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In Memory Of Trees

Date July 27, 2010

I am resigning from the ETF2L Admin Team with immediate effect.

I’m sure this post will bring about many happy cheers from the bandwagon groups in the community and good for you. You should be immensely satisfied that 7 months of abuse can push someone so far away from being enthusiastic about a gaming league and wanting to help it to be a fantastic place to play.

When Kop asked me to join him as a head admin 7 months ago, I was both excited about the role and also a little nervous at the prospect of becoming the new scapegoat for every single decision that someone didn’t like. Whilst the majority of comments have always been lighthearted and those who have made them have usually apologised about them in private, it’s quite disgusting to read death threats and unbelievably poor and misinformed comments on a daily basis.

The events over the last two days have certainly not helped. My comments about AFS were partly out of the frustration that the last 7 months have presented, but also due to the fact that we arranged a competition for the summer to appease people who desperately wanted to play a game and it still went wrong/turned into shit. I apologise to the other Admins for making those comments, they were not particularly well thought out in their posting.

I stand by the fact that running a full league season over the summer would’ve been the most ridiculous idea that we could have put into motion. Having around a third of the teams not entering because of the summer would’ve harmed the game. Teams like Power gaming having to play Season 9 in Division 2 because they no longer had a spot in Division 1 would be insane and lead to yet more people whining about TF2 and the way ETF2L is run.

With more time and less pressure on us to announce a competition, I think we’d have come up with something far more enjoyable for every single player in the community. I hope you can all remember that as a 3-man Head Admin team, we are all in our relative infancy with ETF2L. It’s a difficult community to manage at the best of times and it’s quite disheartening to see that there are many people who find it difficult to ever use words of praise about the league, or even their fellow community members. Is it so hard to look at something objectively in your lives sometimes?

I also stand by my comments with regards to ‘Brafflegate’ (as you have affectionately started to call it). I did not delete an account of any player during my time as a Head Admin in ETF2L. I was not even aware that there was a function to do so until last night, when there was a discussion about the missing account in the Admin channel. I don’t know if it was a bug (seriously unlikely) or if I’m being framed, or what the fuck is going on. All I know is that I didn’t delete an account. I’m extremely disappointed that many people formed the conclusion that I had done this based on zero evidence and absolutely no facts whatsoever. However, you are entitled to your opinion and it wouldn’t be right for you to not be able to express these opinions.

I’d like to say thankyou for the opportunity to be part of something great like ETF2L. It has been an absolute pleasure to work alongside every single Admin that has ever been part of the team. There are some incredible people involved with the league and I only hope that they can be praised for their continued efforts and support that they give. I don’t know of many other communities where people give up the sheer amount of time that they do to run a league. As an example, every Monday, the Admin team spend 5-6 hours (sometimes more), arranging all the default dates, which occur when teams cannot be bothered to find a suitable date for their match. If you really want to help the Admins, why not arrange your games a little better and save them some time to work on something important? There are so many better things that the Admins could accomplish instead of tediously adding default dates over and over.

Finally, I hold absolutely zero grudges towards anyone in this community and never have done. People such as kaidus and swifty, both of you have continually tormented me, I don’t hate you. I realise that the position I have been in makes me a very easy target and I respect every comment you’ve made, right or wrong. I hope that one day, some of you will realise that I was just someone who enjoyed the same game as you, who wanted to make a difference and help a league to grow. It’s unfortunate that the dream was crushed in the manner it was, but I’m not angry or bitter about it.

I hope that any of you who still have bad feelings towards me will have the heart to actually talk to me face-to-face at i40, whereby you will have the opportunity to actually form a real opinion of me. I know that I’m not a bad person and I hope that you will be able to see that. If not, no hard feelings.

I wish everyone in the community, all of the players, all of the teams and most importantly every single Admin, the very best of luck with ETF2L in the future. I’m sure that together you can achieve fantastic things. I’m sorry that I can’t be part of it.

Thankyou for reading and all the best to every single one of you x

Matt ‘D2M’ Davies


  1. DeNeusbeer: (Legend) - HoT<3 said:


  2. Aye Doc: d2f~ said:

    you did a lot of good. sad to see you go.

  3. Blade said:


  4. Blade said:

    oh shi, i mean its sad.

  5. Taimou said:

    too bad mate, gl in future

  6. Kira! (kipa): xen - don\\\'t said:


  7. Rafe: <3 Fruit said:

    So does this mean there’s a chance my unexplained forum ban could get removed now?

  8. Thalien: ;? - ¤_¤ said:

    And nvcs unexplained access to posting on the forums removed?

  9. Lagitech said:


  10. Imperium said:

    Sad to see it finally come, completely understandable though

  11. waebi: ‹Con› said:


  12. waebi: ‹Con› said:

    blame swifty.

  13. infussle said:

    at least everyone got what they wanted.

  14. r7an: -9w- said:

    thought you might do this, sad to see you go dude.

  15. CrashSite: RIPMOULD said:

    I am sad for the depature of D2M, as far as I can tell eh did a very difficult job but it was apparant that he cared about the community and he was good at what he did. It is unlikely that we will get someone as good to replace him now that we as a community prove that we troll admins who care to the point where they leave. ETF2L has been one of the better communities out there, friendly in most respects and I ahve heard people say we are better than CS:S community and yet this has happened. I would really want D2M to reconsider but I completly understand the reasons behind his depature, maybe I should ahve spoken up in support before, but we have lsot a committed admin.

  16. kuma said:

    Sad day :(

    I don’t know you personally, but from what I experienced you did a good job.
    The only fault I can think of is that you sometimes spoke/acted impulsively.

    This is coming from someone who does this professionally as a community manager/planner/organizer for a well established video games company, so hopefully you can take positives from my comment rather than the obvious trolls that will follow.

    Good luck in the future!

  17. war: GlueEater said:

    i r sadface naow.

  18. Cheez said:

    Don’t blame you, but it’s a shame to see the flaming idiots win.

  19. Vali: -9w- said:

    Well this has ruined my day. What a daykiller.

  20. byte said:


    Don’t think people knew how much stuff D2M did for the league. I also feel very sorry now for Kop and Racio :( lost a good hard working head admin too.

    Matt you Sir are getting a man hug at i40 for all the donkeys years you’ve known me! xD

    Swifty is a known mature troll and Kaidus likes to debate alot (he should go on that T.V show Central Weekend :D)



  21. Slowriffs: LZ.war - |LZ.stew| said:

    Sad to see you go.

    Season 7 was the best season so far. Since it pretty much coincided with D2M being head admin, I am sure no small part of it is thanks to him!

  22. r7an: -9w- said:

    fuck sake Vali.

  23. TeleBear: k^m said:

    Free rafe

  24. waebi: ‹Con› said:


  25. Swifty: ξ(゜ヮ゜)ξ said:

    you did a lot of good. sad to see you go.

  26. gniedler: T4F - FuDoo :> said:

    a real tearjerker

  27. byte said:

    You have to earn it Waebi :D

    Only Xman and Dunc have got one at LAN :D:D:D:D:D

    And soon to be Mr D2M soz pal :p



  28. waebi: ‹Con› said:

    mmm gotta man up then :)

    Music to listen to while reading:

  29. F2 :]: Danmark said:

    sad to see how a few people can ruin it for everyone else… understandable decision though.

  30. infussle said:

    Because he’s the hero tf2 deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we’ll hunt him because he can take it. Because he’s not our hero. He’s a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.

  31. [½]³: elem.v - SNSD-jjang ♥ said:

    Sad to see you go indeed, hope you continue to play tf2 and compete in etf2l.

  32. sajh: [j]\\\' - [j]' said:




  33. honeymustard: Phase said:

    Life is a beautiful struggle
    People search through the rubble for a suitable hustle
    Some people using the noodle, some people using the muscle
    Some people put it all together, make it fit like a puzzle

  34. WildCard said:

    I wont pretend that im sad over this decission, but fairplay for attempting to stick with it, even if on many occassion i completley disagree with the way you do things.

    Hope next admin wont take to long to find, and be better suited.

  35. jason: PHX said:

    Shame it came to this.
    D2M – thanks for all your work during your stint as Head Admin.

  36. Iller: tGa said:

    Thank you D2M for the huge amount of time and effort you have put into the league and best of luck in the future.

    It’s very sad to see that there are so many people just wanting to insult, threaten and make the life harder for other people.
    But I guess that is one of the problem with the anonymity on internet. It is easy to hide behind aliases and avatars and behave in a way you would never do irl.

    Try creating something instead of destroying what others do, try to give a compliment instead of yet another insult. In the end you will feel better yourselves too.

  37. GibbZ: WOOOOO! said:

    Hmm… pure coincidence SC2 came out today aswell is it!!!!!!!!?


  38. kaidus: 7 - WiK? said:

    I’m not quite sure what I ever did besides argue my point and give a few sarcastic comments when it was swiftly snubbed out by authority rather than reason, but nonetheless I guess it’s the thougth that counts so thanks for trying to help the community.

  39. TeleBear: k^m said:


  40. Arie: (serveme.tf) - FB - [FB] said:

    Thanks for your work D2M. I’ll buy you a beer at i40.

  41. Swifty: ξ(゜ヮ゜)ξ said:

    I liked the part where it said “People such as kaidus and swifty, both of you have continually tormented me” where the only time i can see i maybe “tormented” him was during this braffle drama. Had no problems with him before, except for when he randomly banned me from his 2nd teams mumble for questioning a comment he made on the forum, which i never said anything negative towards him.

    Eitherway, other than this braffle drama, he did do alot of good work and i thank him for that, i’m sorry to see him quit for something so small.

  42. PureX: U-D-D said:


  43. PureX: U-D-D said:

    Netsky for headadmin!

  44. Kvoux: /./ - LEGO said:

    Pasta/Kvoux for headadmin!
    Vote for me and you shall receive tits.

  45. PureX: U-D-D said:


  46. helberg: Danmark - DANMARK said:


  47. EvilDinner: eureka said:

    Kvoux for PREZZZZZ!

  48. Kvoux: /./ - LEGO said:

    And if I get elected. There’s free orgasms and tits!

    D2M forgot a tl:dr what he was saying.

  49. mvp.: marco - ¤_¤ said:

    not good


  50. Atty: ORKZORKZORKZORK said:

    Can you now give back Klu’s login details?

  51. Jonni: [FB] said:

    You did great while it lasted D2M.
    A hard loss for ETF2L

  52. PureX: U-D-D said:

    Unban Quad!

  53. JvanW: =[IDK]= - =[IDK]= said:

    I know this guy for like 8 yrs now. Sad to see a guy like him pullign himself back due some peeps. As he knows aswell, Is that he can be impulsive. But on the other hand, he can understand some one elses situation and WILL take a look at that also.

    I wish you the best luck!! And thnx for the time you were around!

  54. Inuy: #sadboys said:

    Meh, not good at all, even if some decisions were questionable you did something in good faith.

    Ps: Can we ban some clueless idiots posting here?

  55. Poxie said:

    Damn it babe, what you doing to me? :(

  56. Gobby Jensen said:

    Pasta for HeadAdmin :)

  57. TherioN said:


  58. Mike: TEZC said:

    i like x files so i’m disappointed now, but just for the record could you do one of the books that politicians etc do explaining stuff? i’d buy!

  59. Noreille said:

    time for justice now

  60. Tapley: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Unlutty D2m, you were in the unfortuante position of being the most vocal admin and therefore the most noticed, so therefore blamed for everything bad that happened. Its a shame you bowed the pressure of a few retards shouting SHITCOCKS but i’d imagine after 7 months that can become incredibly grating.

    You were in a position of damned if you do and damned if you dont, that was never going to change so its fair enough to bail.

    Gl to you and there will be beer at I40! No one will say anything at lan as the spastics spamming on here are all sweaty pale downs russian keyboard warriors, and are unlikely to leave the house.

  61. Inuy: #sadboys said:

    Gl to you and there will be beer at I40! No one will say anything at lan as the spastics spamming on here are all sweaty pale downs danish keyboard warriors, and are unlikely to leave the house.

    Fixed :) and +1

  62. sd_ said:

    Ah, sad. :(

  63. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    Happy now?
    I think you made a good job, D2M… Sad to see you throw in the towel.
    Thanks for your dedication.

  64. LUPUS said:

    Sucks man, as much as I love you Matt you made some questionable decisions, though I do think resigning is abit extreme.

  65. LUH-3417: GoT<3 - HoT<3 said:

    Sad to see you go. Regardless of what anyone might think about certain decisions, it’s a damn shame to leave in this way after all the work you’ve done for ETF2L. Thanks for your dedication.

  66. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    Sigh the idiots and trolls win again.

    Good luck to D2M.

  67. randa said:

    I for one am sad to see you go I could always see you had the best interest of the league at heart and you put a lot of time and dedication into what you do. I was actually astounded at the responses in the thread concerning braffle, I for one would love to see any of them try and run a gaming league in their spare time for no financial gain. Gl for the future.

  68. danielsan: epx^ - Panda said:

    d2ms probably one of the most professional and dedicated admins ive come accross in the 7 years that ive been involved in esports, how you guys can say some of the things you say is beyond me…and now youve forced him to do this. well done guys – great job!

  69. karit said:

    Trolls and idiots are ruining the league, now people will want that D2M comes back…

  70. RaCio: GoT² said:

    I doubt people will realize how much d2m has done for this league. He has been the power behind many great changes in the past and changes still to come.

  71. DouGie: CotC said:

    ah sad to see this, really hope etf2l can recover from this. Thanks for all the hours you put into this D2M, such a shame people can’t see that. cu@lan :)

  72. mini said:

    I think you are pro!

  73. reCon said:

    bye D2M =(

  74. cami: LDLC.com said:

    oh no :( bb mate

  75. Adam`: DUCS said:

    I liked the bit where everyone waited until he’d resigned to say what a great guy he is.

    Thanks, Cheers, that was great. Those words really do mean a lot to people who give up vast amounts of their time and effort, for free. Try to remember that next time someone does you a favour.

  76. ilike2spin: RLM said:

    Skyride you’re a great guy for making pickups!

  77. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:

    K, I’ll be admin then.

    (Better yet, Admirable the man)

  78. myNax said:

    This is bullshit tbh. For all I know, D2M did a hell of a job as the headadmin and shouldn’t be stepping down because of some retards who couldn’t stop bitching around. I hope those pricks feel guilty, because they should!
    Thanks for everything you did for the tf2 community and I wish you all the best!

    Also: Netsky for headadmin!

  79. irfy: EPA said:

    Oh this is bad :[

  80. WìLL said:

    Sad day. Thank you for all. BB

  81. SlovEng said:

    good luck in the future mate!

  82. lolage: TSPAG said:

    Pathetic really, people moan about the css community – but us, the tf2 community have just drove our best head admin around the bend with stupid pathetic troll comments. Annoying thing is, that half the people who say them wouldn’t even have the balls to say half the shit to him face to face.

    Good luck in whatever you do next D2M.

  83. Mike: TEZC said:

    when the tough gets going…

  84. Slick: Epsilon said:

    D2M come to the idk? corner :D I’ll let you have a hug from Extremer which is worth a shit LOAD!

    Would actually hope you would stick this through, will always be annoying people…its sadly part of gaming.

  85. Slick: Epsilon said:

    I liked the bit where everyone waited until he’d resigned to say what a great guy he is.

    People who think positively of D2M’s work rarely take the time to start posting, its how things work. You will always hear alot more the negative small minority then the positive huge majority.

  86. Pedman: sextant said:

    Its just a game really, cant se how you people have the time wining on forums, wining for life and wining about a damn game.

    I respect D2M and have always done, I know how hard it is to run a community and take shit from people, but in the end its just a
    hobby and should not affect the real life.

    Take care in the future, get married and have a lots of kids, like you should.

    Pedman out!

    Best regards!

  87. Slick: Epsilon said:

    pffff quote thing didnt work…top sentence quoted from someone :D

  88. Marik said:

    See what you did, you ——- trolls ? And after that you’re to much blind to see everything D2M did for us … ? D2M should stay, you should get out !
    Bye D2M, have fun at i40 !

  89. Extremer said:

    [20:52:04pm] @Slicks k i just shaved my garden
    [20:52:10pm] @Slicks :D
    [20:52:22pm] @Slicks and no i aint talking about my pubic hair!

    Not sure if it’s safe to have social interactions with Slick!

  90. Ash: cc// - cc// said:

    Sad for this to happen, D2M many thanks for all the work you have done for our community, its a shame that some people are never happy with anything that happens.
    Good luck in the future :P

  91. Congrats GAW... said:

    […] […]

  92. Dante said:

    wp trolls just wp

  93. Bve said:

    A man in your position should be able to block out the stupid comments, and always believe in your own opinion, that’s what makes governmental figures such bastards to brake down, So maybe your not the right guy for the job.

    Don’t take this as a negative, but maybe it will help you in the future for something else!.

    A nice guy and a hard worker lost for the community.

  94. Adam`: DUCS said:

    A man in your position should be able to block out the stupid comments, and always believe in your own opinion, that’s what makes governmental figures such bastards to brake down

    Thats also why it is completely and utterly impossible to pose any alternative logical arguements to such people. If you care about what people in the community want, you’re also going to care when they flame you.

  95. Ox||mOr3 said:

    Bye D2M !
    Thanks a lot for all you did as Head Admin.


  96. Kop: [CiC] - CiC said:

    Some of you people are an absolute joke, None of you realise just how much work D2M did/does for this league, I am not afraid to admit that D2M is twice the admin i am, Does far more work and dedicates so much more time than i am able too and most the other admins too.

    D2M is going to be almost impossible to replace imo so i really hope some of you are happy as its gonna take some time to replace and get the amount of work he put in done.

  97. _Ben: ;? said:

    D2M did a hell of a lot for the community & it’s a shame that he’s chosen to step down.

    Snowie for head admin!

  98. Sneis said:

    gl and dont take too on too much work the rest of the admin team

  99. odin said:

    Terrorists Win

    Bad to see you quit, one of the main pilars of the ETF2L has fallen today :(

  100. Kop: [CiC] - CiC said:

    Some of you are just so blind, HE was the one that replied on the forums, the one that tried the hardest, exactly like daYkiller did and some of you drove him out too all because you dont agree with a decision, Cant you see that no-one is going to agree with everything, but why be such arseholes about it? Why the insults and threats? Why give someone such a hard time for doing something they think is helpful?

    I guess you will soon see how much the team will miss him and i just hope your happy then!

  101. Azdean: WTH!? said:

    D2M was an amazing head admin and its a shame to see him go and in my opinion ETF2L is gona go down hill from here.

    A head admin with this much dedication is just hard to find. So thank you to those who have played a part in D2M’s departure you’ve ruined it for everyone I hope you happy.

  102. Ino: dp. - dp. said:

    It’s so sad to see the trolls win :(

    And judging by some comments here the community is in a downward spiral, at least if this is the “fresh blood” we’ll get. Pathetic kids getting excited about tits…

  103. lolage: TSPAG said:

    “People who think positively of D2M’s work rarely take the time to start posting, its how things work. You will always hear alot more the negative small minority then the positive huge majority.”

    This is so true, don’t think I’ve ever posted a positive comment about about an issue involving D2M as I tend to not get involved in hindsight I/we should have probably made more positive comments but meh cant do anythign now – but anyway it may seem that the whole of ETF2L may be against you when infact its just the 5% of people who spend their precious time typing shit. If they have such good ideas, they can go ahead and be a head admin and make the decisions.

  104. Sonny Black: (Legend) - SUAVE said:

    sad times :(

  105. steve said:

    people make me sick, but this behaviour is no surprise. i hope the fuckin cunts responsible for this feel ashamed for forcing someone to give up something they genuinely care about.

  106. bun said:

    “people make me sick, but this behaviour is no surprise” . That’s it .

  107. Galant: candy - Autism said:

    Buy D2M :-( Thanks for all.

  108. war: GlueEater said:

    Guys, don’t forget that D2M get’s paid for doing this and this is his full time job and the only thing he has got going on in his life, oh wait.



  109. SfynX: T2P said:

    D2M showed alot of courage and willingness to do what he has done, receiving “death” threats over a game…is simply ridiculous to even imagine, people need to grow up and see what D2M has done for us. I havnt really spoke as much with him however i can see from the great work he has done that he was dedicated and “credit to the admin team”!

    GL in your future endeavours Matty!

  110. D2M slutar som huvudadmin för ETF2L : Team Fortress 2 (TF2) på Onlinegamer.se said:

    […] Officiellt meddelande på ETF2L […]

  111. hapha said:

    This is really quite pathetic, I haven’t been here long and I’m sure no one gives a toss about my opinion but I’ve lurked near enough since the beginning (yes im that sad) and one thing in particular I’ve learnt about a large portion of the tf2 community is how incredibly hypocritical, insincere and down-right nonsensical a lot of them are… shit, you guys need to grow up, its the fucking internet okay why cant we all just get along

    gl d2m

  112. biohazard: IDK said:

    “Buy D2M”

    hey I want one, in fact I’ll pay 50 pounds for one.

    Ok seriously now – people should be aware of commitment bloke made. But hey, maybe someone with my attitude will replace him: swing the ban hammer at everyone I don’t like.

  113. WildCard said:

    hmm d2m did do that :) – too biohazard :)

  114. Head Hunter said:

    wow, just wow. All he has ever tried to do is good; and we just shove shit in his face. As for Braffle/Broder, he has nothing to gain by doing what he has been accused of. gl D2M

  115. shifty: Sir said:

    Big loss imo.

    Shame people are so simple minded and can join a bandwagon just because others are.

    Gl bro!

  116. electrizzity said:

    bye D2M , thx 4 all !

  117. Ghent: Team said:

    Tf2 i am dissapoint.

  118. stuntz said:

    D2M dont quit :p leave the 5% of shitnerds in their corner and come back for the 95% of fans :D

  119. Linus: [d¿s] - 007 said:


  120. bulletproofsmurf: Vuze. said:

    If you accept a position such as this, a certain degree of abuse is kind of inevitable, so I don’t have much sympathy. But death threats? That is just way too far and if I were you D2M I would name names. Put them up on this comments thread and they’ll just get completely ostracised from the community.

  121. Daggial: fap said:

    RaCio 4 president!

  122. Rob- said:

    Massive loss for ETF2L

  123. Bash said:

    Hi whoever is in charge now could you please allow gunboats because soldier is boring as shit without them.


  124. D2M: vertex » - derptex9 said:

    If you accept a position such as this, a certain degree of abuse is kind of inevitable, so I don’t have much sympathy. But death threats? That is just way too far and if I were you D2M I would name names. Put them up on this comments thread and they’ll just get completely ostracised from the community.

    Nah, there would be very little point in doing that. As I said in the wall of text, I don’t hold any grudges. If people felt that what I was doing was so bad that they had to email me from anonymous email addresses and call me all sorts of names/make silly threats, that’s up to them. It didn’t bother me so much as it disappointed me.

    But that’s in the past now anyway :)

    Many thanks for the pleasant comments on here. I completely didn’t expect it and to be honest they were awesome to hear. Certainly cheered me up last night! x

  125. tentaclerape: KURT! said:


    I lol’d hard

  126. HELMTU said:

    gl d2m

  127. Pyle said:

    Swifty should arrange all the default dates from now on!

  128. Desann: Royal` - Argo said:

    Good luck for you in the future, too! Shame it had to end like this…

  129. xyAfro: \V/ Gold said:

    good luck for you in the future!

  130. _`mnl: 50829 said:

    “community cried out for a summer season, he gave it, he got flamed for it. He was a great admin, brought in some great things to help the community, MNM etc. Can’t see etf2l finding someone better to replace him imo”

    This comment on cadred sums it up pretty much. Sad to see a good admin like D2M leave

    I also like the idea about forcing Swifty and Kaidus to arrange default dates :D deserves them right

  131. Vode said:

    Cheers D2M and GL

  132. achy said:

    Got nothing but good words to say about matt and im sure that the same goes for all the other “TFCers” known him about 7/8 years. has done a great job at ETF2L, gl matt

  133. ZeyOrk said:

    Oh shit dude. This is a sad day for gaming. I still love ya tough, and I know how much u participated for this community, but as unlucky as u were, ppl didnt see the tings u contributed with, they rather tried to talk down to u, which is really fucked upp.

    I still love ya, and I am gonna make a trance-mix for ya <3

  134. Grimbar said:


  135. Vladi: TIDS said:

    well written speech, d2m.
    i dont know a lot about you – but just taken this speech, i think that it is sad that you have resigned from being an admin.
    i wish you all the best.
    no homo.

  136. Norris said:

    D2M is a legend. Still remember when he was in 7th-med…:) Very dedicated and close to the voices of the community. Cheers for the work and all the best mate.

  137. Numerical said:

    Ooh it is a sad day! How could this happen?

  138. LuckyLuke: UbeR | said:


    so many weird people in this community.. :x

  139. thunder: NTeam said:

    we will miss you, but we have racio and kop :)

  140. Squeak said:

    <3 x

  141. Chris: (0v0) said:


  142. Chris: (0v0) said:



  143. konr: idd. said:


  144. D2M: vertex » - derptex9 said:

    That’s fucking awesome Chris <3 :D

  145. kaidus: 7 - WiK? said:

    “I also like the idea about forcing Swifty and Kaidus to arrange default dates :D deserves them right.”

    It would be my pleasure. I applied for a position that I imagine entaled not a lot else, however D2M’s personal distaste for me prevented me from undertaking such a chore :<.

  146. gibix: iH said:

    i dont know you that well, but i also understand the reason behind your departure, i once was an admin on esl for CSS and the benelux community site gamelux, where i had to endure the same comments and flames as every admin. Its a dirty job to be an admin thats true

    and what you are saying about the tf2 scene a better scene is then the css scene, i can say with great experience that its completely true, the 1.6 scene en css scene (at least in the benelux) is the worst scene ever, nobody gives eachother credit, all they do is banter and flame eachother, therefore im glad i switched to TF2

    gl in the future

  147. jaydee said:

    How much of a sandy vagina must someone have to make death threats over a game?

  148. randa said:

    The sandiest

  149. L!nc0ln said:

    I also have been an ETF2L Admin (don’t know if anyone still reminds this), but personally I can say: No Admin cared as much about the league as D2M did!! He was spending most of his free time to do the admin jobs no one wanted to do (you find those Jobs everywhere), he had so many plans to improve the league system and he was involved in nearly every importand and also not so important action the league was going through. He showed this motivation a long time before he became a Head Admin, and he deserved to get Head Admin. He is a pleasant guy, and he did more for the league than you (especially you haters) will never get.

    It’s sad to hear you leave the staff D2M, but you have your reasons, and no one should judge you therefore. Good luck for all you gonna do, the staff will leave probably it’s best admin.

  150. Doggman: F.TF2 said:

    find kaidus and string him by his ballsack! (i joke, i joke:) )
    Bye D2M and thanks for all you did :)

  151. Andee: GoT<3 - HoT<3 said:

    I vouch for a D2M comeback petition.. I’lll even donate a free lapdance ;-)
    Sorry to see you go D2M. Cheers for your work!

    And good luck to the rest of the ETF2L Admin-team.