Last Weeks Of AFS & Rule Updates
August 2, 2010
AFS status update
As we enter week 7 of our beloved AFS season we see that division one can still be won by 5 of it’s teams. With the Assembly LAN coming up the teams will be at their very best form when we enter the last weeks of the summer league. That’s right, weeks, even after week 7 ends you will still have one full week to play your remaining matches. Feel free to take a look at the schedule and match deadlines below.
Schedule deadline for all matches: Sunday 8th of August
Matches deadline for all matches: Sunday 15th of August
Bball Schedule
Don’t forget to schedule your matches. Drag your friend out of the sun and play your virtual bball games. The Round 3 deadline is on the 8th of august, make sure you have played your match by then or make it appear you tried to by posting clever information on the match page. Round 3 matches without results entered on Wednesday the 11th will be decided by a virtual coinflip.
Staff Updates
As you all know we recently saw, with pain in our hearts, our beloved friend and fellow Head admin D2M resigning from the ETF2L admin staff. In name of all admins I would like to give him a huge thanks for the efforts he made for the league and the many improvements and projects he was founder of.
During the summer we also had to see 2 other admins leave. Another word of thanks goes out to _Ben and
Anderson who due to inactivity both parted ways with the admin team. Best of luck in your future online endeavours.
On the bright side, we have been able to replace our appearing shortage of Englishmen by welcoming Gubbins to our Anti-Cheat team. Also strengthening our staff for the Highlander Challenge in foreign territory is the well known
Flame-. A warm hearted welcome to them both.
Some Rule Updates
We recently updated the rules page to improve it’s readability for new users. Feel free to suggest improvements here.
Additionally we found some other rules that were ready for some updates. Read on to see what rules are updated
- The previous penalty for amassing 3 and 5 major warnings were respectively an additional 3 league points penalty and expulsion from the league. As there are few teams able to get to even 2 major warnings and we really like banning (or do we?) we will change the amount of misbehaving required for expulsion from 5 major warnings to 3 major warnings. (General rules 3.10)
- Getting a major warning in a ladder match did not have a point consequence. Until now! From now on teams who misbehave enough to get themselves a major warning will receive 10 penalty points along with it.
(General rules 3.10) - Another rule that has always been problematic in the last weeks of the season is the roster lock rule. Causing problems with many true hearted teams looking to add members for a ladder match this rule has now been given the Community 2.0 overhaul and is changed to:
“1.7 Teams are not allowed to use new players from week 7 and onward
It is not allowed to add and use new players to your roster for matches happening from week 7 and onwards unless your opponent agrees.”
Midnight posts are the way to go. Be prepared for more exciting stuff in the following days.
Grats flame =)
I’m excited!
gl gubbins gl gubbins gl gubbins gl gubbins gl gubbins gl gubbins gl gubbins gl gubbins gl gubbins gl gubbins gl gubbins gl gubbins.
Try and say that really fast.
gubbins is a bad person and he should feel bad
Sounds like “Gulag”, YoungBlood.
i like gubbins. cool stuff elsewhere too
F*ck this… we need more “Sunday Ban Posts” !
Yay go Gubbins!!! :D
flame is man legend.
ireland approves.
Ireland disapproves of Gubbins though, as all he does is rape and pillage villages while he is here.
Flame is a top guy, really funny and will be a great asset :)
Gubbins proved his abilities in his trial period and will be a very useful AC Admin moving forwards.
Best of luck to you both!