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One Night Cup: Sunshine

Date January 24, 2014

cp_sunshine_b2 – One Night Cup

We had originally intended to quickly throw in a one night cup on koth_coalplant, but since it has proven too FPS heavy for too many players, and is for that reason also not included in Season 17’s map pool, we’re switching things up a bit and decided to try out another newcomer: cp_sunshine.

The cup will be held on Wednesday the 29th of January. Both fun teams and 6v6 teams can enter the tournament, so sign up your team here. Signups will close at 23:59 on Tuesday the 28th.

We will be using the latest version of the map, which currently is cp_sunshine_b2. If the map creator releases a new version before the start of the cup, we will be using that (and of course we’ll let you know!).

As usual, the cup will be split into higher and lower brackets, depending on the amount of sign-ups. The top 4 teams from each bracket will recieve a shiny pixel trophy on their team page respective of their place and bragging rights.

The schedule is as follows –

  • 20:00 – Ro16 Starts
  • 20:45 – Ro8 Starts
  • 21:30 – Ro4 Starts
  • 22:15 – Finals Start

Depending on the amount of signups, 20.00 CET might actually be a Ro32, and the finals will be planned for another day (more on that later, if applicable).
Each round will be a bo1 on cp_sunshine_b2. Please make sure you have downloaded the map before the Ro16 to ensure that matches are played on time!

The rules will be the same as the ETF2L Season 17 rules with the exception of a change in the merc rule – A team may use 2 mercs by default and 3 if the opponents agree. Any disagreement with merc usage can be disputed by contacting an admin here.


  1. DamnEasy said:

    yay cp sunshine

  2. kaidus: 7 - WiK? said:

    can merc

  3. lawrence said:


  4. BenBazinga: Garlic.tf said:


  5. Droidster: tavi said:

    I love you so much

  6. basshead: mid said:

    got an official halfway through, woops

  7. ISIGlarsbreuer said:

    got official that day

  8. $£rb€ñ said:

    $£rb€ñ the destroyer

  9. kronis: NASA - hi im dog said:

    What is this map?

  10. jimb0t: -ƒ$-BLAHAJ said:

    YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES, I’ve been wanting a cup on this map for ages :D

  11. Morgus said:

    Can play

  12. SorroW: iveR - VDOH said:

    cu there bitcheZ

  13. General CaspeR: YH said:

    vzem vam kaput xyovi

  14. kronis: NASA - hi im dog said:

    FFS – sniper-friendly map. INB4 broken keyboard

  15. Droidster: tavi said:

    Kronis is an angry russian

  16. Vermilion said:

    Love this map <3

  17. kronis: NASA - hi im dog said:

    I aint no russian, boy.

  18. lune said:

    This map seems huge, will enjoy

  19. Valeria said:

    Huh, etf2l members testing 1 new map, woo, lets get this across every competitive maps made by people. Not enough testers means no new maps for the season. This map only really got that far due to a group of competitive players testing it during alpha.

  20. Fluffy Meowington: TC.Potat said:

    Map seems alright, let’s do this.