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New ETF2L API – Open Beta

Date May 20, 2014

This newspost is targeted at developers using ETF2L data in their plugins/bots/sites/apps. If you aren’t one, feel free to skip it.

We’re pleased to announce the open beta phase for our new API! It has been in development for quite a while and features a large number of improvements:

  • Most information related to competitions, teams and players is now accessible via new API responses.
  • Responses are more comprehensive and detailed.
  • All common output formats are supported. (XML support is limited though)
  • It is in active development and subject to improvement based on feedback.

Thanks to the initial feedback from a few developers, we believe most of the bugs have been ironed out and no more significant changes to existing responses are planned. We think the current version of the API is stable enough to be used and is unlikely to be broken by future additions – in the event that happens, we will inform you accordingly with the details of what was changed and how you need to change your access patterns.

Depending on developer feedback, the open beta will run for 1-3 months – after the V1 API is deemed stable, future updates will only add new responses and no longer change the existing structure.

You can find the new API and its documentation here: http://api.etf2l.org

The old API will remain available for up to 3 months after the beta period for the new API is over.

If you have feedback regarding the new API or would like to request a feature, please write an email to [email protected] or post a thread in the Feedback forum.


  1. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:


  2. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:


  3. stephen said:


  4. Meowwy: Gensokyo said:

    Nice work!

  5. konr: idd. said:

    smoothed and sanded with very few jagged edges

  6. nevier: (XD ͜ʖXD) said:

    can someone tell me what “api” does and whats the advantage to change it?

  7. Collaide said:


    I don’t get a shit. Wat is this?

  8. ondkaja: .:[aAa]:. said:


  9. ash: (Legend) - UNHINGED said:

    API = Application programming interface.

    Basically it gives you the possibility to access etf2l via applications, so for example the !div plugin can feed the site with players’ SteamIDs and output the respective teams and divisions in chat.

    Another example would be accessing the player transfer log, which you occasionally see in #tf.wars by the bot TF2News – which looks something like ‘[ETF2L|Transfer] BaR joined Saints’.

    So – its a way to access data on ETF2L via (external) applications.

  10. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:


  11. F2: Danmark said:

    I love it

  12. Kaneco said:

    This is huge news.

    Thanks everyone that helped developing it! :)