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Season 14 Award Results, Staff Updates & Bans

Date April 22, 2013

Season 14 powered by Twitch award results

You voted. You waited. You wanted to see the winners for the Season 14 powered by Twitch awards. And here they are:

  • Best Player of the Season: Germany schocky
  • Upcoming Talent of the Season: Sweden Hycz
  • Pocket of the Season: Sweden Zebbosai
  • Roamer of the Season: Wales Mike
  • Carry of the Season: UK kaidus
  • Most Surprising Team of the Season: Swegian broder
  • Off-classer of the Season: Sweden TviQ
  • Scout of the Season: Germany schocky
  • Demoman of the Season: England numlocked
  • Medic of the Season: Latvia Mirelin
  • Caster of the Season: Ireland Admirable
  • Best Premier Division Debut of the Season: Belgium Mitsy

Nominations were selected by a panel of high-level (mainly Premiership) players under the supervision of the Pirate Radio crew, and the winners have been chosen by the public. Many thanks to Pirate Radio for taking care of the nominations during the show, and congratulations to all winners!

Staff Updates

We are happy to announce that four trial admins have successfully completed their trial and are hereby promoted to full members of staff. The new recruits have been instrumental to the recent seasons’ success, and we are glad to have them on board!

Congratulations to Croatia reservoir_dog, Netherlands kkaltUu, UK Black_Bob and Germany JohnnyBambo!

At the same time, we have to announce the departure of Netherlands skeej and Austria wrock. We thank you for the time you invested into the league, and wish you best of luck in your other hobbies.


The following player has been found guilty of cheating and is now banned from all ETF2L competitions for one year:

CzechRepublic tms – Wallhack

CzechRepublic qsb – Alt account of nečum

Season 4 matches involving these players have been changed to default losses, but may be replayed if both teams agree.

In addition, one player has been spotted with a recent VAC ban affecting Team Fortress 2, and is now banned from the League as well:

France Neoxyde – VAC ban

As the player has not been caught cheating by our AC staff, his team’s results will not be affected by his ban.

Any attempts to bypass a League ban will result in an even longer ban on all accounts associated with the player. Don’t do it.


  1. vani: F! said:


  2. Elm0: LAME said:

    Johnnybambo will take you to the partey

  3. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:


  4. THE_WILLY said:

    Why wasn’t I contected by the admin staff, that one of my players is going to be banned? Like wtf, when are we going to play all the matches?

  5. dAGNER: duplo said:


  6. Tek: ft. said:


  7. zen1th: Pander - LEGO said:

    … solid low prem

  8. Toba: (a boT from the North) - Lutunen said:

    another frenchie banned

  9. Sfs said:

    Vac ban dont mean cheat.

  10. Dikker: 4-25 said:

    Caster of the Season: Admirable

    Srsly? I think Pledge won this after 69 maps

  11. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    the best casters are all american tbh

  12. fränk: [HA] - #T4F said:

    JohnnyBambo best admin season 15

  13. Kaneco said:

    >kiler4funn not carry of the season

  14. Team mate: pHy said:

    best caster award is well given tbh. in an overall.

  15. ThePledge said:


  16. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:

    well sfs banned is banned

  17. Sfs said:

    did i say something wrong about this ? i’m agreed with this ban.

  18. THE_WILLY said:

    AC staff, really stronk! Like really get someone who can recognize cheats plz, so many controversial bans were given in a small period of time…

  19. Oxy: TC.Express said:

    4th person to get banned from our highlander division this this season. Lol.

  20. Oxy: TC.Express said:

    And in this game both teams used someone who got banned: http://etf2l.org/matches/40810/


  21. Winterz: (è_é) said:

    Neoxyde’s account got hacked 1/2 weeks ago. A few days later it got VAC banned. He spoke about it with an admin, but they didn’t seem to understand it.

  22. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    If the VAC ban gets revoked, so will the ETF2L ban. To our knowledge, Valve gives back hijacked accounts on providing proof of ownership and also removes VAC bans acquired during the hijack.

  23. Galant: candy - Autism said:

    Where is updated cfg pack with koth config for Season 15?

  24. HoneyBadger: free said:

    Cheaters on three different teams in my group last season. That’s funny.

  25. Lake: Top5rocket said:

    @CanFo : Source ?
    Go on google, search : seems hard to find hijacked + VAC Banned peoples, who get unban after account recovery.

  26. Dak1ne said:

    Neoxyde should have his account unbanned if he proves that he’s been hacked and that the account is his own one.
    Anyway again frenchies in the spotlight LOL.
    I believe that in other countries they cheat better and smarter.

  27. beach: [DA] - [DA] said:

    Bob <3

  28. doks said:

    life is hard in france/russia… gotta make things easier

    Pledge not caster ? :/
    wuuhuuuu for Mirelin getting the respect he deserves

  29. Setlet said:

    If you get VAC banned because of hijacking (and that hijacker gets you VAC banned), are you allowed to do a new account in ETF2L or is it considered multi-accounting?

  30. almightybob: .ps said:

    IMO Pledge should have got Caster of the Season for maintaining such a high standard over 69 maps in 68 days or whatever ridiculous statistic it was.

  31. Dak1ne said:

    I forgot Grats Numlocked and Mirelin :)
    Setlet : it’s considering as second account, trying to avoid a ban and it’s not authorized indeed.
    He might have another longer ban if he get catched.

  32. tms: PIG said:

    Most random anticheat team ever: ETF2L AC staff

  33. comedown: 4-25 said:

    haha again frenchie

  34. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    VAC bans don’t get reversed for hijacking and etf2l make no exceptions. You have to put it down to bad luck and take a year off.

  35. Neoxyde said:

    Valve basically said that VAC Ban is automatic, so they’re not gonna unban me. They also can’t say anything about the ban (When, where, wich IP, etc…) but they know it.
    And for ppl who think i’m gonna create a new account, no, not gonna do it, don’t want to see a longer ban.

  36. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    Hmm, new title… hmmmm

  37. Mirelin said:

    shut up, cheater.

  38. Foyer: opee - try said:


  39. Hei: [DA] - [DA] said:

    Congratulations Black_Bob!! <3

  40. vøid said:

    Broder most surprising team? Are you really surprised ? :P

  41. Bajirek said:


  42. schocky: MAFIA said:

    Thanks for the votes!

  43. onv said:


  44. Aladin: Frajer - cs said:

    UGC admin team >>>>>>>>>> ETF2L AC team

  45. Foyer#freenečum: opee - try said:

    Cheater (aimbot, brain, wallhack, skill)…BAN HIM!!!!!

  46. torden: broder - syster said:

    I love this new combined awards/ban format. If only they’d start combining the Oscars with Judge Judy.

  47. hawku: AYO said:

    Hycz e-sports represent.

  48. gf18_idiot: Top5rocket said:


  49. atmo said:

    free buttnose

  50. Mars: PIG - E.T.s said:

    The etf2l AC team could be replaced by a group of monkeys and the end result would be the same. Another random and unfounded ban.

  51. san alex said:

    another cheater in div 5 B? LOL bebeto,ravioli, nečum, never saw so many cheaters in the same divison ^^

  52. Kaneco said:

    Not gonna contest the bans, but shouldn’t we have some tolerance to hijacked accounts VAC bans?

    If you have irrefutable evidence you were hacked and that’s why you were vac banned you shouldn’t be banned from the league, it’s bad enought already to be vac banned on your main account and you’re adding to the injury imo.

  53. schocky: MAFIA said:

    Sad that u cant trade without activated steam-guard

  54. Winterz: (è_é) said:

    They deleted his items anyway. I love how everyone says freenecum while neoxyde is the one who got f*cked here. Steam mailed him to say that it is his own responsibility to take care of his account and they won’t give it back.

  55. KillAri said:

    When someone is vac ban and then said ” i’m hijacked and he cheated on my account, i’m vac ban now” .
    How can we know it’s the truth? The only truth about this kind of case, is when someone is unban.
    So, we wait for Neoxyde to be unban. (We already waited 7-10 days).

    @Neoxyde : Contact me on irc , we can talk a litle more about valve ticket etc

  56. cassy: Laconic. said:

    Unfounded ban ( VAC ) lol’d so hard.

  57. schocky: MAFIA said:

    “How can we know it’s the truth?”
    especially when that person trades a lot (so steamguard HAS TO be on, otherwise u cant trade) …
    how can a person get hijacked when steamguard is on? i cant understand that

    just my opinion´:p

  58. Aladin: Frajer - cs said:

    Russian hacker always finds a way.

  59. Kaneco said:

    I’m not saying he is legit, I am just saying that steam is really harsh on VAC bans, and a simple mistake you make, have a keylogger on your pc, let someone discover your mail info, etc, can be used in a malicious way that causes the owner to get banned for it and I’m not in favor of penalizing an innocent person (if that is proved of course.)

  60. Marosh: Lad - Otter said:

    :DDDDDD Best post in a while

  61. perrosai: opee said:

    unban nečum you fools, he’s innocent! ETF2L staff failed and pretty much messed up promising scout duo and our start at 4 div. Keep up the good work admins or how i should call you.

  62. supra: (Webmaster) - BIRD - BIRD said:

    GG WP Highnine ;)
    But you still have the same result of our match – DEFAULT LOSS.

  63. Dahlbeck said:

    I got hijacked with steam gaurd enabled. He got access to my email somehow and from there started changing my password. Some polish dude… Cool enough he just stole all my items :D

  64. Ond kaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    use two-step verification on your e-mail then you STUPID FUCKING IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  65. radist: RG - ⇗upp⇙ said:

    why cheaters make fragmovies?)))))) http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=QwK2tLofLUg