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How not to run a cup

Date July 10, 2011


1) Make checkin 1 hour for over 100 teams – my error

2) Give the bot 10 minutes to do what takes 40 – my error

3) Seed the teams so somehow it differs from the actual etf2l page (which somehow added 6v6 teams!) – ‘no idea’ error

4) Not setup the page itself before the cup – communication error

Let this be on my head – several errors compound into 1 mess. If you take any negative impressions of etf2l as a result of this cup, put simply don’t – it is entirely my responsibility. Credit to many admins who helped solve the issues, who really should not have been expected to do this (SnowiE, CanFo, Gubbins). We apologise for all the many inconveniences  caused during this cup, but let it be known that the errors are learnt, and the next cups will be better!

For the current cup, it will be postponed by a week, so it’ll start on Sunday 17th July. If you played round 1 results, they are valid, as long as you played against the correct team (the correct opponents are in the IRC draw). Those fixtures are here. Feel free to tell an admin your results over the next week so we can enter them. If you got a default win, this will NOT count, since many teams quit because they simply didn’t understand what was happening (unsurprisingly!).

Also, 4 quick updates:

1) All teams must have a representative with their etf2l nickname in IRC (#etf2l). This will make it easier for players to find their opponents.

2) Next cup will be seeded with enough time to do it.

3) Teams do not need to checkin again next Sunday

4) Some teams who did not checkin are in the brackets. If you are still unable to play next week, let an admin know over the next week (and any new teams who want to sign up, also talk to me).

Sincere apologies to anyone and everyone affected by the mess. We know our errors. Let the QQ commence!


  1. WAR: GlueEater said:

    It’s ok, we still love you all for trying.

  2. Jorman: EPA said:

    First off, I know the admins put alot of effort into this cup, and what happened tonight is very unfortunate. I guess the first problem is the seeding. It took too long to fit into the schedule. And the second seeding would still take too much time between the games. So we might want to make 3 round instead of two and have 40 minutes between seedings to play them and so that it doesn’t take 5 hours to do.

    Also my post on IRC before: After checking in, people should stay in irc. And have their proper names so they are easy to find after looking the team name up on the etf2l website. My yank enemies have apparently checked in, but none of them are on irc. And steam community isn’t an option for this kind of cup. Maybe also a separate channel so admins and players both can see who is on and availible and sort everything much faster. I will continue my post later.

  3. Linus: [d¿s] - 007 said:

    i still love you etf2l

  4. Dav1dd: 2ne1 said:

    much love for angel

  5. Jorman: EPA said:

    Oh. My post is already late it seems :D

  6. honeymustard: Phase said:

    I had a fun game! Lesson learned though, I think, never make the brackets in the same evening.

  7. Aplon said:

    Another lesson, never make the brackets in mIRC…

  8. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:

    ESL will show how to run a tourney with the upcoming scout cup.

  9. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    Tree should be fixed now http://etf2l.org/ultiduo-cup/
    In case you notice any errors, please !admin :)

  10. Arie: (serveme.tf) - FB - [FB] said:

    Better luck next time :)

  11. AnimaL said:

    i wish koeitje, but i cant imagine them having 500 servers to play since its all supposed to be played at same time, amirite?

  12. Swifty: ξ(゜ヮ゜)ξ said:

    imperiums shit

  13. Swifty: ξ(゜ヮ゜)ξ said:

    its what you get for being a dick!

  14. Pozitive: HWarriors said:


  15. Mike: TEZC said:

    rofl what a fail :) i don’t see how you could screw it up so hard considering you love ultiduo so much? after the unlocks fiasco makes etf2l look worse \;

  16. Daleth: ti. - [PG] said:

    Mike, there is no fucking logic to that. You love TF2 but you make mistakes all the time. That sentiment really doesn’t make any sense. Also, Imperium clearly states that the early errors made were purely his own fault, and should not be associated with ETF2L.

  17. Mike: TEZC said:

    haha :D

  18. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    Think somebody is still sore they lost to David and Imperium last cup. :D

  19. Mike: TEZC said:

    Think multiple people are trolled. :D

    “You love TF2 but you make mistakes all the time”? me or people in general? more stupid than what I said nevertheless ;s

  20. DRookie: guru-JB - ,(s), said:

    No biggie, nice to see you bounced back so quickly.

  21. Galant: candy - Autism said:

    It’s really hard to make so huge cup by one man. Also note please that all our previous cups have 40-50 teams maximum, and this one is really big…

    Btw, I think that etf2l should male some system to randomize big amount of participants and make brackets (not by irc-bot!). Because on ESH you can just press one button – and here you are! – random brackets with top seeded teams are ready!

  22. honeymustard: Phase said:

    Stop being bitter Mike it’s not a good look

  23. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    If we only had some coders to realise that project, Galant :D

  24. GLaDOS said:

    It should not be that hard? A php script that has as input an sql table (which I suppose is the input format), keeps picking random teams to randomise the order and outputs the teams to a new table. 1 plays against 2, 3 against 4 and so on.

  25. Martn said:

    Start answering emails and applications, afaik there are nuff’ people wanting to help out.

  26. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:

    Bad planning on etf2l’s end Animal, can’t expect to have 500 people play on the same night. Last scout cup went fine with 512 players, next one will also be fine with a 1000 players.

  27. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    with a 1000 players

  28. Pozitive: HWarriors said:

    @Canfo: random.org

  29. Mordi: ≧◡≦ said:

    TheSucker and zoob 1st place gogogo!

  30. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    Pozitive: We would still have to enter the seedings manually.
    Koeitje: Where did you get these numbers from? Not denying that the planning was a bit… unfortunate but when I recalculate: 128 teams with 2 players each = 256 players, not 500

  31. Linus: [d¿s] - 007 said:

    mordi: 2late mate

  32. RaCio: GoT² said:

    This is a bit unfortunate but nobody’s fault I guess. I was planning on helping out with starting the cup, but my internet went down the entire night yesterday. Imperium put a lot of effort into setting things up, so I’m really sorry for not being around to help out. Regardless, I’m sure the next try will be running smooth for most participants, I’m sure Imperium and Angel will do great once have gotten used to a larger scale. There are options for fast random seeding on the site by the way, so dont worry about that either.

    @martn, good suggestion, but there’s no applications for coders between the applications last time I checked ;)

    @Koeitje, we ran a cup with over 10.000 players, stop complaining. I expect better of an (ex)ESL admin.

  33. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    loved how i was supposed to play vs touchmy’ 6v6 clan :D

    let’s hope everything goes smooth next week

  34. catman said:

    @Koeitje I expect better of an (ex)ESL admin.

  35. CommanderX: (ETF2L Donator) - TEZC said:

    Live and learn

  36. Kop: [CiC] - CiC said:

    @Koeitje I expect better of an (ex)ESL admin.