Highlander Season 7 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Highpander vs. PremTech
November 2, 2014
Welcome the night that kicks off the 7th season of ETF2L Highlander! Week 1 will bring us the blood and gore from all around the continent starting out with pl_upward. Tonight’s act features Highpander© against
PremTech in a hungry battle for that early lead in the premiership table. Your wild, one-of-a-kind commentators for this evening are non other than
Heavy Is GPS and
CeeJaey. Prepare for the action starting at 21 CET, don’t miss it!
Match Overview
Highpander© vs
Week 1 (Premiership Division)
Sunday, November 2nd 21:00 CET

1 - 0

1 - 0
Highpander© [6:0]