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The Highlander Mix-up Match: Video and SourceTV demo!

Date November 27, 2010

Last Wednesday saw the great Highlander Mix-Up Match between competitive players, Valve developers and players from the public community. To start off the match, two exciting rounds were played on Badwater. The second map was played on Granary, and even though there were some DOS attacks on the SourceTV’s and the connection of players, the fun could not be spoiled! Full sourceTV demos for both maps are available.

Big thanks to Fakkelbrigade and Multiplay for providing the SourceTV’s. Also a huge shoutout to  Ashkan for organizing the event with me, and Valve (especially Robin Walker) for being dedicated and getting payed to play TF2 at work.

Below, you will find a link to the SourceTV demos and the cast by Byte and Exfane. You can download the demos and audio or watch the stream (courtesy of levelup TV) in your browser.

SourceTV Demos and Shoutcast Audio Download


  1. mvp.: marco - ¤_¤ said:

    <3 byte n exfane

  2. Nick: ⁄⁄nν said:

    ^what he said.

    I also liked that other guy that joined later on. Joe or something? He had a nice casting voice.

  3. nvc said:

    goto video time 30min 10sec – the viqun fail that byte was on about during the stream :D so good

  4. ViQun: GoT<3 said:

    @nvc, Kinda unfair tbh. The DDoS attack started during the second time pl_badwater. Had a ping of 200+. After that it all went downhill and my internet fucked up.

  5. nvc said:

    Just a bit of fun Viqun don’t take it personally.

  6. Onlinegamer Sverige said:

    […] sent omsider spelade Highlander-matchen mellan utvecklarna hos Valve samt utvalda spelare från TF2-communityt spelades i onsdags. Nu finns […]

  7. Tweets that mention The Highlander Mix-up Match: Video and SourceTV demo! | ETF2L -- Topsy.com said:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Agro, ETF2L. ETF2L said: The Highlander Mix-up Match: Video and SourceTV demo!: Last Wednesday saw the great Highlander Mix-Up Match betw… http://bit.ly/hp4ZeZ […]

  8. konr: idd. said:

    Enjoyed it.