Season 8 Award Polls Open!
February 1, 2011
After having counted all your nominations the past few days, it is now time for you to vote for your favourites in the following polls:
- Most surprisingly good team
- Div2-6 team of the season
- Most valuable player
- Upcoming talent
- Best medic
- Best demoman
- Best soldier
- Best scout
- Best sniper
Each poll contains the top 3 nominated players or teams. In addition, there are votes for the best division 2-6 teams. In 2 categories, one player and a team got so many nominations that they left no room for any competitors. Congratulations to Team Refuse for winning the Fairplay Award by showing that playing TF2 is not just about results. Also, congratulations to
Taimou for winning the Frag Clip Award with his nice medic clip. The polls will close on Sunday, 6th of February 2011, at 18:00 CET.
Good luck to all candidates and congratulations for making it into the poll phase!
>>> Cast your votes <<<
Custom Map Showmatch
We all love custom maps and their creators. To show this, FakkelBrigade and
Button Bashers will play a showmatch on a new custom map called cp_aspiration, tomorrow at 21:00 CET. Head over to vanillatf2 for more details about this match-up.
We’re not in the div5 team votes? :(
Sorry :(
your wish is my command
A vote for Chaba is a vote for a better future!
Says it all when both jh and wltrs beat Arx on sniper lol.
Where’s Blorg?
give bazillion some love.
would you love me if i were english, honeymustard?
Dang, I better make a frag movie ;D
What the fuck is Qn. doing in div5 poll? Not kicked from this season, nope!
How the fuck is Extremer beating Kaidus with over twice the votes? Not saying Extremer did poorly, but Kaidus absolutely outplayed every other demo. Seriously it’s just like people glance at who won the season or which name they recognise from fr4gm0v133z with their mouth wide open, eyeballs pointing upwards in their sockets and a low, braindead moan escaping their lips.
fuck frag movies
The polls just show who has the most friends, no need to take it so srsly.
Kaidus was a tornado of fury and destruction, Extremer was just same-old same-old.
Arx > Jh & Wltrs sniping. The last guys get some nice shots. But Arx is just complete bs. I swear, you show 1mm of your head and you are dead.
+1 to Daleth and TinyCow.
Unfortunately it’s always been like this. It’s not how good you are, it’s how well known you are.
No heavy :(
No jh, but if you actually played sniper for more than 30 seconds across a season then you might get my vote!!
That’s not to say I’m not racist
Do you really think that Arx > Jh and that Kaidus > Extremer?
That’s just wrong, both overall and this season. Even though it’s all about how well known you are ( GeaR is soldier of the season – no offence ), you guys are just wrong :|
No, I’m not saying they’re better in absolute terms. I’m saying that relatively speaking Arx > Jh this season as Sniper, and Kaidus > Extremer. Extremer & Jh are amongst the top3 sickest players in demo and sniper respectively, but Kaidus and Arx played relatively better seasons than they did in those classes.
i didn’t even need to make a frag movie to win this
that’s how good i am
maybe next season i’ll care enough about tf2 to do another movie and maybe win!
Slightly more seriously, ryb is the best demo, him not even being in this vote just proves how people circlejerk around the underdogs or the frag movies stars. If you disagree you’re just bad and mad, which I think is a tad sad, you just follow the fad and think it’s rad but you’re just a misguided lad.
+1 ryb
I think Im only one who doesnt like that Taimous clip ;(
Extremer.. spoken like a true champ! Nah but seriously it is all just a big circle jerk.. people (when voting) aren’t looking at results and so on (I’m not claiming that everyone should), so you get a lot of bias in these votes.. I try my best to actually vote for the person/team that did preform the best throughout the season. And if I haven’t got a clue which team/player preformed the best, then I’m not voting on that particular poll… but maybe that’s just me.
Rotab is the only way to go.
lol majorpimpsa :D
p.s: pro rhymez batman