ETF2L vs UGC Admin Showmatch!
July 13, 2013
ETF2L vs UGC Admin Showmatch!
After long-drawn secret negotiations in an undisclosed location somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, the ETF2L and UGC staff have decided to see which league is superior. Naturally, the manner chosen for this is a match in the game both leagues run for, Team Fortress 2. The match will be played in the Highlander format on the 14th of July at 21 CEST. Which league will prevail?
Watch live video from vanillatvorg on www.twitch.tvEver since this match was organised we, the ETF2L staff, have spent 10 hours a day practising on a training camp in a remote location in Central Europe, honing our skills to the level required to beat our counterparts. After careful consideration (also known as asking who are available) we have picked the best roster to represent us in the match:
Scout – Lyrete
Soldier – Sonny Black
Pyro – Black_Bob
Demoman – nTraum
Heavy – kKaltUu
Engineer – JohnnyBambo
Medic – Spike Himself
Sniper – CanFo
Spy – Permzilla
UGC has chosen this other roster to face us:
Scout – Gregor/
Soldier – Khaleesi/
Pyro – Roman Anderson/
Demoman – C0LD--/
Heavy – Inf/
Engineer – HelenAngel/
Medic – Heiny/
Roman Anderson
Sniper – Kumori
Spy – Dandere/
The maps being played in the match are koth_ashville and pl_swiftwater_ugc with a possible third map as a decider if neither team wins both maps. Ashville will be played on an European server with the ETF2L ruleset, while Swiftwater will be played on a North American server with the UGC ruleset in place.
This match will be casted by VanillaTV with Haydn and
Skully on the microphones and
BoneS on the camera. Tune in at 21 CEST on Sunday!
Spike Himself might as well just hand himself over to the enemy Spy
<3 you Bob
Enjoy getting stabbed Spike!
easy win for etf2l
What quin said :D
ez pz
come @ us etf2l
what did I get myself into :D
wrong b0nes
^ dat, what is this bs..
Terribly sorry, my mistake. Too many Bones
Who the fuck chose Lyrete for this team?
Thanks for this useful post btw.
♪(ノ´∀`*)ノBOB YOU CAN DO IT!
Thanks for the support Nroski.
oh hei, stop giving bob false hope
Dis gon b goud
Dam good game dude :)
the payload map was very easy
“Why is everyone suiciding?” – CanFo
Thanks Arie! <3