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Vaccinator One Night Cup on the 7th of February

Date January 31, 2013


During the Christmas update, Valve added a new medigun to the game with unique gameplay mechanics – The Vaccinator. What better way is there to test its effect on gameplay than with a Vaccinator-exclusive One Night Cup?

The Cup will take place on Thursday, 7th of February, and both 6v6 and fun teams are welcome. Signups will close at 18 CET on Cup Night.

Sign up Here!

The Vaccinator

What makes this medigun unique?

  • It stores four mini-ubers, 2 seconds each.
  • Mini-ubers charge very quickly – less than 7 seconds each.
  • A mini-uber protects only from the selected damage type for the 2 second duration.
  • The 10% bullet damage reduction allows the Medic to survive a 100% charge bodyshot at full health.
  • Soldiers and Demomen can heal the Medic by damaging themselves.

With the Vaccinator, both Medics will have partial ubers very quickly, and uber advantage counts for little. The high charge speed makes individual ubers expendable, allowing the Medic to pop an uber whenever it can give his team an edge.

Cup Format and Schedule

The cup will be single elimination with all matches played on the same night:

  • 19:00 CET – Brackets posted
  • 20:00 CET – Ro16 – cp_badlands
  • 20:45 CET – Ro8 – cp_granary
  • 21:30 CET – Ro4 – cp_snakewater
  • 22:15 CET – Finals – cp_gullywash_final1

Map Rules

  • 1 map per match
  • Each map is a 30 minute to round
  • The round is played with mp_winlimit 5
  • If scores are tied a Golden Cap round is played
  • Overtime rules: timelimit 10, winlimit 1. First team to cap wins. If neither team caps in 10 minutes, the round goes to whoever controls the middle point.

Make sure to let admins know if your match is running more than 5 minutes late. If you are 10 minutes late then set mp_timelimit to 20 minutes, and so on. This is to keep the next round on time.

Unlock Rules

  • Vaccinator only – you may not use any other mediguns, regardless of whether they are blocked by the whitelist.
  • All other unlocks follow the S14 whitelist

The updated white-list can be found here!

As the stock medigun cannot be blocked by a whitelist, it is up for the teams to enforce the weapon ban. If you see your opponents using the medigun, pause the game and ask them to change it. If they refuse take a screenshot and contact an admin in IRC (or at the Support Page)

Special Rules

Unverified players will count as mercs.

Medics must use the Vaccinator – activating an Ubercharge on any other medigun, or using any other medigun after being warned by opponents, will result in a default loss for the offending Medic’s team.

As usual with One Night Cups, up to 2 mercs are allowed with the opponent’s approval

For everything else, standard ETF2L 6v6 Season 14 rules apply.


  1. Kaneco said:

    Great stuff! :D

  2. Laidback: funk - HFoF said:

    when for hl cup?

  3. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:

    think you should enforce the medigun entirely, one round with a medigun and a regular uber push is already a big advantage (like on last)

    use it -> ban

  4. Maniac said:

    Fixed the signup link, sorry guys!

    As for the uber, if you use it it’s a default loss, sorry if that wasn’t specified

    If there’s interest in a HL cup we can sort one out

  5. Dingo: HG - cirlo said:

    I think there is an error in the post: shouldn’t the 6th be a Wednesday?
    And I wanted to ask if there will be brackets divided in skill levels, but it probably has to make with the number of signups?

  6. reservoir_dog: TC.Express said:

    Nice. :)

    What happens if the item servers are down?

  7. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Ha, as if that ever happens!


  8. SuperGunnar: KK - KOS said:

    Too bad it is the same night as the game of the century (Broder vs Epsilon)

  9. Maniac said:

    If the item servers are officially down then the cup will be postponed / cancelled
    If its just you that can’t access them, tough luck :P

    To have noticed that SuperGunnar would have required forward planning, something that i’ve never quite had… :D

  10. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:

    Uh what is the point testing the medigun in a scenario that is nothing like the real game (no surprise kritz, no uber vs vac etc).

  11. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:

    Enforce usage of it to at least once a round (unless your medic doesn’t die for an entire round).

  12. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:

    Nevermind, Tviq told me Kritz still does full damage. Aka its crap anyway :D.

  13. emb: (Legend) - ciortai said:

    what is the point testing the medigun in a scenario that is nothing like the real game

    Funcups aren’t about testing as much as they are about having fun.

    Running a cup with only the new medigun allowed ensures teams will try out and experiment with it. Allowing all mediguns at once would result in many teams resorting to the default medigun and playing to win, since they’re used to it. Not to mention that the mini-ubers currently don’t block Kritz the way they should.

    Depending on the success of this cup, there may be a follow-up cup with all mediguns allowed, assuming Valve fixes crit resistance.

  14. san alex said:

    thanks testing new stuff is alwayas welcome

  15. Power: Sister - tbag said:

    i got a tactic in my mind HAHAHA

  16. mason: iSlam said:

    so with 44 teams signed up are there gonna be two skill brackets orrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  17. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    Is this still on?

  18. Vasko1223: m0. said:

    Fail lobby, pls report.