Yet Another Ban Post
September 15, 2010
And sadly, we’re back to announce more bans.
If there’s just one thing we’d like to make clear about our Anti-Cheat team, it’s that they always have full proof – beyond circumstantial evidence – behind every ban we make. This has been highlighted recently in the much publicised ‘boomeh case’. After some considerable effort we have finally found the valuable information we need which has allowed us to connect the ‘tmn’ account to that of the banned player ‘boomeh’. Cases like these do however take time, a particular reason for our continued search for AC-Admins, but also requires the cooperation of the community, for which we are continually grateful. Therefore, if you have any evidence or suspicion about players, please contact an Admin in our #etf2l IRC channel.
Whilst we also entirely respect the right for players to post their thoughts and feelings up on threads discussing these matters, we would love it if this much energy and attention was given to helping grow the TF2 community! Whether this be through mentoring players and teams, making cool new services or pushing TF2 on eSports news sites, it all is invaluable to help see our game become even bigger and better and something we strongly encourage.
So even though creating a solid case can take time, we will catch cheaters. Like the following:
Mah jongg : Multihack – 1 Year Ban
Sm1le: Aimbot – 1 Year Ban
Boomeh/Tmn: Returning under an alias while banned – 1 Year added to existing ban
Twistedplay: supporting and playing with a banned cheater – 1 season ban
- Twistedplay members affected:
Sandik: Returning under an alias while banned – 1 Year added to existing ban
We say it every time, but please don’t cheat! We will catch you and you will be banned, so make life easy for everyone and don’t do it!
Unfair on Inuy since the season that boomeh played it was Dny on the roster instead of him but whatever
By the way Boomeh has so many IDs – that you will need about 5 hands to count them all, it wouldn’t suprise me if he will always be a pain, will be easier to spot him if the community stop try to hide and defend him, does his face look innocent to you :)?
mm where are the frenchies
i dont see any of the players beeing actually banned
@ skinnie : Quiet, it seems.
After some considerable effort we have finally found the valuable information we need which has allowed us to connect the ‘tmn’ account to that of the banned player ‘boomeh’
Reading F2’s logs must of been hard work :D
Still, nice to see these things are sorted out eventually.
tp players that is
wooooooo :D
“Reading F2′s logs must of been hard work :D”
I doubt you can really come to that conclusion after reading the newspost.
Also, this ban post is made even sweeter when we look back at boomeh/tmn/silly fucker’s poetry:
(boomeh) sorry I’m not perfect
(boomeh) sorry for liking tf2
(boomeh) sorry for cheating
(boomeh) sorry I was untrue
(boomeh) sorry I hurt you
(boomeh) I didn’t mean to
(boomeh) I’m sorry I hurt you
(boomeh) I regret it, I do
(boomeh) What I did, I regret
(boomeh) So let’s make up and forget
boomeh (again)
(boomeh) There once was an ugly soldier
(boomeh) With a hoodie all stubby and brown
(boomeh) And the tf2 community said many words
(boomeh) Get out of town
(boomeh) Get out, get out, get out of town
(boomeh) And he went with a sob and a cry and a waddle
(boomeh) But now he is back
(boomeh) from outer space
(boomeh) with a brand sound
(boomeh) and an apologetic look upon his face
(boomeh) my name is boomeh
(boomeh) and I am r8 sorreh
well, at least it’s sorted now and everyone can go to bed :)
GJ etf2l
or can they?
Your right racio I dont think it was that hard work at all, I was just being polite ;) anyway time for sleep :P
I keep wondering why you would assume that if the news post brings enough to suggest otherwise.
lol @ banning a whole team
Well the statement has been made; support a cheater and you’ll feel part of the consequences.
(As always when finding cheaters): Good Job AC-lads.
Aye but why clan smart move was banned for 2 season and tp for 1? :]
but shintaz said he was a nice guy!
Demsii you beast! You got a whole team banned form s8.
A year added when so close to the ban expiring. Ouch.
Give it another 2 months until the next alias hits.
Sad for tplay :<
ouch tplay
btw what about legacy?
Huge respect, ballsy move from ETF2L Admins.
They had it coming
And what has this taught us kids? Dont beat Demourage in a PCW. He’s got the scent of blood now, HE’S AFTER YOU ALL!21!!12
I like making flower girl headpieces
So the decision has been made that tmn = boomeh, I accept my ban for that no problem you’ll here no complaining here. One thing I want to make perfectly clear however In no way did boomeh cheat after returning from his ban. The teams we beat were beaten fair and square, Demourge’s movie shows nothing then can’t easily be explained by looking at other players POV’s. CU@Season 9 [maybe]
good move tbh
F*ck those cheaters.
Thats all :)
What about the third russian haxor?
Cheaters go away! >:(
Sm1le fail
wasn`t he the previous ac-team member?
Not really ;)
And we would have go away with it too if it wasnt for you pesky kids and that dam dog =DD
I blame on man Withers the owner of the haunted amusement park
Fair play for admitting to it, however you’ll need to realise that people will find it hard to believe anything you or your teammates say, especially after strong denials previously. Backtracking is a difficult task once the truth is revealed.
shame, tplay are nice guys
i don’t know him, but boomeh is a nice guy too!
It was fun while it lasted. We improved a lot in a short space of time. Boomeh does not cheat anymore and taught us a lot. Thanks josh
Oh yea, dont beat px1 or you will get wireframed
Who cares if he cheated or not after he came back? point is you allowed a banned player to play under an alias so good riddens
who needs EastEnders when you have ETF2L
My gf wireframed me last night and it was awesome.. uhm. nvm forget i said anything.
real shame :/ 5 players stupid enough to get banned by 1 guy.. I’m curious did you want to play with Boomeh that badly to risk getting a year ban on all your players? Was everyone aware?
I’m just so surprised people accept to cover up for a player knowin that sooner or later they will get caught anyway.
Sad lost.
I remember Smart Move (CDC) was banned for TWO seasons for supporting and playing with a banned player.
what a shame. hope twistedplay keep playing and improving during their season banned and come back for season 9 as strong as they are now.
They should VAC BAN them, that will teach them for cheating :/
Hahaaha, playing with a banned player just so you can get a bigger epeen by being good at a game. sad. good riddance.
@ Slick: The ban is 1 season, not 1 year :)
i’ll cumboard you r7an
good work demsi :)
The ban should be 2 seasons for all players involved yes, exactly the same as what CDC received. It is stupid that there is one rule for one unknown team and one for another. Sort it out ETF2L.
There’s probably 1 or 2 players who actually played with boomeh/tmn last season in TPlay and who were involved in recruiting him, that should also be looked at too.
Harsh but fair :D
I can safely say danielsan was involved in the recruiting of boomeh, ban him.
@ D2M, im sure we will look into that and see what happens
Good job admins
Get owned shitheads
I’m Gom8z one of the Leaders of the TwistedPlay Org and would like to discuss the full extent of what went on here, could someone advise who is best to talk to.
As for the team we will be working out what is best for the remaining players and sort it out for the future seasons as these guys are a great bunch of lads.
ps TeleBear.. yuor a troll.. grow up.
What about “Legacy” – seriously?
He was also vac banned for his lame cheats..
Gom8z, either talk to me on IRC later or email me:
[email protected]
email Dave are you kidding! cybersex ahoy :(
I quite like the Twisted Play guys but I’m positively delighted that boomeh has been re-banned.
What an absolute cock. Fuck, it was bad enough that he thought it was “funny” turning up to i40, but returning under alias after being a dirty, fuck ugly cheating prick.. awesome.
Well fucking done ETF2L.
“I remember Smart Move (CDC) was banned for TWO seasons for supporting and playing with a banned player.”
I remember players who hacked got 2 years ban. Times have changed.
Seems his radar couldn’t dodge the ban missile
wheres cookye?!?!?!?!
deserved bans all around. wp to the AC Team.
yeh should be a harsher ban tbh. UNSTOPABLE CHEATORZ!
Boomeh is the best mate ive met online/offline , haters gonna hate :)
ban 90% of russians, dey cheat
Damn a deal with it . gif! I guess we now are truly the ones owned
95% actually :P
i dont think he thought it was funny to turn up at i40, i think he just wanted to prove hes still a good player, which i guess lan and smashing paroxysm proved. that bust video was about the most laughable thing ever (even joske thinks so) but fair play with the bans i guess though rather took a while lmao
Ban video however ridiculous made the admins do something because it caused an uproar
sure it might’ve had no proof of its own but it stirred action which is the important bit.
The people who were in Tplay when Boomeh was recruited should be banned too alongside the current members for fair play (and make it 2 seasons, just because they’re good and nice people doesn’t stop them from being a buncha fucks)
Lawl Get Playa banned and whine about hacking when you still support proven and banned hackers… GG Twistedgays
Wait, what, i just got back from uni.
D2M you such a backseat admin :D
Posting as requested by anonymous since other topic got locked :P
Session Start: Sun Jun 20 19:07:22 2010
Session Ident: tmnluka
[19:07] game?
[19:07] no lets not
[19:07] ;)
[19:08] why?!
[19:08] :D
[19:08] hehehe
[19:08] akight
[19:08];password tpwar
[19:08] cuon?
[19:08] connect ********; password *******
[19:08] :D
[19:09] its josh
[19:09] btw
[19:09] ROFL
[19:09] u prick ur going down!
[19:09] :D
[19:09] lol
[19:09] shutup though
[19:09] dont tell
[19:09] or i go :@
[19:10] oh i was planning on telling everyone so u get banned again
[19:10] u spoil my fun
[19:10] :D
[19:10] fuck
[20:31] anonymous
[20:31] lets play tomorrow again?
[20:31] tmnluka is [email protected] * tmnl
[20:31] tmnluka on #tf.wars
[20:31] tmnluka using * QuakeNet IRC Server
[20:31] tmnluka is authed as tmnluka
[20:31] tmnluka End of /WHOIS list.
Session Close: Sun Jun 20 21:29:57 2010
Session Start: Wed Jun 23 17:39:56 2010
Session Ident: tmnluka
[17:39] Session Ident: tmnluka (QuakeNet, anonymous) ([email protected])
[17:39] oi
[17:40] add me steam u bell pull
[17:40] anonymous
[17:40] ill just log on my boomeh acct
[17:40] u never logon as boomeh
[17:40] ye
[17:40] because
[17:40] i have no1 to play with on there anymore
[17:40] so add me steam
[17:41] cant people see though
[17:41] when u make friends
[17:41] I have plenty of noob on my friends
[17:41] :P
[17:41] true dat
[17:41] i40
[17:41] there was a problem adding anonymous
[17:41] ??
[17:41] tis me
[17:41] ::
[17:43] ok it worked
Old news Wildcard.. go do something useless for esl or something u fag.
i bet there was someone in the tp lineup who didnt think it a gd idea to play with boomeh… sad for u if there is : (
If there was, they should’ve manned up and spoken out about it. By saying nothing they unfortunately incriminated themselves along with the others. It’s sad to see some decent players go down like this, but hopefully it will be a learning point for many.
Dont think someone ever regretted to meet such a good friend :)
U know I hardly post on here but I gotta say my 2 cents now. Cuz the ban of Mads last year really pissed me off given that some people were aware of who he was! More so cuz he was dishonest with me while in my clan, along with other members of my team who introduced him to me!
How comes when he was banned all Rejects got was points reduction and no player bans? Was their a specific reason for not being consisent, or is this policy of banning players involved new?
Because no1 knew it was mads if i remember, this is a case where they all knew it was boomeh and kept it quiet, mads totally started again with ppl he didnt know. smart move knew who they recruited as he was in that clan when he originally got banned. that is why that case was a little different.
I love TwistedGays
Mads kept it secret, the team wasn’t at fault
In this case the team knowingly recruited a banned multi-accounting player
Eh how could that be kept a secret, sooner or later they all must have known it was boomeh
hahaha sandik fucking retarded noob
We had no idea that Mads was a known hacker. Loco even asked the guy if had a history of hacking and other shenanigans .
Sneis, even though I don’t think anyones claiming TP were in the dark – why would they know it was boomeh? When boomeh was banned most of these guys were complete unknowns in the scene and probably barely even knew he was english let alone his personality/playstyle/voice.
(in the very much hypothetical scenario they weren’t just like buddy buddy buddy buddy come join buddy buddy we hide you buddy)
Thanks guys – the whole Mads thing was also a shock with me, he was in my clan before he joined eMpathy so I’m in the same position as yourselves. However I’m sure there are a few ppl in this community aware about him who did avoid punishment imo.
THanks for the update :)
Sandik is not a cheater guys …. – see the video ..
># Mah jongg : Multihack – 1 Year Ban
think this is or this is mah jong..
> #Sm1le: Aimbot – 1 Year Ban this is smile , he have posted our videos by nickname Sm1le on tf2world, but on videos nickname was juscee
Admins just see their Ip’s or cookies..
Cheaters must die!
my condolences to twisted played
># Mah jongg : Multihack – 1 Year Ban
think this is or this it is mah jong..
> #Sm1le: Aimbot – 1 Year Ban this is smile , he have posted our videos by nickname Sm1le on tf2world, but on videos nickname was juscee
Admins just see their Ip’s or cookies..(sry for bad english)
Well, ive i would now start to design boomeh shirts he will be a legend some day like Kondor.
Aw…. dont ban Aveng… everybody loves greg.. hes like a second vali :'(
[…] quite rightly. With the team being unable to participate in pretty much every league and cup going due to the extended ban of Boomeh it must have been pretty tough to stay together without some kind of common purpose and goal. Maybe […]