ETF2L Radio Casts ESH Final Tonight at 21.15 CET
March 22, 2010
this is etf2l radio
Following the success of our game commentary last week, we thought that it was about time for another evening of TF2 casting, this time at even more short notice! Tonight we’ll be covering the €500 ESH Sapphire Challenge Final between reigning ESH champs I Don’t Know? and four time ETF2L winners
Team Dignitas.
Your casters tonight will be Evil, soldier for the top Division 1 team
what women want,
Anderson of The Direct Hit and
Team Vertex, and myself, Cadred writer and ETF2L admin,
Jimmy Breeze.
Join us tonight for a bit of banter, analysis, and hopefully some post-match interviews too. See you there!
- Starting at 21.15 CET
- SourceTV:
- Mumble cast: / port 64740 / password: spuf
record it. I’d fancy something to wank to.
+1 record pls
yeah record it pleeeez
Bah, I should stop mistaking that time for GMT :3
hah i did the same, morphine
It’s been recorded.
If someone can provide the STV you can sync them up yourself.
Recording will be uploaded after the post-match interviews have finished.
Why such short notice all the time :(
When will the stv demos be delivered?
STV Demos @
(warning: granary starts at tick 380000, and the badlands demo is 158MB)