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Archimedes Cup – Round 2 & 3 of Group Stages abandoned until later.

Date January 11, 2015


Due to technical difficulties out of our control, we have been forced to abandon all of the Round 2 & 3 fixtures. This means fixtures from Round 2 and 3 of the group stages will be moved to a different day/time, which will be announced at a later time. At this stage I would like to offer our apologies to all of the participants, we did not forsee such problems, we feel we cannot continue tonight without solving them properly.




Sunday 11th January

  • Group stage round 1 — Today  – cp_badlands

Sometime in the near future.

  • Group stage round 2 — 20.30 CET to 21.30 CET — cp_process_final
  • Group stage round 3 — 21.30 CET to 22.30 CET — cp_granary



Head on over to see coverage of the Archimedes Cup on TeamFortress.TV stream as Admirable and Sideshow will be bringing live coverage of the event! There are still some games going on now!


  1. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    My team is ready to step in for whoever folds.

  2. Everton1992 said:


    When we playing?

  3. thecityburns: [TA] said:

    What about the teams who didn’t get to play the first game?

  4. san alex said:

    Please do it on saturday/sunday most of the people cant play during week..

  5. masterblokz: PRS said:


  6. jubba said:

    We got a default win at the first map, now we gotta wait. We put so much effort in our Badlands match though, so we probably need a break, lol.

  7. Shadow: [PPP] said:

    Really hope we can play this some other day. Please guys. Next Sunday/Saturday :|

  8. snappe: half - ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    shame that this happened but still a good initiation.


  9. call-me-tim666: ∆. - Δ. HL said:

    yeah not like next monday -.- please

  10. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    I understand that it was all messy, but it really sucks that admins decided to just award default wins to teams whose enemies forfeited instead of brining someone from the waiting list. My team practised a lot this week, and I felt like crap when I had to explain to them that we’re not going to play the cup.

  11. Parallax: kz said:

    do it tomorrow

  12. Serotone: #FreePat said:


  13. Sonny: m0. said:

    mafia!!! #ДАНСwithme

  14. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    I want to apologize for all of the technical problems, I feel personally responsible. Everyone at ETF2L and TF2center did their best to make it work out, special thanks to Arie as well. We will look at provisionally playing Rounds 2 & 3 next Sunday. Keep checking the website for more info.

  15. Shrapnel said:

    What were the technical issues out of interest?

  16. Ninjapatton: °UC° - °UC° said:

    I agree with the most of people, put it the week please

  17. morale: ez said:

    Please, if you are going to schedule it for Sunday, do it ALOT earlier please as if you have the difficulties again i want to be able to still have time to play the matches, not at 10pm. If not Saturday is far better as people don’t have work/school in the mornings

  18. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    I understand your argument cough but the dates were scheduled around the best playtimes after several years of competition for ETF2L. For a tournament with a fixed schedule, we have to be very general and compromise with the most appropriate time for the majority. I understand it occasionally means people will be inconvenienced or cannot play but there is no simple way around it. Saturday might work for you, but for others it does not.

  19. Nublar: kanye said:

    any news on when we are supposed to play round 2 and 3? im guessing we have to do it before this sunday??? or is that postponed aswell???

  20. masterblokz: PRS said:

    please have every match on weekends like sat or sunday, why are you making one of the future ones on tuesday? people have schoooool