Evening Banpost
February 12, 2014
More players have been caught with a VAC ban on the source engine. They are banned from ETF2L for one year:
Players have been caught cheating by our AC team. They are banned from ETF2L for one year:
sunnyboy – Multihack
Skidoosh – ESP/Triggerbot
furypineapple – Alt of
The whole of the team White Lotus have been banned for 1 year as they keep on knowingly adding recently banned players.
Jeong Jeong – See above. Banned for 1 year.
Sabaafa – See above. Banned for 1 year.
darkshit3 – See above. Banned for 1 year.
Imperfect – See above. Banned for 1 year.
SWAT – See above. Banned for 1 year.
KiLLeR – See above. Banned for 1 year.
A few other oddball cases are detailed below:
Fassadin – Failing to upload requested POV demos twice. 2 week ban.
Pocoyo – Failing to upload requested POV demos twice. 2 week ban.
Neptonnn – Alt of
NePToNnN. Ban extended by 1 year.
dato hood – Alt of
GeNeRaL iRoH. Ban extended by 1 year.
AMQT – Alt of
reasoNNN S2. Ban extended by 1 year.
FrozZzeN – Mass of alt accounts, some of which were active. Banned for 1 year.
Holy banpost, Batman!
Also, something something about our friendly French neighbours.
Georgia = New France
Lol, congratz to the winner from the lottery!
That’s quite a few bans there
how is it that solly has a 1 year ban, he isnt active on etf2l or tf2 and he got his ban 266 days ago…
so many russians.. )))))))))))))))))
White Lotus lol
and not one single f….renchie was given that day
Good job team
frozzennnnnn. NOOOOOOOO
wtf georgia
New Russia bringing the hacking crown back east
It should be more than a year for furypineapple, he’s an alt of a previously banned player. Fearny.
lol l8r white lotus.
And I thought furypineapple was just better than me. Good to know that’s not the case.
i know some members of white lotus , they dont know any rules of this site … they also dont know anythinb about alt accs .. i mean they dont know its reason for ban :3
feel free to inform them about it so they stop making alt accounts
yo lazybear i think you left one guy out…. ;))))
Skidoosh IS fearny, unless I am mistaken. Regardless, Fearny’s ban expired and thus a new ban is applied.
Meanwhile, Tracker -st- : https://i.imgur.com/CYK9QIC.gif
Also this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRgWBN8yt_E
Where is the ban monkey staring into the air?
Alright, got it. Thanks, Perm, was looking for it for ages.
-Be in a team without doing anything wrong
-Leader adds banned players to the team you’re in
-Get banned for a year
There was a lot more to it Xacher. They were brand new accounts. Tons of vac banned alts etc and this was the simplest way of going about it. Also after we removed the leader other players still added new alts to the team despite several warnings. Of course we wouldn’t punish an entire team for a leaders actions but this is a different case entirely.
I get it now, the OP was just written in a way that implied that the ban was applied to the team itself, and not to the every player of the team individually.
how is it that solly has a 1 year ban, he isnt active on etf2l or tf2 and he got his ban 266 days ago…
You can get a ban without launching tf2.
For example by logging into etf2l with an alt account.
Yeah, but he was banned almost a year ago from vac
I think you can request a rulechange that etf2l bans connected with VAC should be 1 year after the date of the last ban, and not 1 year since the banpost. That would actually be a good change.
Georgia represent.
http://etf2l.org/forum/user/11184/ he works with his brother in America and they have one computer for two, so it’s not just banks
this is fuckin ridiculous
these georgians are kids that dont even know “why they are banned”, i mean they might hack or something, whatever, but they dont know why they are get banned and banned from etf2l i think. i believe they will continue making alt accounts, please, someone ban them on IP, i dont want to see the people from my country (SAME PEOPLE EVERY TIME) to be in the ban post. CMON!
this retarded kids make the country look like hackers
and also, this isnt RUSSIA! everyone listen, we are georgians, not russians, russia isnt georgia, everyone got it?
Bery: Do you mean they do not know that hacking or evading a ban might get them banned?
I agree they are giving your country a bad name, however…
the VAC ban might not be from really hacking (aimbot/wallhack), this might be from -insecure or maybe achievement hack, they are kids. they dont realize why they are getting banned and banned, i mean this
We treat every vac ban from tf2 equally because we have no way of knowing what actually happened. Only the users themselves and Valve would know the details. This is (in my opinion) a fair way of going about things, as sadly if one gets vac banned there are no details available as the VAC team doesn’t want to disclose what and how their system detect, in order to confuse cheaters. (This is also why they flag accounts and delay ban, so cheat makers won’t know what’s detected right away)
Our policy is to catch on to vac bans as quickly as possible, because if we don’t, users like Solly get an increased ban period because we saw it too late. This is bad for both parties. Our general rule is that users who themselves report their own vac ban to us gets banned right away without having to wait for the next ban post, which can in some cases be months apart. This is to promote people for coming forward and we really appreciate those who do. For those who don’t however, we now have a new system where we on average confirm vac banned accounts within a 2 week period.
-this isnt RUSSIA! everyone listen, we are georgians, not russians, russia isnt georgia, everyone got it?
Haha, they must be really bad at geography, like everyone knows that Georgia is in the United States and not in Russia.
I hope you are not serious xacher. Because if you are I’d suggest to be quiet and maybe google georgia and see that there are country and US state, both by the name Georgia but a couple of thousands of miles apart.
Pretty sure it’s a joke m8
lol, frixx
The funniest part is that my country actually borders Georgia c:
country of wine is banned, haha
nothing to say about this idiots
damn russians am i rite
jessica isnt georgian name, that is the question of State of America Called georgia :)
:D :D
That was the joke…
trust me, here are people, that doesnt even know anything about georgia.
nice, seems like we still have a sniper for the upcomming premiership hl season
“Our general rule is that users who themselves report their own vac ban to us gets banned right away without having to wait for the next ban post”
This didn’t happen for me. Can I get my ban reduced by three days, cheers.
there must be a mistake i dont see any french players banned… wtf ? :D
gj banning for not uploading demos without advising by mail
sunnyboy – Multihack – hhahahahaha
better call it sourcemod plugins on lobbies
lol anti-cheat admin (*rofl* Killari *rofl*) is to stupid to detect plugins on the server. Now, dear anti-cheat admin (*rofl* Killari *rofl*) next time just type “sm plugins list” in your console to learn something really interesting in your life. I swear that will change your role as anti-cheat admin. ;)
Cheating is cheating. If we allowed server side plugins what’s to stop players from using them? From hiding them on their own server in an official match? You were clearly hiding the fact that you were doing what you were doing.
You have 0 sympathy from me
[21:08:45] (Kanal) sunny: fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: Hey
Ziegenpeter: hey
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: i have played agains you yesterday
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: you maybe know
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: Can you upload some of your dmeo?
Ziegenpeter: don´t have the demo
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: What kind of cheat o you use
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: i mean, the name
Ziegenpeter: sm plugins list
Ziegenpeter: maybe then you know the cheat ^^
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: You know etf2l don’t allow cheats
Ziegenpeter: yeah that´s no cheat that´s plugin ^^
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: it’s a kind of cheat
Ziegenpeter: plz?
Ziegenpeter: then nobody who is playing etf2l cannot use plugins? xD
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: plug ins?
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: Who bypass sv cheats and sv_pure?
Ziegenpeter: nope
Ziegenpeter: slefwritten plugins
Ziegenpeter: *selfwritten
Ziegenpeter: Do you know what source pawn plugins are?
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: how can you explain sticks who appears somewhere and explode
Ziegenpeter: i show you the code
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: how can you said it’s a not a cheat agins others player
Ziegenpeter: i have never done something like that in an etf2l official. so what´s your problem?
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: it’s your etf2l account?
Ziegenpeter: http://pastebin.com/MxeJTv4H
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: It is your responsibility when you take thi account
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: you think you can do whatever you want on mix/lobby/pub?
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: you do that since more than 200 days
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: how can we be sure you will not use it on official?
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
Ziegenpeter: how can you say that i am using it for 200 days?
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: ùaybe not this one, but i know you used some medic uber charge boost
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: can be done by sv cheats
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: not only plug in
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: but iot’s not the problem since whe,n you use it
Ziegenpeter: you are an admin? in an etf3l official tftrue disables all plugins
Ziegenpeter: *etf2l
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: it’s not on all server
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: nor even on your personal serv
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: i don’t know
Ziegenpeter: do you want to come mumble?
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: no, i will play now
Ziegenpeter: lateR?
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: no, my english isn’t that good to speak about cheats in vocal
Ziegenpeter: and u are admin?
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: Yeah
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: we are not supose to be perfect english on ac admin
Ziegenpeter: can i talk to someone how understand something about plugins?
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: i know what is a plug in, what is server/client side etc
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: that’s why i’m ac admins
Ziegenpeter: i´m not sure about that …
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: if you want to play the funny boy, up to you, i will just close this discution
Ziegenpeter: we had tftrue in all of our matches so i don´t know what u want from me.
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: If it was server side or client side
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: Nothing more
Ziegenpeter: wtf? a plugin is always server side
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: i know, but , i wasn’t sure before you told me it was a plug in (or cheat)
Ziegenpeter: or do you really think i want to risk my account with that games
Ziegenpeter: so discussion closed ?
fnx. KillAri | ETF2L.org: yeah
Ziegenpeter: i just like to troll people with my friends :D
something u might add to whitelist next season:
I think you mistakenly thought we either only banned for client side cheats, or only for cheats used in officials.
In etf2l we do look outside of our own league and use material from anywhere we feel it is useful We have banned people for cheating in pubs before.
If you write a plugin in sourcepawn and use it to “troll lobbies” as you so put it, then you cheated. It’s a simple as that. A plugin might remove a danger from VAC, but it won’t help in terms of our league. Especially the nature of the plugins you use, gives you a huge advantage for obvious reasons, which i won’t go into detail.
If you have any more questions, hit us up at irc !acrequest #etf2l @ quakenet