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Highlander Nations Cup #3 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Captains, Schedule and Maps

Date June 22, 2014

Banner by stuntz


Highlander Nations Cup #3 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Captains

This is the list of approved captains for their nation. Only the people listed below have the right to lead their team into the Cup!

If you are on this list, you should have been given Leader to the official team page for your nation. If your nation has not previously participated, you may create a teampage yourself. If your nation has competed before you must use the same teampage. If you need help contact an admin!

Captains should add the desired roster to the team page as soon as possible, remembering the maximum roster size of 20. Teams without at least 12 players on the team roster (exceptions may apply) by July 6 could be removed from the Cup.

Please remember if a player has joined Nation X’s roster, they may not play for Nation Y. Contact an admin if you have any queries about this.

Highlander Nations Cup #3 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Schedule

Now that we know exactly how many countries are taking part, 37 which is three more than last year, we can create a finalised schedule. Luckily it will be in the same format as last years competition.

  • Captains Announced: June 22
  • Schedule week: June 29 – July 6
  • Groups Round 1: July 7 – July 11
  • Groups Round 2: July 12 – July 16
  • Groups Round 3: July 17 – July 21
  • Groups Round 4: July 22 – July 26
  • Groups Round 5: July 7 – July 11
  • Tiebreaker Week: July 27 – July 31
  • Round of 16: August 1 – August 5
  • Quarter Final: August 6 – August 10
  • Semi-Final: August 11 – August 15
  • Grand Final: August 16 – September 7

Round 4 and Round 5 in the groups are solely for the Groups with 5 nations in them. Nations in groups with 4 teams don’t play any games these rounds.

The groups will be announced in the coming days, however I will explain the format now. There are 37 teams in total which means there will be 3 groups with 4 teams, and 5 groups with 5 teams.

  • Groups with 4 teams will play Rounds 1,2 and 3.
  • Groups with 5 teams will play any 4 of the 5 Rounds, depending on how the fixtures are created (at random).

This will mean for Groups with 5 teams, you might have to play 2 games in the round from July 7 – July 11. However you will later get a round with no games, so hopefully that makes up for it.

Highlander Nations Cup #3 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Maps

Now we know exactly how many countries are taking part, we can create a finalised map schedule too.

  • Groups Week 1: pl_badwater + cp_steel
  • Groups Week 2: pl_upward + cp_intermodal_g1
  • Groups Week 3: koth_pro_viaduct_rc4 + cp_gravelpit
  • Groups Week 4: pl_badwater+ cp_steel
  • Groups Week 5: pl_upward + cp_process_final
  • Tiebreaker Week: Best of 3 picked from the map pool.
  • Round of 16: pl_badwater + koth_pro_viaduct_rc4 (decider map: cp_intermodal_g1)
  • Quarter Final: pl_upward + cp_process_final (decider map: cp_gravelpit)
  • Semi-Final: Best of 3 picked from the map pool.
  • Grand Final: Best of 3 picked from the map pool.



  1. Jon: ETF said:


  2. Snooki: VDOH said:

    gl hf

  3. Asaaj said:

    And there goes my chance to play :^)

  4. Crazyman: BM Kappa - [T-A!] said:

    Why do some countries get 2 leaders tho?

  5. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    Some apply as joint leaders, Crazyman.

  6. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:


  7. Spade said:


  8. Fuxx said:

    I like how you chose an unstable, unplanned, unscrimmed, last hour tape-ducted roster over a stable, planned, scrimmed and solid roster.


  9. LonelyWalrus said:

    lol i didn’t stand a chance

  10. kindred: myx - 322 said:

    i really like the estonia flag it looks like a liquorice allsort

  11. irfx: EPA said:

    Ukranian team is wrong in the post, the correct is here http://etf2l.org/teams/21088/

  12. kzr_: gR. said:

    Portugal – Kiler4fun


    Autor Note: I wouldn’t even play in case of any other captain for Portugal so I’m unbiased

  13. Selek: Dr. med. said:

    So… what is the Admin decision based on for deciding the German team to consist mostly of players that almost never play HL, and partially not even playing their respective class?

  14. unu said:

    Svärijéeeee. In Nijoonen we trust

  15. Beater: Danmark - LEGO said:

    What about the unlock rules? There are some new weapons you could try out and the wrangler is even more retarded now that demo has been nerfed.

  16. Russian Guyovich: (Surging Meat Cable) - [T-A!]LoS said:

    Belgium are fucked

  17. Fuxx said:

    It’s gonna be hilarious to see pro-nerfers struggle against the dreadful wrangled sentry


  18. Team mate: pHy said:

    Rip germany

  19. NightWing94 said:

    I am Honored :)

  20. 1pt: CC said:

    Hopp Schwiiz

  21. Alezilon: TC.Express said:

    1pt! 1pt! 1pt! 1pt! 1pt!

  22. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Disgusting, you don’t even let the highlander players play in the highlander nation cups? rofl. TF2 is dying slowly day by day

  23. 1pt: CC said:

    you complain too much scissors, you just gotta deal with it B)

  24. Henghast: open - bobs said:

    Damn I forgot to submit my application to lead Macedonia.

  25. Hot said:

    You can’t make a hl national team with one player Henghie. Fou need to find 8 more players with a computer each!

  26. Popcorp said:

    wow, i didn’t know that Switz has so many players, i thought they all extinct.

    GBD betrayed America!

  27. Hajdzik: SUAVY - ㄕサ said:

    BTW Canadians forgot to sign in.

  28. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    Tables created:


  29. Popcorp said:

    wow, you gave Americans most easiest Group

  30. So||o Wo|o: BESTIⱯS said:

    Why is there a 5th game if there are 5 teams in most groups and they only have to play 4 times?

  31. So||o Wo|o: BESTIⱯS said:

    PS: there’s no point on generating randomly round 4 or 5

  32. regen: .EXE said:

    I guess the 5th week is for overall tiebreaker games.

  33. Caeli: #T4F said:

    guys who don’t even care about this game anymore, gg.

  34. Caeli: #T4F said:

    pd skyler puta

  35. So||o Wo|o: BESTIⱯS said:

    Some of spanish players don’t have even tf2 installed and others play pubs :D srsbsnss

  36. san alex said:


  37. Peign slays dragons: snapeandjaptorc said:

    Someone teach me hl before it’s too late!!

  38. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    There is a 5th game in a 5-team group since only 4 teams can play each week (there is no one for the 5th team to play since it’s an odd number of teams!)

  39. ondkaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    There’s enough teams to make another 4-team group

  40. Bulow: GG said:

    But there can only be 8 groups so that the knock out stages will work.

  41. ondkaja: .:[aAa]:. said:


  42. f0rest: qkw said:

    Italy / Estonia / Ukraine

  43. Sim: (Streamer) - GM said:

    My fellow scots will crush the american scum.

    Just you wait.

  44. wonder: 哟什 said:

    plz remove wrangler

  45. 1pt: CC said:


    I went into the depths of ETF2L to find all these Swiss players.

  46. Fuxx said:

    on second thought don’t remove wrangler

    I found a way to adapt
