Highlander Season 5 Powered by Blackout Gaming – Wrapup
February 7, 2014
Premiership wrapup
Another season of Highlander comes to a close, with this being one of the most exciting seasons to date. After an intense bout of playoffs, Kill Switch emerged victorious, taking home 500€ and the prestigious 1st place.
Despite finishing first in the main season, Highpander© fell short in the grand finals, successively losing both of the maps. Both they and
Kill Switch have had an impressive season, with neither team losing a single match and drawing against each other in the main season game.
itsallgood were division 2 last season, but have since stepped up their game and achieved third place by beating
DAROUTOUTOU. They subsequently fought
Kill Switch, losing just barely in a close best of 3.
Despite causing an upset by beating legendary and then undefeated SNSD in the grand finals last season,
DAROUTOUTOU were sent home in the first rounds of playoffs, missing out on the prize money.
SNSD and
#SDW both failed to acquire enough points to enter the playoffs, finishing fifth and sixth respectively, with the latter avoiding the relegation match by only a single match win.
le leglesslegolegolas xD finished seventh, resulting in a relegation match against division 1 runner-up
Stacked came out victorious in the match, thus relegating
le leglesslegolegolas xD to division 1.
Veteran Parrot Gapers dropped at the start of the season, thus giving up their spot in favor of division 1 winners
Tourettes Chessclub
The Premiership winners are (in order of class):
Dennia – Scout
ondkaja – Soldier
Candle – Pyro
EmilioEstevez – Demoman
43742340975439057043 – Heavy
it's Mint – Engineer
Hegee – Medic
kcot – Sniper
kindred – Spy
Congratulations to the winners:
Kill Switch – 500€ Prize
Highpander© – 350€ Prize
itsallgood – 150€ Prize
Highlander Season 5 Award winners:
- Scout of the Season:
- Soldier of the Season:
- Pyro of the Season:
- Demoman of the Season:
- Heavy of the Season:
- Engineer of the Season:
It’s mint
- Medic of the Season:
- Sniper of the Season:
- Spy of the Season:
- Most Valuable Player of the Season:
- Premiership Debut of the Season:
- Upcoming Talent of the Season:
- Caster of the Season:
Heavy is GPS
You can catch all VODs casted by BlackOutGamingTV here.
Who won your division?
The following teams have reached the top of their division, thus granting them a guaranteed promotion to a higher division for the next season. In the case of division 6, second place also guarantees a promotion:
Division 1:
Tourettes Chessclub
Division 2:
The Breakfast Club
Division 3A:
Professional Procrastinators
Division 3B:
Team Nein!
Division 4A:
Division 4B:
sBooB Team
Division 4C:
Emotional Boys 2001
Division 5A:
Rambase.ro Community Team
Division 5B:
Italian DM Heroes
Division 5C:
Chat 2
Division 5D:
Doctors Of Mediocrity
Division 6A:
Division 6A:
R u serious?
Division 6B:
Division 6B:
Unknown History
Division 6C:
Veally, Hinzy?
Division 6C:
The Tiny Waffles
Division 6D:
Chromosone Crew
Division 6D:
Ice cool Jacket
Division 6E:
Cookie Monsters
Division 6E:
Drop the Vase dv6>dv4
Division 6F:
Accurate Luck
Division 6F:
Pulp-Fiction Highlander
Division 6G
Grumpy Old Men Club
Division 6G:
Pixel trophies have been given out, and in-game medals will be awarded to winners and participants once they are added to the item schema. Medals will be issued to players who were on team rosters at the time of the roster lock, so you may now change your roster as you see fit.
Ye rambase u know it
Lazy taking all of the awards
thanks for the great season. it was intense and a lot of fun.
lol @ kaidus award, as much as I like him in 6s, this season emilio wrecked faces.
Tbh 90% of the awards are joke and didn’t went to the best plaers but to the most known 6s players.
how can 90% of the awards be about who’s the best 6s player, if Lazy, Mint, Inso and myself don’t play 6s? (with exception of Lazy being d2 and Inso d3, i give you that.)
The awards have always been stupid so dw
higps is the best caster? :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Much Norwegian flag, many prouds.
What did you expect ?
Awards were fine for the most part, I think nearly all of them went to the person who had the highest rating in those TF2 By The Numbers articles. Inso is roster riding in a div3 team and won’t have a sniff of play time.
“with the latter avoiding the relegation match by only a single match win.”
This statement is incorrect.
steve i dont think im known in the 6s community))))
omg lazy leave a bit of the awards for the rest of the ppl…
Demoman of the Season: Kaidus
@ Steve sorry but it’s a joke that the 4th and 5th placed teams got almost 50% of the Season awards when there were players much more competent and consistent through the season in those classes and who placed way ahead of them.
that logic is so flawed. Individual performances are completely different from overall teamwork. Also, why exactly is kaidus winning a joke? :D
Why? For me it’s because every game I saw of him in HL this season he got outplayed by the other team demo.
And particularly emilio had a much more impressive season, even more impressive when you consider it was a prem debut.
It’s not a flawed logic, the awards were a popularity contest pure and simply. And don’t get me wrong, I love kaidus and watching him play but I can’t recognise him as the best HL prem demo this season.
read it and weep shit nerds 420 blaze it
In seriousness though, highlander coverage really needs to step it up if you don’t want popularity contest results. I mean it happens in 6s as well, but I’d wager more hours/total viewers watched SNSD streaming pcws than they did watched casts of prem matches this season. No need to get on my dick because our scene is a shambles.
i really love when you present your own opinion as a fact.. Having actually played against and with everyone who was nominated, I can safely say it’s mostly spot on. You can argue with kaidus winning all you want, but in the end he was equalizing for the shortcomings of his team, much like tek and Flippy did. Just beacuse half of their team was not up to par doesn’t lessen the fact that they carried the shit out of DA.
I really struggle to name anyone outstanding from killswitch, because they were all solid performers with good teamwork. I saw a lot more individual clutches and game saving plays on DA and my team, yet in the end KS obviously proved to be the better team. In contrast, i’d say highpander was the best team overall with the highest average individual skill in highlander, but they choked pretty hard on several occasions.
Oh and by the way… the stats on vanilla are nice, but I don’t think it’s pointed out that SNSD never played a 5cp/koth map. It’s highly likely that if we had played then our DM classes at least would’ve ended up having considerably better averages.
Kaidus winning isn’t completely undeserved, since both Emilio and Hildreth play with constant support from the rest of their teams while kaidus doesn’t, and he still manages to perform. It’s an unfair comparison.
inso best spy world)))))))
Can we play Swiftwater next season?
Sorrow is prem, tf2 is dead
Gretings from Japan!
Thanks for a great season and thank you for voting for me! Good luck to Killswitch and the rest of the teams in the upcoming season!
See you in summer!
>scout is the most valuable class in highlander
funny how KS wins the season and only has 1 player awarded has best of his class. TEAM fortress 2 or Plot no jutsu
funny how people take these awards seriously
funny how people who mock these awards are really bad players who cant even get nominated themselves
Haha, not sure if serious
tutorial will run through every prem spy next season, mark my words.
@onv like u said snow did this season LMAO u always crack me up friend
snow won prem ;)
Inso is bad
@inso well i have watched very little to no highlander at all so take my opinion with a grain of salt ^^
I’ve known snow for over a year now and since I met him i knew he had alot of potential and he looked very good as of late imo . It sounds like you’re taking this personally for some reason , why ? That’s not against you or anything , I mean I started TF2/spying with your brother so us two share some history together aswell.
I still believe Tutorial is a different beast, and if you think i’m wrong feel free to make me eat my words, inso.
honestly i don’t really give a fuck about these awards i just find it funny that people circlejerk others they know to make people think they are any good but in reality they are really shit at the game. also emillio this is a individual award which was awarded to the people who played the best on their respective classes and not for their teamplay. congrats on winning prem tho it was well deserved :)
Emilio, do you have something in your eye that’s making you wink like that? Is it a tear of gratitude for Snow, as he carried your third best (at most!!!) ass to prem glory???
take it easy you all, we play this game for fun yeah? and cash $$$ ofc haha
no drama only peace xoxo
I find it sad only one player from ks got the prestigious awards.
Heege- is by far the best medic i have ever played with and is so so underated he rarely makes mistakes and if he does its normally not his fault. His team play super aggressive yet he gets him self out self out of impossible situations sometimes. Without heege ks wouldnt have won prem imo.
kcot – to me hes up there with fillpy and tviq and all the other top euro snipers. I know he gets alot of hate for playing with his crazy high ping but the fact he stays up at crazy hours to play and practice with his team to me shows great dedication.
Emlio – For me there is no better highlander demo, i have known him and played with him like 2 years now. And i know how much time and effort hes put into highlander. Since i have know him hes barely missed a skrim or match. Hes worked so hard to get to where hes at. Hes ks main caller and he makes stuff happen for them. He could easily be a top 6’s demo if he put any time or effort into it but to me its nice to see a demo thats actually commited to hl and doesn’t chase the glory or fame of the 6’s circle jerk.
While kadius is properly the most exciting and best and popular demo to watch hes no where near the most effective in hl. In fact one of the highlights of the season for me was when da put a scout at 2nd point at badwater to stop his fancy jump routine :P
Jamal – As a heavy main and ex heavy of ks this guy has done crazy well. I have followed ks from afar and this guys keep topping the logs and stats most time i see him. I have watched him a lot trying to pick up tips and tricks trying to work out how he does it . He just seems in the perfect position every time to get the clean up and follow up kills. Hes the best heavy in eu atm he makes a very hard class look very easy.
Also shout out to pancake. Hes the one who put the team together and kept the team together through hard times. Even though he rarely plays hes always there supporting the team Organizing their skrims and matches. I have never known some one more dedicated to a team that gets so little credit for it. Hes the unsung hero and leader of ks :)
I might be a bit biased cause i used to be in ks but its nice to see a team that have worked there way up from the bottom to the top.
That is all
My opinion will be controversial and once again people will say i’m rude or an asshole for saying stuff like that .. i don’t mean to hurt any feelings just pointing out something.
it bothers me seeing so much unjusified ego around me sorry
it seems to me like alot of prem highlander players/teams think they are better than they are in reality , and the only reason they are “at the top” is because the real good players actually left OR simply stopped giving a shit about this game. That is called being the best “by default”
I think these people will recognize themselves in my statement without any problem , not gonna name any names .
If you ask me, the season 3’s SNSD with full roster and fully motivated players beats every S6 team without any exeption , just like Bighomer would wash the floor with every current spy in europe if he was still giving a fuck about spy :D
that is just my theory ofc you’re allowed to disagree with me.
have a nice day