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Team Colonslash Cup #1 is LIVE!

Date April 2, 2013

That’s right folks, the cup is going live! Signups are officialy closed and both high and low brackets will be published here by 19:50 CEST.

{High | Low}

You better prepare yourself for some proper games, because more than 64 teams signed up for this cup! If your team can no longer participate in the cup, please contact an admin here to remove your team as soon as possible. Contact your opponents as soon as the brackets are available – if your opponents cannot play, they may be replaced with a team from the waiting list.


Thanks to VanillaTV, some of our bracket games tonight will be casted (in addition to the finals in Thursday). Tune in tonight and listen to Netherlands ThePledge and UnitedKingdom Skully on mic, with Latvia AnimaL on stream.

Please be aware that the schedule has slightly changed, as the amount of teams that signed up is larger than we had anticipated:

Tuesday 20:00 CEST – Round of 64 Starts
Tuesday 20:45 CEST – Round of 32 Starts
Tuesday 21:30  CEST – Round of 16 Starts

This also moves some games to thursday:

Thursday 20:00 CEST – Round of 8 Starts
Thursday 20:45 CEST – Round of 4 Starts
Thursday 21:30 CEST– Finals
Good luck and have fun!


  1. GiddyM0 said:

    f*ck this cup. we didnt even get the oppurtunity to play ;/

  2. GB_Fisherman said:

    gg… oh wait, we didn’t even get a game. Instead we watch team after team get defaults with us waiting for 45 minutes to get a place in the tree. Where are my 3 keys. Im on 4 keys an hour rate, 45 minutes is 3 keys. thankyou. bb

  3. Huzzy said:

    f**k the po-po, just wanted to play and yet new teams with barely any rep no show then teams get through by default when teams like us wait around for an hour to play :/ (no hate but could give yourselves more time to sort brackets out by opening/closing signups sooner)

  4. X_DIAS: TTS - A4 said:

    fail cup……..

  5. Dr. Heinz: ★GF - KAAS said:

    Don’t hate so much, not everything can always go smooth. And this time several things went wrong.

  6. GiddyM0 said:

    Im not hating. I know everyone does mistakes. Im just feeling dissapointed…

  7. GB_Fisherman said:

    Same as Giddy really, just wish that things can be smoothed out after having all these cups. Give yourselves more time to organise, & i can appreciate that its several things which are & arent in your control. But try and put measures in to help out with future cups :)

  8. marten: TBC said:

    shouldnt those times be CEST?

  9. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:

    pointed it out in irc already, seems nobody cares :)

  10. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:

    nvm. still sad that we got kicked out