June 7, 2011
The catch-up week has finished! All catch-up matches must have their results submitted by midnight CEST tonight if they are to be counted. Tomorrow, outstanding matches will be dealt with accordingly.
Now that the main body of the Season is out of the way, we move on to Playoffs! There will be three tiebreaker matches, in Divisions 6C, 4E and 2B, which will take priority over the proper Playoff matches the winners of those tiebreakers will have to play. The other playoffs for Divisions 4 and 6 will go ahead as planned.
The Division 1 promotion Playoffs will be cancelled, since they aren’t necessary.
Tiebreaker Matches: (map elimination)
Schedule deadline: 12/06/2011
Match deadline: 19/06/2011
Playoff Matches: (map elimination)
Schedule deadline: 12/06/2011
Match deadline: 19/06/2011
Playoffs for Divisions 2, 4E&F, 6C&D: (map elimination)
Schedule deadline: 19/06/2011
Match deadline: 26/06/2011
- Div. 2B 2nd place:
vier // red vs Dont Shoot the Medic
- Div. 4E 2nd place:
Crucial Team vs PunchLine!
- Div. 6C 3rd place:
[OOC]Team vs Lost in the sky
- Premier Div. Prize Playoff #1:
K1ck eSports vs Team Thermaltake
- Premier Div. Prize Playoff #2:
TCM-Gaming vs Winner of Prem. Playoff #1
- Div. 2 promotion Playoff:
UV-Gaming EU vs Winner of Div.2B Tiebreaker
- Div. 4 promotion Playoff #1:
LagTastic Gaming vs Unstoppable
- Div. 4 promotion Playoff #2:
Elite nile Gunners vs BAd neWS
- Div. 4 promotion Playoff #3: Winner of Div.4E Tiebreaker vs Crack Clan // Blue
- Div. 6 promotion Playoff #1:
That’s What We Want! vs Six Silly Somethings
- Div. 6 promotion Playoff #2: Winner of Div. 6C Tiebreaker vs True loboQ team
- Div. 6 promotion Playoff #3:
Newunionists: Green vs Buy More
- Div. 6 promotion Playoff #4:
No Toilet Breaks vs FAKE.tf2
- Div. 6 promotion Playoff #5:
9 Team vs Dutchnet Familiars
- Div. 6 promotion Playoff #6:
Stage Team vs The Project
Season 9 Award Nominations
Around now, one would expect the Season 9 nomination threads to be appearing on the forums. This Season though, we thought about doing something a little different. While we obviously value your opinion very highly, this Season we will invite respected members of the ETF2L community to make nominations for each category. They will make their recommendations, then the official polls will be held here for you to vote on. More details on this will be available soon!
As a special treat, we are adding a new category to the Awards this Season: The ETF2L People’s Choice Award. This can be awarded to literally anything you like, be it a player, team, division, video, site, abstract concept, limb, weather system, anything, as long as a reason for their nomination is provided! As per the traditional nominations, we will put the top 3 nominations up in a poll to decide the winner.
Tie breaker between Refuse and HolyShit?
“The Division 1 promotion Playoffs will be cancelled, since they aren’t necessary.”
Tie breaker =/= playoff
They are not necessary because Holy Shit! does not want to be promoted to the Premier Division.
TF2TV for people’s choice!
But it’s a TIEBREAKER – i.e. the winner gets second place, the loser gets third place.
There is no prize in Division 1 for second or third, and no difference in promotion/playoff placement, so there isn’t really much point in an official tiebreaker.
I don’t think you understand how much _Ben cares about the pixel trophies.
since we’re going to apply for division 3 next season and get in I don’t see the point. :3
we all know whos going home with this seasons pixel trophy.
I bet:
1. TCM
2. K1ck
3. Tt
K1ck vs Tt will be one sorry game where Tt fails even harder then on i43 because they have no good lineup. Then after that TCM will just stroll over k1ck and take first place.
I’m glad the season awards have changed, the results rarely seemed to be justified or fitting.
Not saying these select few will be bang on, but hopefully there will be much less friendship circle voting.
no more circlejerk nominations yay!
need to nominate skeej somewhere
me and _ben are happy with tied 2nd
What’s the requirement for “respected member of the community”. To be honest, doesn’t sound much different to how it used to be, depending who you choose :)
The list is not finished yet but it will include (but is not limited to) newswriters, casters and league admins, people you know if you know the scene ;-)
When do i get my upcoming talent award?
somewhere in far future :(
You don’t want to get upcoming martn, you will start to drop ubers like skeej, oh wait.. you are already doing it.
You’re gonna get upcoming talent when your team will win prem, martn.
Or the rest of your team will win best 5-man squad for winning prem 5v6.
[…] Playoff mücadelelerine, sözde(zamanında oynandığı hiç görülmemiştir) tarihleriyle beraber buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. Bizi ilgilendiren maçlara baktığımızda ilk göze çarpan, […]