Season 14 powered by Twitch: Epsilon eSports vs Quarantine
February 6, 2013
ETF2L Season 14 powered by Twitch: Epsilon eSports v Quarantine
Week 3 has commenced just a few days ago and we’ve already had quite a few good matches, with BFF pulling off a good fight against Premiership old-timers
Crack Clan and
broder showing they are still a strong team, defeating
Team Doctrinal. Those weren’t the last you will see this week, as tonight we’ll see the current hegemons,
Epsilon eSports will take on
Quarantine. While it’s hard to discuss Epsilon’s will to win, as well as their ability to do so, Quarantine know what they are going against tonight. Considering their performance this season, it’s hard to tell how they will do this time, but we saw them shine before – will they be prepared well enough for the oncoming onslaught?
[Map 1 cp_gullywash_final1]
[Map 2 cp_snakewater]
Match Overview
Epsilon eSports vs
Week 3 (Premier Division)
Wednesday, February 6th 21:10 CET

5 - 0

5 - 3
Epsilon eSports [6:0]
VanillaTV will be covering tonight’s match, with