Just Another Banpost
March 18, 2014
We haven’t had one of these in a while.
Some players have been spotted with recent VAC bans affecting Team Fortress 2 and thus are now banned from ETF2L for one year:
Dzmi's Rules
Schalke 04 – Alt of
Dzmi's Rules.
Phil The Cat – Alt of
E4rl. Ban extended by 1 year.
As these players have not been caught cheating by our staff, their match results are not affected.
The following players have been caught cheating by our Anti-Cheat team. They are banned from ETF2L for 1 year:
Fender – Triggerbot
Jesse James – Triggerbot
The following player failed to provide requested demos twice and is thus banned from ETF2L for 2 weeks:
The following players have been caught sharing accounts to play official matches. They are banned from ETF2L for 1 year:
Carry on, citizens.
[drotalion intensifies]
Engy aimbot sick
haha drotalion
Dro told me that he won Solid in MGE and thus made him mad
made my day
drotalion :DDDD
noob down
420 engy meatshots lol
I hope our jobs are free soon
drotalion lel
Good comments so far, keep them going :)
Wtf Drotalion hahahaha
i thought engi having auto aim was just part of the game
how can you still be bad at engie when using triggerbot
Can we get a def win in hl? obviously Coopxr was cheating, so admin, pls
where are the french?
I knew this Fender guy wasn’t legit sniper, also rip coopxr, heavy is a hard class
rest in pizza dro lol
Why Drotalion got banned? If he DID used triggerbot, it was OUTSIDE of ANY Official League meatches
We need proof, Drotalion even cooperated with AC admins and only 1 person looked at demos and the person was the ragey AC kid who got destroyed in MGE
A friend of mine was telling me a while back that Drotalion was asking him how to do more damage with hitscan. I guess he just gave up trying to get good and decided to hack instead.
rofl drotalion is hacking? He was possibly the last guy I’d think was using triggerbot lololololo
“Why Drotalion got banned? If he DID used triggerbot, it was OUTSIDE of ANY Official League meatches”
so hacking is okay as long as as it’s not in a league match?
“Why Drotalion got banned? If he DID used triggerbot, it was OUTSIDE of ANY Official League meatches”
So you’re saying that if you cheat in a scrim it doesn’t matter at all? We have a strict policy against cheaters and it’s completely irrelevant WHERE one cheats.
“We need proof, Drotalion even cooperated with AC admins and only 1 person looked at demos and the person was the ragey AC kid who got destroyed in MGE”
First of all, I will never ever watch a demo when I’m biased. Then the “ragey AC kid” wasn’t the only one looking at the demo. Every single ac admin looked at it and gave their opinion. It’s not just 1 admin looking at 1 guy, we’re looking at those people together.
it was outside of leage meaches dw guys
RIP drotalion thanks for leaving us mid season buddy
Still, why would you request someone’s demo OUTSIDE of League matches?
If he was really cheating outside of Official matches, it doesn’t matter, you can cheat outside but play fairly when playing official matches, it’s up to Valve to VAC ban players who are cheating
Popcorp you genuinely are a fucking moron
You realise that VAC isn’t foolproof right? If it was we’d literally never ever need AC admins. To say that if someone cheats out of officials we can’t ban them is to say that we know that they aren’t going to do the same in officials. Obviously we don’t know that. Same things goes with a VAC ban here remember? We don’t have a clue why they got vacced but if it’s a source game then they obviously had a big chance of cheating in TF2 and therefore they are banned because they are cheating in some way.
tl;dr you’re a retard
You’re a moron. I’m defending my friend.
Im just saying, what can admins do, if you don’t provide them demos? Outside of League AC admins cant request your demos, even if a player won’t provide you a demo, what can admins do? Give him a warning or ban him without any proof?
Dro cooperated and he had nothing to hide, he knew that the demos admins requested were outside of League games, so he could just not provide them, but he still did
ffs drotalion
Like I said it doesn’t matter WHERE you cheat. IF you cheat then you’re not welcome here. If a person cheats in a scrim/pug/dm/pub/etc. he will also most likely cheat in an official. I’m sorry but that’s just how etf2l works. It wouldn’t work if we had this kind of loose policy regarding cheaters. Obviously not everyone likes that but he’s not the first person who got banned for cheating outside of officials.
Ok and what would happen if he didnt provide any demos? By logic you cant do anything, not warning, nothing, outside of ETF2L
If he didn’t give demos they’d have to wait until he played a league match but honestly he’d also look way more supsicious. The fact that he cooperated has nothing to do with it. The AC team looked at the demo(s ?) he gave to them and they then said he was using a triggerbot.
Yo judge/dury you know that guy you just sent to prison for murder because the evidence showed clearly that he killed the person? Yeah well he gave it to you willingly when he didn’t really have to cause you had no warrant so you shouldn’t put him in prison.
I repeat: Moron.
nice quote
Wow, someone is on his period today, aka Konr
he was hacking and provided demos voluntarily, wow he must be almost as retarded as popcorp
Popcorp, please
I aint mad you’re just dumb and I’m pointing it out :D
I swear drotalion couldnt even aim on engy rofl
Drama on this banpost is less interesting than previous ones.
Step it up etf2l!
>Steel Allstar Engineer Season 9
is pretty weird he gave up the demos that got him banned. next level
Genuinely lold at some of the comments on this. Fucking idiots xD
Had to be some badly written triggerbot.
Fucking hell drotalion
theres a bunch of evidence going around so if you want to try your luck for ac admin send us an email :)
TC Drotalion: must write a forum post
python: Okay, link me when ready
inc drama
Why would someone provide his own demo’s if he is using a triggerbot. Do it like coopxr did ;p
these germans…
no way hes cheating though.
why did you locked the thread … :(
Dude, your triggerbot is obvious, you could at least try to hide it. It makes your pathetic thread kinda silly anyway.
admins shouldnt get baited into discussions on a newspost
watching the mge demo is some funny shit
does this mean that Team Team Mate will get a default loss in every game from season 5?
oh no, pls dont do that.
can i have any proofs of cheating?
pls send me ur profs of cheet admons is fre leeg nd i deman
Wow drotalion. Rofl
also solid: So if it doesnt matter where you cheat, you should http://etf2l.org/forum/user/94182/ ban this guy too. They using him as sniper to win scrims and get a higher div. Ofc on servers without logs or stv. Heard that from a couple of players here. never faced him tho.
Messing with solid at MGE you sure like to dance with the devil haha. Providing of League demos was signing your ban, good job
This news post, so much golden comedy
You know, the thing is, I had nothing to hide, so I gave the AC team the Demos. They have something to hide so they had to lock the forum topic. This is my point of view..
AC admin will never say on what basis you have been banned, simply because this offers other cheaters insight in how they can avoid getting caught.
It doesnt matter if you cheat in official or pub, look at tarkus and matnun.
Also free baud
Just looked it up, baud will be free in 4 days :D
abaud time!
I am xXxJewLord420xXx and I know how biased the etf2l admins are (especially towards banning legit Jewish names to be used in prem div. AHEM PERMZILLA AHEMMMMMMM)!!!!!!!!!
perm ata mozez arbe bulbulim meod masriah
Just had a look at the demo he recorded from his MGE against solid.. He’s definitely not using triggerbot in that fight. This seems very unusual since he was streaming while he was supposedly cheating.
I would like to know how the admins thinks Drotalion is cheating, and provide proof of it. Links for demo’s would be appreciated, as the demo’s I’ve watched of Drotalion so far, was clean.
ROFL this is evil evil, this has got to be one of the most obvious triggerbot I’ve seen in a while. You know nothing about hacks, do you?
Droso: Maybe you should have a look at my steamprofile. “1 VAC ban(s) on record | Info
2967 day(s) since last ban”
Please provide a link to the demo you have seen of Drotalion where he’s cheating. Also provide your analysis and arguments of why you perceive it as cheating. Including frame numbers of the demo, for where you can clearly see he’s using triggerbot would be nice.
I’m not saying that it’s not suspicious that someone of Drotalions stature beat Solid in MGE. I’m simply requesting the proof where you guys see he’s cheating, as I’m not convinced yet. I know Drotalion has a decent aim but his gamesense needs work. On a good day, I believe he could beat someone like Solid in MGE.
I’ve been speaking to Drotalion on steam about this. He was on mumble with Solid and 8 others when he beat him in MGE. Solid was apparently raging at him, because he lost to Drotalion. At first, they thought he was joking, but they later realized it was legit rage. I find it suspicious that the guy who looses in MGE and blames his opponent for using triggerbot, is the one that gets to review the demo of his opponent where he was supposedly cheating, and gets to make the call about him using cheats or not. That is not fair.
I implore different members of the ETF2L AC team, to review the demo’s once more, and to provide a thorough analysis to why they think Drotalion is cheating.
I implore you, darling
also “I know all about hacks because I got banned once 8 years ago”
Well played AC team
Well played for Drotalion and the others
Have fun in tf2 :*
“I implore different members of the ETF2L AC team, to review the demo’s once more, and to provide a thorough analysis to why they think Drotalion is cheating.”
They did though, Solid’s comment a bit up:
“First of all, I will never ever watch a demo when I’m biased. Then the “ragey AC kid” wasn’t the only one looking at the demo. Every single ac admin looked at it and gave their opinion. It’s not just 1 admin looking at 1 guy, we’re looking at those people together.”
Admins won’t give you a “thorough analysis” otherwise more people would figure out the thought process behind it.
Besides, Drotalions aim is so aids, anybody that aims in the same way as he does without the use of a triggerbot will not hit the same shots. His aim is literally all over the place, and its fine cos whenever his spastic aim has gone over a player his reaction time of 0.00000000001ms + ping meant he dealt a fuck ton of damage.
Also please read the other comments so you realise that it isn’t Solid reviewing the demo.
“On a good day, I believe he could beat someone like Solid in MGE.”
mge24/7 player known for ridiculously good aim vs shitter with barely 1k hours in tf2
maybe his stats are reset or something but he literally has 13.7 hours of scout total
his vod was hilarious as well, idk how he hits 80 damage meatshots when solid isn’t even on his screen like 70% of the time
nice catch
“mge24/7 player known for ridiculously good aim vs shitter with barely 1k hours in tf2
That’s some serious reasoning here.
WTF 1 year ban for cheating? Cheaters should be banned FOREVER.
https://i.imgur.com/0cFAj2C.png lovely
Bloodyyy: HTT said:
March 19th, 2014 at 09:06
Wow drotalion. Rofl
also solid: So if it doesnt matter where you cheat, you should http://etf2l.org/forum/user/94182/ ban this guy too. They using him as sniper to win scrims and get a higher div. Ofc on servers without logs or stv. Heard that from a couple of players here. never faced him tho.
I can vouch for Bloodyyy. Its quite strange.
This Drotalion case is all strange in my own personal opinion. I’ve watched the VOD and it is obvious that he was using some sort of an aim assist, but at the same time it seems like Droto is defending himself like he REALLY didn’t use any hax.
Also Falcon you don’t call someone a shitter from his amount of hours.
If hours of TF2=Skill, then Loveclop, Lazyfinger and tons of TF2 traders with 5k hours that knows jack shit about comp TF2 would’ve been prem.
Falcon pls.
I like how people with no idea accuse someone of using aim assists after watching a single demo. Mike would never have made it if players would get banned from single dodgy aim demo.
NVM I just saw that german kid’s videos he is as guilty as putin converting babushkas in crimea.
permzilla is still guilty of racism tho #holocaustneverforget
yep Legoras get boomehs ass out of here for good, although I agree that one demo isn’t really enough to ban someone but you can tell from the way he aims he cannot predict solids movement in mge yet he hits so many shots on him, it’s pretty fucking blatant from what I can tell but maybe I’ve been aiming wrong all this time, maybe I should swing my mouse everywhere and have pretty dreadful movement and I can be the mge hero I so dream to be, I’m going to go download the match demo now as it wouldn’t let me do it last time.
good .
Tc noobas
There was a time drotalion got 30+ kills as engineer in a viaduct game running widowmaker. Thought to myself ‘god, im getting outplayed so hard’. Hearing triggerbot (allegedly) makes me feel better about that game.
log of said game: http://logs.tf/190409?highlight=76561198003032769
Good read, love ban posts; brings out the defiance in people ^_^
his movement gave me aids
“If hours of TF2=Skill, then Loveclop, Lazyfinger and tons of TF2 traders with 5k hours that knows jack shit about comp TF2 would’ve been prem.”
ofc that’s not what i’m saying. in 1k hours (and almost none as scout) there is no chance that he is getting good enough to beat someone who plays as much mge as solid
also i called him a shitter because he’s enough of a twat to use cheats vs an AC admin and stream it
Im feeling like Im in Zoo and a priest is trying to tell me with his bible that god created the earth on the *insert day here*day – without having any proofs.
But I guess thats how every ban post is like :D
What’s comp tf? Isn’t that a website?
another one bauds the dust
Spike wiped the floor with the last comment.
› AnimaL: bar is shirt
ffs like 3 or 4 months ago I wrecked this guy in a match and he didn’t even hit 2 straight shots and now he is consistently hitting solid with that ease, either hacks or super sayian, both are bannable
haha 3 or 4 months ago
definitely not enough time to improve
you’re new players have as ego as big as whale and skill has low as street bench
In regards to what Morphine is saying. I got into a fair few Engineer one vs one’s with him in that game, and almost all of the time I killed him, his movement is appalling. The fact that he picked up over 30 frags with the movement he had, makes me think there’s something fishy about him. Following that match he added me stating: “How are you doing so much damage with your shotgun, do you aim to a specific part of the body?” This just makes me think he doesn’t understand hit scan or dm fighting at all.
30 frags in a 30 minute game on viaduct isn’t really that special in itself you know
Did anyone look at his face when he was playing mge vs solid? Who even plays like that, seriously i have never ever seen someone play like that before lol
I get 54 frags in a 30 min via game #engy#is#hard#class
Please don’t request my demos etf2l AC team. #FreeDrotalion
“Did anyone look at his face when he was playing mge vs solid? Who even plays like that, seriously i have never ever seen someone play like that before lol”
I thought he was gonna puke.
Well, first of all, thank you everyone who supported me and believed me that I am not cheating.
I also want to thank those who watched the demo and thinks I am hacking. At least you didn’t blindly believed someone but get your own opinion.
Considering 16 People claims they watched the mge demo and the demo got downloaded 9 times (1 time a friend + 1 time anticheat admins) those who has no idea about the whole thing but just enjoy the drama : keep enjoying the drama.
But here is the thing. As long as I try to defend myself, there will be a drama.Unimportant the decision of AC team was right or wrong, they did a decision, they will not and can change that, since that would devastade their whole influence.
Some people’s hacks needs weeks / months to be prooven. AC Team could proove me hacking in less than 6 Hours. Good job (!?)
People who said I suck 2 weeks ago now say, that I was hacking soooooo long since weeks and all knew that, because it was so suspicious. Well why did nobody asked an anticheat admin then ?
I will not defend myself anymore. Will just accept the punishment. Not because I am hacking. Because I told to him I want to support and cooperate with etf2l team. I don’t want any drama, so those who loves drama can shut up again and wait for the next drama… whatever. We see us next year.
I told Lazybear * ( Last part – …. Because I told to Lazybear I want to support and cooperate …)
Watch closely the reload animation at 26min02sec :>
But its so obvious, your movement is like a player that just downloaded the game and tries to dodge with retarded jumping and running in walls, your face expression is so fake its funny, also your aim is so terrible its not possible you can even hit most of the shots you just randomly move your mouse around and shoot so weird, also when you aimed over solid your scattergun would stop reloading and do weird stuff, like its so obvious.
C’mon guys let’s all take cheap shots at someone that did something stupid and got banned for a year!
‘Some people’s hacks needs weeks / months to be prooven. AC Team could proove me hacking in less than 6 Hours. Good job’
– That’s what happens when you are so fucking blatant about it lol, why is this guy still posting
I just watched the MGE vod to hear Solid’s sexy voice
I am no ac expert for sure, but the part where he did the 90°-180° flick-meatshots was definitely the best ^.^
ok Lance Armstrong
Once a cheater, Always a cheater
bar is pretty shirt, never forgotten
AC will never prove anything. This is exactly what we need and don’t even know we want. Trust me, that can of worms would kill this league.
popcorp deserves a ban aswell for his point of view. Plz stop being like you are!
hey dro do you remember when you called my mum a whore, me an honorless bastard and my family a piece of shit cause no reason?
now you got your karma :)
that movement though
well i dont really believe an engineer really needs cheating and i dont think he would want to sacrifice his etf2l history for some shotgun kills . i dont think he was cheating
Did a pyro need aimbot?
Wasn’t there a pyro ages ago that got banned for aimbotting?
I doubt the AC admins would just ban somebody out of spite.
turkuaz: he wanted to get into 6v6 as scout
he wanted to trial for us when we were looking for a new scout(HL)
LOLOL the nerves of drotalion :DDD
Clearest triggerbot EVER, the demo in topic is full of trigger whoaw. wtf why even try act innocent :DD
btw. haahahhahahahahah