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Season 19 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Wrap-up

Date December 24, 2014

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Season 19 powered by Tt eSPORTS – Wrap-up

First of all we want to wish all of you and your families a “Merry Christmas” and a “Happy New Year”. This year comes to an end and thats the best time to look back on our latest 6v6 season in the “old” format:

The 19th 6v6 Season of ETF2L finished after 3 months of matches across all divisions, and we finally know the champions of Europe. It is our pleasure to announce that European SUAVE, could claim the throne of ETF2L, securing 500€ from our secret donor as well as 6 Tt eSPORTS Verto Gaming Headsets courtesy of Tt eSPORTS

The VoDs of all playoff matches from BlackOutGamingTV and TeamFortress.TV are available on the their respective YouTube channels.

The winning squad is comprised of:

European Ze Knutsson Rollerbladers earned 2nd place, winning €300 and 6 Tt eSPORTS Theron Gaming Mouse courtesy of Tt eSPORTS. France Awsomniac won 3rd place, securing €200 and 6 Tt eSPORTS Metal Caps

It is also worth mentioning that Denmark LEGO won Division 1 this season, and we will hopefully see them in the Premiership Division next season! In addition they will be awarded with some cash:

Well done to the winning teams, please contact an admin and we can refer you to the appropriate people to collect your prizes!

All pixel trophies have been given out. In case you spotted a mistake, please contact the admin staff.

Even outside Premiership, winning your group is an impressive achievement. Here’s the list of group champions across all of Season 19’s divisions:

Season 19 Awards

Premiership players nominated, you all voted – here are the results for the Season 19 awards! If you missed the show hosted by Ireland Admirable, UnitedKingdom CommanderX, UnitedKingdom Sideshow,        England Jon and Germany Sonny Black check it out here!

  •  Best Player of the Season:  Sweden Zebbosai
  •  Demoman of the Season: England WARHURYEAH
  •  Medic of the Season: Latvia Mirelin
  •  Pocket of the Season: Germany IPZIE
  •  Roamer of the Season:  France T-Mac
  •  Scout of the Season: Sweden Zebbosai
  •  Off-classer of the Season: France Flippy
  •  Best Premier Division Debut of the Season: Netherlands kaptain
  •  Caster of the Season: Ireland Admirable

Season 20 reminder

ETF2L is going Swiss, and we don’t mean we are moving into making time pieces or holey cheese! This January is going to mark the beginning of the biggest experiment the modern ETF2L has seen. We are excited to announce that we will be experimenting with the Swiss-Style tournament system. We are excited to implement this system and hope that it will benefit all players with more enjoyable and closer league matches. Further information can be found in one of our latest news posts, just click here!


  1. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    It’s a wrap!
    Congratulation to Übersexuals for winning, well deserved. Who’s going to challenge them next season?

  2. Henghast: open - bobs said:

    LEGO to stay in div1/tier2/whateverthefuckisbelowprem.com and stomp.

  3. F2: Danmark said:


  4. Sorsa: mooz said:

    Can we name tier 2 “whateverthefuckisbelowprem.com”

  5. shoras said:

    Only if we name Tier 1 “Permiership”

  6. Meeto said:

    Only if we name the lowest tier “Div Sorsa”

  7. Zesty: (blaster) - open - bobs said:


  8. Raf: pen15 - hlpugs said:

    Rip div :(

  9. unu said:

    When do we get medals?

    only pro have this

  10. Kilgors: plēve said:

    merry christmas!

  11. Tseini: Damn! - 2MNYCHDS said:


  12. Ombrack: Top5rocket said:

    top5 ez

  13. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    Very excited for Season 20 =D

    Small correction: zappis was on that award show, Cx couldn’t make it

  14. Chopp said:

    honestly whats up with the medals?

  15. Pete_: PrettyGay said:

    hi medals thanks