Season 7 Status and Config – Admin search – Award Winners
February 1, 2010
Season 7: A big welcome to 330 teams!
The European Team Fortress 2 League and it’s admins are glad to be able to welcome 330 participating teams to the 7th ETF2L season sponsored by Steelseries.
Below you will find a list with the teams and their divisions. If your team is not on the list, don’t worry, there is still a huge chance you will be able to replace one of the teams that will fold at the start of this season. The exact divisions and fixtures will be published along with the announcement of the prizes in a newspost next weekend. The first week will start on the 8th of February and it’s schedule deadline will be on Sunday the 14th.
Season 7 – Provisional Divisions
The provisional divisions have been sorted for Season 7 – Provisional Divisions
This has been an exhaustive task, as there were unfortunately a large number of teams that signed up for Season 7 and have subsequently got less than 5 players in their team. We have replaced any team with less than 5 players left in their line-up. The teams with 5 players – you must have 6 players in your squad by Sunday 7th February 2010 or you will be replaced by a team on the waiting list.
As usual, there will likely be some teams unhappy with the divisional level they have been placed in. If you wish to discuss this, please send me an email to: d2m [at] In your email, please link us to any supporting screenshots/evidence to help with your argument to be moved divisions. I’d greatly appreciate it if you could give a link to download the screenshots, not attach them to your email. This is an invitation to discuss your team’s position with us and allow us to better place your team should we feel it is necessary. Please note that rage posting on the forum or news comments will not assist your team in any way.
Config Update
In the great updates valve has blessed us with 2 new commands drew our attention. The first one turns off the random spread pattern of weapons like the shotgun and uses a fixed pattern instead. The second one allows the use of the ingame voice-chat for talking to your team, even while you are dead. Both are perfect for competitive gaming. And the official ETF2L config will therefore be updated with those 2 commands. Please update your server with this new version of our config and use it in any upcoming Cup, Ladder and League matches.
-> [Official ETF2L League Config] <-
Admin search
As our league is ever expanding the ETF2L will be looking for new league and anti-cheat admins to strengthen our staff. _Ben has joined the Admin team this weekend, and we are looking for a couple more admins to assist us with a number of competitions and ideas for 2010.
If you are interested in joining our team please send an email to d2m[at] with the following details:
- ETF2L Nickname
- Real name, age and nationality
- Spoken languages (average english required)
- Past admin experience (crucial for AC-admins)
- Motivation: why do you want to join our team?
Season 6 Award Winners
As the start of a fresh new season comes closer we still have to honour the winners of the awards for season 6. TCM-gaming’s Zerox deserves a special spotlight for being voted player and scout of the season. He is also the only non-Finnish player that won one of this seasons class votes. Our congratulations to the winners and a big thanks to everyone who voted.
Team awards:
- Most Surprising Team –
illegal! (Division 1)
- Fairplay Award –
CantFitMyN (Division 6i)
- Most Disappointing Drop –
Team CoolerMaster (Division 1 – old lineup)
- Division 3 team of the Season –
Monster Munch
- Division 4 team of the Season –
- Division 5 team of the Season –
Monkey Gamers
- Division 6 team of the Season –
Player awards:
- Player of the season
Zerox (TCM-Gaming)
- Most Underrated Player –
Gdk (Recapture)
- Demoman of the Season –
Hymzi (illegal!)
- Medic of the Season –
Kyynel (Power Gaming)
- Scout of the Season –
Zerox (TCM-Gaming)
- Soldier of the Season –
Hocz (illegal!)
- Biggest scandal –
boomeh caught cheating
As a final note, many thanks to _Ben, Racio and Anrolif who stayed up very late to finalise the divisions and get them posted for you as soon as we possibly could. Without them, you wouldn’t be able to read this news post and look at the divisions over your breakfast.
my monkey helped
let the rage over placements begin
gj guys
Looking forward to playing against some seriuos opponents this season :)
Holy shit! Pretty hard to find a team, which played at least 3 seasons o_o
Yep, too :)
[…] פתיחת העונה השביעית של ETF2L, פורסמה החלוקה לדיביזיות של […]
gz Zerox =)
good job , admin team =D
pretty !
yay! :)
yay we got a place <3
Good job guys.
Luckly im in.
[…] ETF2L Leave a […]
Thanks alot admins for staying up late and fixing the divs, also big congratulations to Zerox for both of his awards.
I would like to thank my family, my friends AND etf2l for the div2 spot! :)
best regards – Pedman
A bit sad that we didn’t get a spot,but it’s okay. Thanx to admins of ETF2L for all the stuff they’re doing=)
From what I can tell, the seedings look real good.
Gj Admins! Looking forward to season 7.
gj admins
i think div 4 is the most exciting divsion
Good job to D2M too tbh, busted his ass to get the seedings 99% correct. However he’s still racist towards Syrian ppl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p j/k!
Looks perfect, GJ here admins and thanks for the late hours yesterday !!
Hmm, some weird teams in div4, Electric Feel, Game Control and Volatile Gaming, namechanges or misspelled?
Volatile Gaming have changed name to Twisted Play, Electric Feel is Lonely team, but Game Control seems dropped, answered my own question ;)
Who gives a shit about the divs, gz _Ben!
well done admins
gj admins ^_^ Nice work and grats _Ben
relative team signed up 10 and we arent in… gg etf2l
If you’re read all of the news posts, you would have noticed that the position you signed up in had absolutely nothing to do with whether you’d get into this season or not :)
I found my team in the list, but Admin panel still says we are in the wait list.
I am doing it wrong?
Div 5 here we come!…………….In the meantime lets play some ladder wars.
n2o-gaming dropped as well… They have only 2 players left in their roster
eMpabaddies in div2! gg :D
They needed a team to give the rest of div2 a snooze week : >
gz Zerox :)
Well, do the Admins rly think its fair for all that some teams selected who got not even 6 man in the roster?
I read them over dinner, I hope that’s acceptable too.
It’s all part of the etf2l special needs program Admi :D
A number of those teams have probably folded/dropped without bothering to tell us. Which was the same with 20-25 teams who signed up for the league and then vanished, telling us nothing and expecting us to have to check each team page to see if they could still play.
Any teams with less than 5 on their roster should be removed already. Any team with 5 players has until Sunday 7th February 2010 to get 6 players otherwise they will be replaced.
Pro tip for teams looking to get into Season 7: Email me using the details in the news post, with screenshots etc. Also, if you have any ladder games played – you will have a better chance :)
internecine has been spelt wrong :D
Glad D2M had the balls to put vertex in div3 after what happened last season, well deserved. Bit pissed on behalf of Piggy Bankers who finished 3rd above vT in 4th yet vT are promoted and Piggy Bankers aren’t. Obviously the 2 div 1 players added to vT’s roster couldn’t be ignored and it’s probably the right decision. Also Team Stinson finished 3rd in a division with less teams and they are promoted. That’s my only whine.. gota feel for those bankers :[
There’s currently one space in Division 3…. and about half a dozen teams that want it! Piggy Bankers are welcome to email us and stake their claim for the spot too :)
The majority of changes that have been made, were done so through the screenshots/emails received by teams that requested a change and an team decision from the admins.
I’ll sort that spelling in a bit mate!
sektor for div 3 gogo :)
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Northwave GA and ETF2L, CantFitMyN. CantFitMyN said: Whee! CantFitMyN won the etf2l Fairplay award! […]
Congrats boomeh, you made me proud.
go CantFitMyN !!
D2M mate,
Where can I send an email to, because I’m not seeing any contact information here. Thanks in advance.
Cheers Noe.
Under Season 7 – Provisional Divisions:
As usual, there will likely be some teams unhappy with the divisional level they have been placed in. If you wish to discuss this, please send me an email to: d2m [at] In your email, please link us to any supporting screenshots/evidence to help with your argument to be moved divisions. I’d greatly appreciate it if you could give a link to download the screenshots, not attach them to your email.
Ah never mind,
Not wanna discuss switching divisions. But to enter the league. Not going to bother you then, you must be busy with mails already.. *continues grinding nails again and hoping to get in*
Good luck to all already in :)
You can still email me about that mate :) Email away!
Question: All Fixtures show wrong maps. Shouldnt be first week Granary and Gorge? Or was it that all maps mentioned in the news a while ago would be randomized?
Maps are correct.