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Entries from October 2011

Gravelpit Bug, Admin Updates, Ladder Beta

Date October 13, 2011

This week and last week, you are supposed to be playing cp_gravelpit. We have noticed this map can provide results that one would not expect, due to some sort of map bug. While the bug exists, we will allow the following: If both teams agree, they may replace cp_gravelpit with another map from the map […]

Ultiduo extension, playoffs and rules

Date October 9, 2011

UPDATE, Thursday 02:00 CEST – Brackets are up here. A team with fewer games played got the better position if on equal points, since that means they were likely to do better. This was the case in group 8, 9, 10, 14 (M+M were in the group!). Also, default dates will be added when I […]

Rule Reminders & BBall Cup at Excello

Date October 4, 2011

With week 2 commencing, we felt that some teams could need a little reminder on the gravelpit rules as well as on some other rules. Gravelpit Reminders The following is a full quote from the general rules page. 4.4 Gravelpit and Gorge: 2-3 Rounds using ABBA format cp_gravelpit and cp_gorge have to be played with […]

Ultiduo #3 Update

Date October 2, 2011

Update 19:00 CEST: Groups are up here! Play your games as soon as you can – week 1 does not have to be played first! Top two from the groups go through, a team in first will play a team in second from another group (hence different colours). After it became clear that Sunday is […]