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Insomnia49 Team Fortress 2 Online Qualifier

Date July 1, 2013

Watch live video from teamfortresstv on www.twitch.tv

Oh hi guys its the tallest TF2 admin ever Tapley here.

Before i retire i’m pulling out all the stops to make I49 the best event you’ve ever seen.
Aussies? – Check.
Yanks? – Check.
Europes elite? – Check.
Over 400 TF2 players ready to drink, rocket jump and grope each other? – Check, Check and Check.
Now one thing that makes lan better, is more teams! Whats the best way of getting more teams? Giving away tickets thats how.

So i’m creating a 2 night tournament with the final on whatever day is best for you in July.

Please view this news post for more info or go to the tournament page over here.

-The Tournament is welcome to any non premiership players from this season as i think they’ve already had enough support from the community in terms of fund raisers and sponsors etc so lets give you keyboard and mouse challenged some prizes!
(Message me if you are unsure of a players eligability)

– Please can only teams interested in attending lan sign up as you cannot transfer or sell your tickets. Anyone who has paid for lan already will get their tickets refunded. At least 4/6 of your team in this cup need to come to lan!

– 1st place gets 6 free tickets to lan!
2nd place gets 6 free Plantronic Gamecom 780s headsets!

First Place players can swap their prizes individually if a player from the runners up team wishes too also to guarentee we get 6 people coming to lan!-2nd July = 3 rounds from 19cet
9th July = 4 rounds from 19cet
Final TBA

-Normal ETF2l rules apply.

-Team limit of 16 but lots of teams can sign up, however you will need to check-in from 1 hour before the tournament starts, first 16 teams to check in, are in. #insomnia-tf2

Any questions please post in the thread linked above.

Lets be having you.



  1. AnimaL said:

    daym that headset looks confy

  2. Tapley ❤: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Lets support the tourny guys and we can hopefully get plantronics to help TF2 on and offline in the future!

  3. z06es said:

    I think this is a really good idea well done Tapley.

  4. Russian Guyovich: (Surging Meat Cable) - [T-A!]LoS said:

    Go Team Danielsasquatch!

  5. Jigglypuff: fest - #wubafan said:

    cu@ Online Tourney :3

  6. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    dis got this, chokers gonna choke

  7. evokje: WiK? said:

    Can play for your team if you get 2nd :))))))))))))

  8. dob: \V/ Gold - CGAY&BB said:

    it’s a Gamecom 780 but the link says it’s a 380

  9. Trath said:

    How much does an i49 ticket cost?
    Pretty sure all competing teams will be going for the 2nd spot :D

  10. AnimaL said:

    headset ir 40 quid each, iseries tickets are 92 quid each

  11. AnimaL said:

    lol actually the headset is 20 quid on amazon, 40 is on their retail store :]

  12. raiku: STR said:

    Not going to lie, Gamecoms are really uncomfortable.

  13. Fallen: TC said:

    I already own a pair and they’re pretty nice for the price.

    Would by going to the LAN ticket anyway as it’s worth 3x the price…

  14. Trath said:

    LAN tickets cost 92 quid? holy shit

  15. konr: idd. said:


  16. Will said:

    If you got them early they were only £64, but yeh £92 is pretty ridiculous

  17. Tapley ❤: TEZC - TEZC said:

    92 quid for a 4 day event really isnt that much (lets not get into that here though)
    Its actually the gamecom 780’s which are twice the price and more sexy :) Will get that ammended.