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Experimental Ordnance Cup #4: Beta Brawl

Date February 18, 2011

Sign up now!

The TF2Beta project recently received 2 updates with some great changes and some interesting additions. You can find the full changelog here or check out the ETF2L forum section.  Naturally, we’d love to see some competitive feedback, and therefore we are happy to be able to host The Experimental Ordnance Cup #4 on Monday the 21st, to give these changes a good try. For this cup, we plan on using ETF2L beta servers from Multiplay, so a huge shout-out to them for making this possible.

Unlock Rules

This cup will use the ETF2L rules with a few small changes.  All available unlocks are allowed, except the GRU and Fists of Steel, which will be banned to make sure the testing focus is on the Quick-fix and usual 6v6 gameplay. To encourage creativity, we will require all participants to run at least one of the following: the Loch-n-Load, the Quick-fix or a Pyro.

Map List and Seedings

Depending on the skill levels of the signups, we will either run one cup with 16 slots or have two 8 slots high and low cups running together. When signing up, you will be placed on the waiting list at first and seeded into the correct group afterwards.

  • First Round – cp_granary (skipped if there are two groups of 8)
  • Second Round – cp_badlands
  • Semis – cp_granary
  • Final – cp_badlands

Special Merc Rule

Up to a maximum of three mercs may be used without permission from your opponent, providing they are from the same division or lower as the main team. This is because we recognize that not all teams will have a full roster willing to participate in this competition, but we still want to get as much feedback as possible, particularly from the higher divisions.

Signups and Cup Schedule

Signups will open on Sunday evening at 18:00 CET. The bracket draw will be held at Monday 18:30 CET in #etf2l and the cup will start at 20:00 CET on Monday evening.


  1. Tikcus said:

    will happily merc scout or medic for this

  2. mosepose: WWCD - {o,o} said:

    <3 to test the quick fix

  3. Beater: Danmark - LEGO said:

    I’m utterly convinced that the quick-fix is retarded and completely useless. I look forward to people learning that the hard way.

  4. Dr-GimpfeN: 9g1c said:

    pyro = epic win!

  5. Lenny said:

    will merc if unbanned

  6. huhystah said:

    Can merc for some team. Preferable good one.

  7. steve said:

    “To encourage creativity, we will require all participants to run either one of the following: the Loch-n-Load, the Quick-fix or a Pyro.”

    Can you run all 3?

  8. Jude!: notdoggo said:

    i am so up for this.

  9. RaCio: GoT² said:


    Sure,you just need to run at least one of them, I updated the post a bit for clarification.

  10. Heavik_s_Shlapoy said:

    I am from Ukraine

  11. LuckyLuke: UbeR | said:

    coool, I wanna play this. Not sure if I can get my team playing, so merc me plzz ;3

  12. TviQ: ft. - 007 said:

    Can merc ! :D:D

  13. Beater: Danmark - LEGO said:

    Will merc as pyro!

  14. lolage: TSPAG said:

    I can also merc solly/demo for this.

  15. Marshy: YOYO said:

    This is an awesome idea! .. Shame i don’t have a team to compete with .. well I am available for merc scout at div 6 skill :). Everyone enjoy this event! :D

  16. huhystah said:

    The team i was in can’t play anymore. So i still can merc! Better than TviQ

  17. TviQ: ft. - 007 said:

    huhy is bad

  18. baerbel: trick17 - trick17 said:

    i would like to play as well! msg me on irc if you need a last

  19. Macisum: YOYO\' - syster said:

    is this a one night or …?

  20. RaCio: GoT² said:

    Yes this is one night

    Round 1: 20:00 CET
    Round 2: 20:45 CET
    Round 3: 21:30 CET
    Round 4 (skipped if 2 groups of 8): 22:15 CET

  21. Killvion NL: .lp - [rub!X] said:

    By the way, do you guys realise that the Quick-Fix is kinda overpowered in the beta now?

    In the description given by the Steam Update News, they stated that ubercharge effect would be triple heal, however in the weapon-description and, more importantly, ingame the effect is 100% critical chance. So basically it’s an upgraded Kritzgrieg at the moment.

    Was this what you guys wanted to test? An upgraded Kritz that gives immense quick charge rates…

  22. Zippy: |LZ.war| said:

    I’d be interested. See if I can get our team to play in it.

  23. Tikcus said:

    Killvion, unless they have changed its properties since Thursday (although the description says crits, has done from day one). It doesn’t crit

  24. Tikcus said:

    Just tested the quickfix (again) and can confirm IT DOES NOT GIVE CRITS, it does give triple speed heal as its uber effect

  25. koshius said:

    any casts for the cup?

  26. fleshy: P.O.P said:

    wtf is going on seriously…

  27. RaCio: GoT² said:

    Server errors.

    They worked Thursday but…

  28. Netsky said:

    [spy]well this was a disappointment.[/spy]

  29. MoRpHKoPf: EC! - EC! said:

    cup-restart next monday ? :)

  30. Killvion NL: .lp - [rub!X] said:

    Yeah you’re right Tikcus.

    Bad sources + being too lazy to test it yourself = epic fail..