 will only be played as a Bo1 (a/d). You just attack once and defend once.

The whole tournament will be held as a Knock-Out without group stages. Please make sure you have downloaded the maps before the Ro8 to ensure that matches are played on time!

The rules will be the same as the ETF2L HL Season 7 rules with the only difference being this whitelist, which contains the unlocks we are considering for season 8!


Signups close on Friday, the 27th of February at 23:59 cet!


  1. Selek: Dr. med. said:

    Aw, a Saturday, too bad. Interesting maps though, hopefully at least one of them is well suited for HL play.

  2. S@GA: MERKEL - op_sqd said:

    Praise the lord, beggars banned ж)

  3. Larath: /gE/ - GoodE said:

    Cleaver banned?! why steiny why :'(

  4. Sockx: ;) said:

    LFT,can play med on d2/3-6, just want to have some fun

  5. .zero: -chess- said:

    Why Saturday?

  6. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    how will we decide who attackts/defends first?

  7. Atzebumm: (ETF2L Donator) - Dr. med. said:

    Bazaar Bargain allowed? Isn’t the headshotcounter bugged on nocrit servers?

    And…why saturday? :(

  8. Popcorp said:

    @Scissors Heavy fist fight if both teams won’t agree

    And why would you ban Cleaver? It is one of those unlocks that actually requires Skill to use

  9. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:



  10. DyaWyb: (ETF2L Donator) - Let it rip said:

    Fetissi squad is coming 8)

  11. DyaWyb: (ETF2L Donator) - Let it rip said:

    And my team leader is saying that he cannot add the team to this cup. Seems that it is bugged atm .. ?

  12. Leila: :3 - :Blinky: said:

    can teams get mercs ?

  13. Leila: :3 - :Blinky: said:

    yeah cant join cup cause cant choose div

  14. proky: G said:

    Cant join the div thing is bugged

  15. 4hp said:

    loch n load still there? I sense a storm coming

  16. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    Fixing signup issues.

  17. maxxx.lfc: ⇗upp⇙ said:

    still cant join

  18. RTC said:

    Keikoku could either a blessing of epic proportions or a complete disaster.

  19. teej! said:

    will merc for any team x

  20. Fuxx said:

    Can merc/sub/whatever

    Demo: High/Prem
    Everything else: Mid/High

  21. TheMackey5: FM said:

    Where are koth_nippletwister and koth_wubwubwub? :c

  22. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    I would like admins to take a closer look at TheMackey5’s suggestions


  23. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    Sign ups should work now!

  24. Wiethoofd: (Newswriter) - LvG said:

    Whitelist changes

    – Flying Guillotine (scout)
    – Beggar’s Bazooka (soldier)
    – Partner + indefinite duration taunts (all class/pyro/engineer)

    – Panic Attack (soldier/demo)
    – Iron Bomber (demo)
    – Quickiebomb Launcher (demo)
    – Cleaner’s Carbine (sniper)

    Overview on whitelist.tf/etf2l_9v9_onc6

    Use this whitelist on your server with TFTrue installed: rcon tftrue_whitelist_id 3091

    serveme.tf server reservation custom whitelist ID: 3091

    Download & upload to the /tf/cfg folder on your server + execute:
    rcon mp_tournament_whitelist "cfg/etf2l_9v9_onc6.txt"; rcon mp_tournament_restart

  25. Sabesaroo: Arti Rush said:

    So the Loch n Load isn’t banned but the Flying Guillotine is?

  26. skyro: #SaveMelee said:

    i thought the whole point of the new whitelist was to whitelist as many lesser-used weapons as possible rather than pointlessly banning them when they have little to no influence on how the game works

  27. Meeto said:

    What’s the point of whitelisting lesser used weapons?

  28. Meeto said:

    Nvm I’, a retard and haven’t slep in 24 hours.


  29. Imortist: БРИГАДА said:

    Can play sniper(merc), add me for more information.

  30. Max: Fusion said:

    pls let me play someone ;_;

  31. jwso: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    well i’m out of this league

  32. Sabesaroo: Arti Rush said:

    cleaver or riot

  33. Lycan. said:

    At least the phlog is allowed..
    I’m gonna enjoy this a lot :3

  34. Cyber: ◄PmP► - SWPLD said:

    It says my team cant sign up? please help ):

  35. Sabesaroo: Arti Rush said:

    So it is Lycan. Why wasn’t that mentioned? That should be fun.

  36. Raelyn said:

    Genuinely confused why the cleaver is banned, yet the Loch n Load isn’t.

  37. bardoga said:

    Are there going to be ingame medals?

  38. Predemo said:

    Wot, after 2 days it still says waiting (after trying signing up)

  39. Leila: :3 - :Blinky: said:

    i need someone as merc demo/heavy if someone wants

  40. Predemo said:

    Still waiting

  41. Predemo said:

    Why doesnt my team get signed up :(

  42. faded said:

    lft, scout/soldier

  43. san alex said:

    50 teams in the cup so far, for a fun cup thats a lot right?

  44. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    Teams that are Not accepte yet are on the waiting List. Dont worry, everything is Fine

  45. san alex said:

    I know, I was trying to say that its really good to have that much teams in a fun cup. (on saturday) It seems that tf2 isnt dead after all x)

  46. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    57 and counting. i wasnt referring to you alex, people just panicked and added me already because of the waiting list thing

  47. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    Depends what you compare it to san alex.

    Sunshine Cup – 120
    Logjam Cup – 144
    Experimental HL Cup #5 – 40
    Turbine Cup – 128
    ONC: Sunshine – 57
    BFTP – 73
    Metalworks Cup – 127
    Quay Cup – 70
    Experimental HL Cup #4 – 48
    Vaccinator Cup – 48
    BBall #5 – 180
    MGE Cup – 195
    Ultiduo #4 – 195
    HL Experimental #3 – 32
    Process Cup – 112
    NA Rules Cup – 48
    Toxic Cup – 32
    ONC: Quick-Fix – 32
    HL Experimental #2 – 33
    BBall #4 – 128
    HL Experimental #1 – 42
    ONC Konkreet – 33
    ONC Foundry – 96
    ONC Croissant – 64
    Ultiduo #3 – 97
    Ultiduo #2 – 92
    Mirror Maps – 55
    Medigun Cup – 61
    Quick-Fix Cup – 52
    Ultiduo #1 – 138
    ONC Grack – 16
    EO#4 – 16
    MNM #8 -33
    MNM #7 -32
    EO #3 – 16
    EO #2 – 32
    MNM #6 – 33
    EO #1 – 64
    BBall #3 -128
    MNM #5 – 47
    MNM #4 – 43
    MNM #3 – 41
    MNM #2 – 53
    MNM #1 – 57
    ONC Obscure – 37
    4v4 KOTH Cup – 156
    Turris Cup – 198
    Paintball Cup – 77
    Sniper 1v1 Cup – 146
    Soldier 1v1 Cup – 380
    Scout 2v2 Cup – 128
    Instagib Cup – 54
    BBall #2 – 104
    Demoman 1v1 Cup – 142
    Scout 1v1 Cup – 151
    Arena Cup #1 – 64
    Watchtower Arena Cup – 26
    ONC Freight – 16
    ONC Fastlane – 8
    Soldier 1v1 Cup – 64
    BBall #1 – 65

    Disclaimer: May or may not be 100% accurate