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Season 15 powered by BlackOut Gaming: Zaibatsu vs Epsilon eSports & Bans

Date June 20, 2013

Zaibatsu vs Epsilon eSports

Undefeated. That describes both the teams facing each other tonight. European Team Infused and European Epsilon eSports have both toppled all challengers so far. With how the season has panned out this is indeed the match of the season. Who will come out on top?

Watch live video from teamfortresstv on www.twitch.tv
Watch live video from VanillaTV on www.twitch.tv

As normal when one of the teams is European Epsilon eSports, their opponents, European Team Infused go into the match as underdogs. European Team Infused has been working tirelessly to improve after finishing third last season. Tonight they will have to show all that they learned to be able to beat the reigning champions. Will the rockets from Germany IPZIE and France T-Mac and meatshots from Sweden TviQ and Germany smziii, the stickies from Germany Brego and the heals from Sweden 2nuts be accurate enough to demolish the European Epsilon eSports team?

European Epsilon eSports has proven that they can beat anyone, continuing their unbeaten run since i46. However today they might be facing their biggest challenge in a while against the strong European Team Infused. England numlocked and France KnOxXx‘s maincalling will have to be top notch, to make sure they don’t let their concentration drop because then they could just see, to their horror, that European Team Infused had sneakily edged ahead. Will the favorites keep it together and win once again?

Match Overview
European Team Infused vs European Epsilon eSports
Week 6 (Premiership Division )
Date Thursday, June 20th 21:15 CEST



0 - 3



0 - 5

European Team Infused [0:6] European Epsilon eSports

The match will be casted on TeamFortress.TV by Netherlands ThePledge and England ilike2spin with Germany lexs on the camera. Alternatively you can watch VanillaTV where Ireland Admirable and England byte are casting while Latvia AnimaL provides the action Tune in at 21.15 CEST!


The following players have been found guilty of cheating and are now banned from all ETF2L competitions for one year:

UnitedStates Deputy – ESP
Norway thorv – Alt account of Lithuania zilis (one year extension)

Matches in recent seasons that involved these players will be changed to default losses. These default losses do not count towards the default loss limit.

Due to Norway thorv‘s ban, Portugal Kaneco now moves into one of the spots in this month’s MGE Cup Final.

Also, the following player has been spotted with a recent VAC ban affecting Team Fortress 2 and is now banned from the League for one year:

France Ysthos
As this player has not been caught cheating by our AC staff, his teams’ results will not be affected by his ban.

Any attempts to bypass a League ban will result in an even longer ban on all accounts associated with the player. Don’t do it.


  1. Mr. Tinkertrain said:

    Medieval back.
    All russians will banned.

  2. Flippy: LEGO - DA! said:

    Another french banned, regular news for etf2l, gj.

  3. Lyrete: BAGC - RUN! said:

    dem predictions went horribly wrong

  4. maidos: 000 said:

    we played against deputy team and he played a pocket heavy 24/7. so pathetic to use a cheat especially as heavy too

  5. dima said:

    actually, he playing roam heavy 24\7

  6. maidos: 000 said:

    it was obvious a hack when our scout was behind hiding on second point hid there for like 30 seconds and once he ran toward the back of the heavy.. he immidetly turn 180 and kill our scout?

    and he is a pocket heavy

  7. dima said:

    he is only one who played heavy as arcade heavy, from 10 th season he returned the heavy play which all forgot how to play, and lets just remember they storyes how cool players got banned on etf2l, abra blow quad beavern. Germans own thise leageu and hide there german top players from ban. GJ ETF2l

  8. Ununoctium said:

    wouldn’t be a ban post without frenchies.

  9. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    pls ban all german top players

  10. Sonny Black: (Legend) - SUAVE said:

    Germans own thise leageu and hide there german top players from ban. GJ ETF2l

  11. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:


  12. Lacke said:

    Deputy – ESP :))))

  13. Godof said:


  14. Blinky said:

    “he is only one who played heavy as arcade heavy, from 10 th season he returned the heavy play which all forgot how to play, and lets just remember they storyes how cool players got banned on etf2l, abra blow quad beavern. Germans own thise leageu and hide there german top players from ban. GJ ETF2l”

    aka Olurist20052005?

  15. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    as arcade heavy

    im dying

  16. .kr4tos: (ETF2L Donator) - FLANK - DGB said:

    also this player http://etf2l.org/forum/user/80452/

    VAC ban -> ban him from etf2l

  17. Kaneco said:

    hehehe Made it to the finals :D

    I also thought it was really strange for a player with no etf2l history to win so easily against me but oh well, he could have been a mge no lifer… Anyway, good spotting! Good work admins!

  18. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    kr4tos: We only ban people for VAC bans affecting Team Fortress 2

  19. Kaneco said:

    The score on my match is still the same (reporting as a loss for me) is this normal?

  20. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:

    it will probably update with maniac’s newspost

  21. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:

    there u go :d

  22. Kaneco said:


  23. Droidster: tavi said:

    Thorv applied to join my team :l