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ETF2L Highlander Season 7: Awards Show powered by BlackOut TV @ 20 CET

Date February 1, 2015


Grab your popcorn and charge the soundboards, its time for the results of the ETF2L Highlander Season 7 award results! Join host Spain CeeJaey as he takes a trip through the past 3 months of Highlander with guests England Hildreth of European Highpander©, Lithuania Spreijer of European Tourettes Chessclub, Ireland b33p of Ireland Stacked and UnitedStates Nursey of European PremTech where the final results of all the polls shall be released from 20 CET!


  1. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    I bet none of our ppl will be able to join this one. Me + Tseini + Jwso coming late from Lan, Americans prolly not online that early. asc offline 1 week already. Sdb + polar + cobz all too shy for this. However at least 4 awards for pt ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9)

  2. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    Kk luckily Nursey saves us.

  3. asadawarf: #ΣDM - (°)> said:

    wtf did i miss the announcement about this or something? had no idea it was today, great :(

  4. slimy hairball: (Eat Your Veggies) said:

    I didn’t know, either. Fiddlesticks :(

  5. Samski: MPREG said:

    Scout – Sorex
    Soldier – Shadowburn
    Pyro – Stevepander
    Demo – Hildreth
    Heavy – Breakfast
    Engineer – Quintosh
    Medic – Kissikala
    Sniper – Tseini
    Spy – Polar
    Prem Debut – Shadowburn
    Caster – Ceejay

  6. Samski: MPREG said:

    Oh and Player of Season – Shadowburn

  7. jakeowaty said:

    Engineer – Quintosh

    my sides

  8. slimy hairball: (Eat Your Veggies) said:


    Scout @ 36:32
    Soldier @ 44:44
    Pyro @ 51:02
    Demo @ 54:40
    Heavy @ 58:54
    Engy 1:06:52

    Medic @ 1:13:42 (King Kissa!)

    Sniper @ 1:20:40
    Spy 1:30:05
    Prem Debut @ 1:39:00
    Caster @ 1:45:45
    Player of the Season @ 1:52:00

    Congrats to all winners,

    especially to

    King Kissa!

    and CeeJaey

    Also, Big Thanks to all who participated in the cast! :)